Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston


General John Kelly: "He said that, in his opinion, Mr. Trump met the definition of a fascist, would govern like a dictator if allowed, and had no understanding of the Constitution or the concept of rule of law."

Monday, July 15, 2024



JD Vance quotes directed at Trump. 

 “I’m a never Trump guy, I never liked him” 

 “My God what an idiot” 



 “Trump might be America’s Hitler” 

 Great VP pick by Trump. Beware JD. Trump tried to hang Mike Pence‼️

Dear Senator Vance,

Trump wanted his armed mobs to HANG his last VP.

Good luck.


skudrunner said...

That is to bad I was hoping it would be Tulsi or Nikki.
Don't know a thing about Vance except he is young and has been in the senate for short period of time so he doesn't have decades of paybacks to do. Hope he has a stiff backbone. Since politics is all about positioning to certain groups I am at a loss to figure out which group he is pandering to. I would think Nikki, Tulsi or Scott would be a better pick but at least he is not 75 years old and can complete a sentence.

Shaw Kenawe said...

BREAKING: For the first time in American history, the Republican party has officially nominated a convicted felon as its presidential candidate at the Republican National Convention.

What a horrible choice by Republicans, and a dark day for American history.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Trump has selected far-right MAGA extremist JD Vance as his running mate.

Vance is a 2020 election denier, supports a national abortion ban, and voted against IVF access.

Shaw Kenawe said...

skudrunner: "I am at a loss to figure out which group he is pandering to."

Oh, obviously the Evangelical hypocrites! Vance is a major hypocrite. Just read what he said about Trump, and now he wants to be Trump's very own lackey, just like Pence was.

I hope he keeps an eye on anyone near him who carries a noose.

Dave Dubya said...

Trump’s VP candidate J.D. Vance in 2016:

“But I’m not surprised by Trump’s rise, and I think the entire party has only itself to blame. We are, whether we like it or not, the party of lower-income, lower-education white people, and I have been saying for a long time that we need to offer those people SOMETHING (and hell, maybe even expand our appeal to working-class black people in the process) or a demagogue would. We are now at that point. Trump is the fruit of the party’s collective neglect.”

I go back and forth between thinking Trump is a cynical asshole like Nixon who wouldn't be that bad (and might even prove useful) or that he's America's Hitler. How's that for discouraging?”

Born again neo-Nazi Reichsmarschall Vance thinks "America's Hitler" is a good thing now.

They are ALL authoritarians and sociopaths, often both.

See resident sociopath -FJ/Joe Con and authoritarian Skud.

Sam said...

All past words are forgotten when he has a great chance of being Vice-president and maybe a future president.

Shaw Kenawe said...

A friend left this in an email:

Nikki Haley would’ve been the smart pick and would have given Trump access to the suburban women and minority voters that he needs.

Nikki Haley received a large percentage of the protest vote against Trump during the primaries and would have helped to bring those voters back to him.

Instead, Donald Trump picks a boring white guy with very little experience and whose greatest skill is kissing Trump’s ass.

JD Vance loses voters among these key constituents:

Jewish voters: JD Vance once called Trump “America’s Hitler.” Try living that one down.

Women: JD Vance supports a national abortion ban with no exceptions for rape or incest.

Gays: JD Vance doesn’t believe in gay marriage.

Black voters: JD Vance is a proponent of white supremacist Great Replacement Theory.

Independent voters: JD Vance supports Russia’s war on Ukraine

This pick was a huge mistake for Trump and a big win for Biden. Let’s go get joe and reelected

Les Carpenter said...

Vance... right on. Before the GOP and MAGA hypocrisy grabbed him where the power urge resides.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

The pick was logical as Trump always panders to his base. His base will love this guy. He would have risked pissing members of the base off by picking anyone close to moderate.
As for Vance, when it was politically expedient he hated Trump. When it became the thing to do he became a magat. If Skuds is consistent he will hate this two faced politician.

Shaw Kenawe said...

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly, "If Skuds is consistent he will hate this two faced politician."

Skud liked Nikki Haley or Tulsi Gabbard for VP.

Both of them hypocrites like Vance who denigrated Trump and then ended up kissing his posterior. Tulsi left the Democratic Party when she didn't get the Democratic nomination in 2020 and became a Trump worshipping MAGA.

Shaw Kenawe said...


Yup. Vance apparently admires felons, rapists, and tax cheats.

Dave Miller said...

These GOP folks are clowns. Vance, after saying Trump was a "cynical asshole" and could be "America's Hitler" said comments from Biden calling Trump a threat to democracy and someone who wants fascism led to Trump's shooting.

Based on Vance's prior comments, wasn't Biden just agreeing with the new VP nominee?

And this from Ron Johnson, Sen. from Wisconsin after being asked about a line in a speech today at the RNC convention which included a line accusing Democrats of being a “clear and present danger to our institutions, our values and our people” — rhetoric Republicans have claimed they planned to tone down at the convention following the assassination attempt on Trump.

Johnson said he had changed his speech to focus on unity, but the teleprompter showed the old version so that’s what he read out loud.


That was after Speaker Johnson, who has ridiculed Pres Biden for relying on a teleprompter and not being able to speak "ad-lib" like Trump, walked off the stage when the teleprompter went down during his speech.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Hey, Z-Man, don't just lurk.

You're welcome to give your opinion. I welcome opposing views, as long as they're not insulting, hateful, or pornographic.

I'm not like Geeez. Only people who agree with her are allowed on her blog. LOL!

Anonymous said...

A man DIED while ATTENDING A TRUMP RALLY, catching the bullet intended for Donald Trump, and that sleazy pos hasn't even called the family yet? Are you effing kidding me?

Shaw Kenawe said...

Re: The JD Vance choice,

Well, Trump has the MAGA vote wrapped up for sure, including those who want 10-year old girls who are raped to carry the product of that rape to term and give birth.

You can look that up. Vance supports that.

Also, Vance supports felons, rapists, tax cheats, thieves, and a guy who wanted his last VP hanged.

All of those are current MAGA Republican values.


Shaw Kenawe said...

Prerna Jagadeesh

I knew that JD Vance would be the pick because he compared Trump to Hitler and his wife is a non-Christian, elite-educated career woman. Trump can't resist the opportunity to make fools of the people he elevates by turning them into rank hypocrites.

Les Carpenter said...


And yet they come, asking for more.

Dave Miller said...

Vance... no exceptions for an abortion in the case of rape, abuse or incest. NONE. As he says, "Two wrongs do make a right."

Vance would not have certified the 2020 election, per his statements.

Per his statements, he wants to completely end all funding going to Ukraine.

We should also recall a few blasts from the past from some of conservative friends...

For you youngsters who may not remember, in the run up to the 2008 and 2020 elections, the Mothership Sailors and other conservatives said of Barack Obama and Kamala Harris, that their relative short time in the Senate was not enough to prepare them for the presidency.

I guess those folks were lying, wrong, or seeing the success of those two, changed their minds. Because now they are in love with JD Vance, a Yale educated populist with only 18 months of government experience.


Shaw Kenawe said...

Dave M. and Les,

Trump was elected to the presidency with no experience in government. And what is worse, no understanding of how our system works, what the Constitution is, and no human decency or self-discipline.

And this country has had to deal with that chaos since he descended the escalator.

It's been non-stop.

Les Carpenter said...

And it will continue. Even beyond Trump's passing I'm sure.

The christo-facist mentality is solidified in a significant enough numbers to insure its continued chaos and divisive agenda well into the future.

skudrunner said...

Ms. Shaw, Trump having no experience in government was one reason he won. People thought he would be different than career politicians and he was wealthy enough to not be bought like all the other politicians. After all look how it has worked from someone who had over 40 year of being a corrupt politician.

Trumps selection of VP has gone over the top. I'm sure he was advised against selecting someone who was a younger him. Of course he didn't listen and selected a severe right wing loon. He should have learned from biden and selected a women preferably one of color but he doesn't listen to anyone. Although kamala was a horrible choice it checked two boxes that biden needed to win. Now we will have biden and harris for a couple more years until he retires and then the incompetent VP will be in control. Not a great future for the country.

Dave Miller said...

Skud... you are correct regarding Trump. He did win because conservatives, and not a majority of the US ppl, wanted a person without government experience.

However, it is also fair to say that those same people were dismissive of Obama in the 2008 campaign because of his relative inexperience in government.

How do we reconcile that? It seems that when the GOP has ppl with little or no government experience, like Trump and Vance, it's good. But when that person is a Dem, "God forbid!"

And you're right on another matter as well... Trump listens to no one. It seems to prevalent in this year's campaign, because if Biden listened to ppl, he'd be stepping down. Sooner rather than later.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Just a reminder:

Trump called his MAGA buddy RFK Jr but didn’t bother calling the widow of the man who died at his own rally

Notably, President Biden did.