Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston


General John Kelly: "He said that, in his opinion, Mr. Trump met the definition of a fascist, would govern like a dictator if allowed, and had no understanding of the Constitution or the concept of rule of law."

Thursday, July 18, 2024

JD Vance was wildly applauded...


after talking about his grandmother leaving 19 loaded handguns stashed all over the house. He said, "That's the American spirit," to more applause.

The leading cause of death in American children is firearms. And a great many of those deaths are from unsecured firearms left around American homes where young children and teens can find them and accidently kill themselves, their siblings, parents, or anyone else unlucky enough to be near them.

Vance calls this horror "The American Spirit." And, sadly, it is. It is the "American Spirit" not to give a flying donut over the shameful fact that our children are being killed by unsecured and readily available guns.

The current Republican Party joyfully applauded Vance's story about his grandmother's irresponsible stupidity.

No. The parties are NOT the same.


Les Carpenter said...

Ignorance leads in the GOP.

The nation WILL pay the ultimate price for its ignorance and confusion.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

So, beginning with Byung-Chul Han's, "the terror of the same". Roughly, if I were to simplify the the central argument of the book, it's about the opposition between two tendencies, or two kinds of logic. One: the logic of the same, imposition of the same, the hegemony of the same. And the other tendency, one that "regards the other", where the same, the logic of the same, is being criticized and where uh the tendency to assimilate everything into one and the same world view, one and the same frame of mind, that excludes what doesn't fit in. It expels what doesn't fit in it. And one way to exclude, that doesn't look like excluding, is when we misrepresent something that we are apparently including, but we are including a mere image of it, a judgment (strawman) of it that is effectively a way of excluding it. Here you might remember there is an old interview with Slavoj Zizek in which Zizek says, "You know, I'm very popular, I'm famous and popular, but I'm popular for being a funny philosopher, funny speaker, and making a lot of dirty jokes, and my image as a clown is a way of repressing me, is a way of dismissing me." So, that's a really good example of how a way of representing someone despite their popularity can be a way of excluding them from serious conversation, from serious engagement.

Les Carpenter said...


However, if we simply forego judgment, accept the reality that all compound phenomenon are impermanent and constantly changing, and let things be as they unfold with a sterling eye view towards truth and honesty we would be far better off methinks.

Dave Dubya said...

Here we are.

The "Law and order team" (Another BIG LIE) is loyal to gang of criminals and eager to empower them beyond anything known to our republic.

Les Carpenter said...

Indeed Dave.

But as yesterday's thread clearly indicates, BOTH "sides" do love their country and want what the best for our country.

Unfortunately only one party currently has any credibility. The other is SO steeped in hypocrisy and lies that it cannot be trusted.

And we know exactly which is which.

Joe Conservative said...

But what is the truth of the Other, Les? I suggest you now acknowledge your discursive position and apply the Lacanian formula for locating the truth.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Shannon Watts:

"Once a day in the US, a child under age 18 accesses a loaded gun and unintentionally shoots themself or someone else.

The two age groups most likely to unintentionally shoot themselves or others are high schoolers, followed by preschoolers ages five and younger."

Joe Conservative said...

In 2022 there were 49 preventable accidental gun deaths in the US in the 1-4 age range, 35 in the 5-14 age range, and 120 in the 15-24 age range. That's 204 total for the under 25 group.

That's not "once a day".

Dave Miller said...

I could be flip Shaw and say those deaths are part of the price we pay for freedom.

But I won't.

I will say this though... we seem to be living in an age where nothing can be considered an accident. It's true, no matter how much we wish it were not so, but accidents do happen. Bad stuff happens. Not every parent is able, or willing to police their kids life 24/7, either personally, or with a nanny or caregiver.

Parents, hopefully, do the best they can with the tools and experiences they've been given and seen modeled. Sadly, sometimes those examples weren't very good.

In our culture, apparently there is no willingness to limit gun access, or even think seriously about changes in policy as it relates to gun ownership, even if that means continued deaths of children and others.

I don't like it, don't condone, and wish it were different.

But it's not.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

You gotta give the people what they want. Political speeches are far more about entertainment and eliciting a loud and positive response than an academic exercise. To expect anything of substance from JD or Trump is a fools errand.

Les Carpenter said...

Well, I shall consider it. However, I trust my experiential knowledge gained through meditation and contemplative experience.

As I might has mentioned, I listen, consider, and act/decide.

I've given up allowing those who attempt to condition, provide conditioning.

Les Carpenter said...

Accidents do happen. As all phenomena happen. In the cases of accident their may have been no way to prevent them.

But why the hell minor children have firearms available for them to access falls to the ignorance of their parent(s) IMNHO.

Politics and much of the media are mostly interested in entertainment. Provide entertainment and win friends, influence people, and the votes follow.

Lisa said...

Probably not a good idea to bring something like that up in a political speech although where she lived she probably needed to have herself secure. that's a way of life for those people in those areas. it's not like some gang banger would break into her house in Appalachia to go steal a gun.
Plus probably not so much to protect yourself from people as much as it could be from a wild animal as well, particularly a bear.
Plus if somebody is trying to break in it's not like she's going to be able to call the cops and they'll be there in 10 or even 15 minutes

Shaw Kenawe said...

The point, Lisa, is that the loaded guns were unsecured. Any kid could get hold of on of those 19 guns and kill granny or themself.

That’s why much of the leading cause of death for American children is firearms. Stupid adults leave them loaded and unsecured.

Mike said...

Leave it to the GOPers to brag about how stupid they are.

Les Carpenter said...

The Coronation of King Donald the First has commenced.

If only we all had a dollar for every lie he told tonight.

What is clear is he's convinced himself November will be a colossal victory.

Biden, if he stays in, the cost him his legacy and our nation it's democracy.

Lisa said...

I know what you're saying but that's life in those areas .I'm sure it happens less around there than it does in the inner cities and suburbs

Dave Dubya said...

See how -Fj converts "unintentionally shoots themself or someone else" into fatalities to dispute the "once a day" statement.

Aren't triple digits of dead children enough?

The wounded children don't seem to count with him, either.

Dave Miller said...

Les... your statement perfectly illustrates the problem...

But why the hell minor children have firearms available for them to access falls to the ignorance of their parent(s) IMNHO.

Because we cannot discipline parents because there is a strong lobby in this country that believes parents can do whatever they want to their kids. And whatever it is, it is not the govenrment's issue.

So here we are.

Craig said...

it's not like some gang banger would break into her house in Appalachia to go steal a gun

Mamaw lived in Middletown, Ohio, a suburb of Cincinnati, since 1950. Her house and all her loaded guns were not in Appalachia. Cincy might have a gang or two and lots of tweakers, and possibly a bear.

Joe Conservative said...

When I was in High School, one of my best friend's brothers shot himself in the leg with his dad's .45 pistol while trying to chamber a round. I was 16-17 at the time, and so I bought trigger locks for all my weapons. Problem solved.

As a kid, I was TRAINED in how to handle firearms, but it wasn't until I was in my 20's that I was REQUIRED to take a Hunter Safety course in order to get a hunting license and deer tag. Now, that's pretty di rigour in all 50 states.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

As for JD Vance... I missed it. The Trojan Horse was just rolled into MAGA. :((((((((

skudrunner said...

It is understandable why people who support Biden/Harris have issues with Vance. He came from a disfunctional home life in a drug infested neighborhood. He worked his way through a racist named law school then served the country. He got into politics by winning people over not sleeping with the rich and powerful. He was not selected to be the VP to check some boxes, has more political experience that guy who ran for president in 2008.
I can’t relate to living a drug ridden neighborhood living in fear of those around you but gun safety is on the rise to the point I keep mine in a safe.
He should spun it into a tale how grannies was eaten by a bear or cannibal followed by this is a true story.
If that is the only argument against Vance the democrats need to be concerned.

Dave Miller said...

Joe C... I appreciate that you're responsible.

What in your opinion, can we do about the others who will never get a trigger lock, take any classes and leave their kids vulnerable to a terrible accident that could've been prevented.

Do we, in the name of freedom, do nothing? Or does society and government have a responsibility to protect those kids?

Dave Miller said...

Lisa, here's the issue for a lot of libs.

The GOP and conservatives chastise liberals all the time for being willing to sacrifice "the most vulnerable" when it comes to abortion.

No law seems too extreme for some when it relates to the unborn. I applaud the desire to safeguard life. But aren't conservatives going with a double standard when they say, as you do, that "life in those areas"? Aren't those little lives just as precious and vulnerable as the unborn?

How do conservatives like yourself square a strong anti abortion stance for life, with a laissez-faire attitude towards infant lives when it comes to guns?

Is one life more valuable than another?

Thersites said...

The wounded children don't seem to count with him, either.

"Better" is the enemy of good enough.

Isaiah Berlin, "Letter to George Kennan)

All this may seem an enormous platitude, but, if it is true, this is, of course, what ultimately refutes utilitarianism and what makes Hegel and Marx such monstrous traitors to our civilisation. When, in the famous passage, Ivan Karamazov rejects the worlds upon worlds of happiness which may be bought at the price of the torture to death of one innocent child, what can utilitarians, even the most civilised and humane, say to him? After all, it is in a sense unreasonable to throw away so much human bliss purchased at so small a price as one--only one--innocent victim, done to death however horribly--what after all is one soul against the happiness of so many? Nevertheless, when Ivan says he would rather return the ticket, no reader of Dostoevsky thinks this cold-hearted or mad or irresponsible; and although a long course of Bentham or Hegel might turn one into a supporter of the Grand Inquisitor, qualms remain.

...and perfection? Impossible.

Les Carpenter said...

Marx is perhaps the most misunderstood and maligned economist in history. The fact he scared the hell out of the greed capitalists of the world (and today's corporatist cabal) should tell us all we need to know about capitalism and the greedy selfish entities that control America and the rest.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Do we, in the name of freedom, do nothing? Or does society and government have a responsibility to protect those kids?

It's why it's called "ratio-nality" Dave. There is no cure for stupid. And when your only tool is a hammer, everything starts to look like a nail. :(

Joe Conservative said...

Waddya think... Outlaw Swimming Pools?

The National Safety Council reports that 600 children and adults drown annually in swimming pools, 330 in home pools. The U.S. Consumer Project Safety Commission (CPSC) states that child drownings are the 2nd leading cause of accidental deaths around the home to children under 5 years of age.

Joe Conservative said...

Ratio-nal. Not "divide by zero".

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

In Freud's "Totem and Taboo"... the witchdoctors on Polynesian Islands used to make the tribal chief/king go sit in a hut all day and "hold up the sky". In many cases its' long past time that we stopped letting our leaders roam around the world and instead put them in a building and tell them to "hold up the sky".

Shaw Kenawe said...

skudrunner said...

"It is understandable why people who support Biden/Harris have issues with Vance. He came from a disfunctional home life in a drug infested neighborhood.

He worked his way through a racist named law school."

S.K.: "According to Vance, he received a generous financial aid package to the prestigious law school due to his disadvantaged economic background.

Vance was a recipient of Affirmative Action, something Conservatives DO NOT LIKE!

af·firm·a·tive ac·tion

(in the context of the allocation of resources or employment) the practice or policy of favoring individuals belonging to groups regarded as disadvantaged or subject to discrimination.

skudrunner: "then served the country."

S.K.: Great. Kudos to him for, like Pete Buttigieg, serving his country.

skudrunner: "He got into politics by winning people over not sleeping with the rich and powerful."

S.K. What are you talking about here?

SKUDRUNNER: "He was not selected to be the VP to check some boxes,"

S.K.: Of course he was! He's anti-abortion with no exceptions for ANYTHING, including incest and rape. He wants to do away with no-fault divorce, and he believes women should stay in dysfunctional and violent marriages. That checks off NUMEROUS FAR RIGHT MAGA BOXES!

SKUDRUNNER: "he has more political experience that guy who ran for president in 2008."

S.K. WRONG! AGAIN! Do you EVER check the veracity of what you post here? Because you are wrong!

Vance has been a US Senator for 1 1/2 years, and held no political office before that.

Former President Obama was an Illinois state senator for SEVEN YEARS, and he was a US SENATOR FOR THREE YEARS!

Plus, former President Obama taught Constitutional Law; JD Vance worked in a venture capital organization.

SKUDRUNNER: "If that is the only argument against Vance the democrats need to be concerned."

No. What Trump did by naming Vance as his running mate is make himself more MAGA-ey than even some MAGAs, because some MAGAs believe in allowing for exceptions for getting an abortion. With Vance's absolutism on abortion, that means a 10-year old girl who is raped by a stranger or a relative will be forced by the State to carry that pregnancy to term. An absolute nightmare for any family.

And don't think that can't happen, because it already happened to a 10-year old girl from Ohio who had to leave her state and get an abortion in Indiana!

skudrunner said...

Ms. Shaw, You need to read up on the current VP's history then you won't say what are you talking about. Generous financial aid is not affirmative action it is generous financial aid and he still worked in law school. Financial aid is available to millions. Maybe some of the rich who had their student loan payoff yanked can apply.

Remember the great one ran for president not VP. He announced his candidacy for president on February 10, 2007 about a year and one half after taking office.

What does mayor pete have to do with anything except he checked a box for president biden as did many in his cabinet.

Trump has a long road to win so nothing is assured. I feel the MSM will pull out all stops to stop him and Vance.

I don't believe Vance's actions resulted in 13 deaths from a horrible decision but I could be wrong.

Shaw Kenawe said...

skudrunner: "Ms. Shaw, You need to read up on the current VP's history then you won't say what are you talking about."

If you're implying something about Vice President Harris that you read on some gossip rag sheet, then YOU don't know what you're talking about. It's not nice to repeat slander and gossip. I have found NOTHING that comes close to your unfounded claims. But I'm not surprised. You're a male, and, typically, the first thing males usually do to slander powerful women is impugn their private lives.

Vance said HIMSELF -- HIS WORDS, NOT MINE, that he was the recipient of "a generous financial aid package to the prestigious law school due to his disadvantaged economic background."

That is a definition of what Affirmative Action is. His words and description of the financial aid he received because his family was economically disadvantaged (poor). Saying it not true doesn't change the fact that it actually is, according to Vance himself.

President Obama HAD SERVED SEVEN YEARS AS A STATE SENATOR AND THREE YEARS AS A SENATOR. period. Vance has ZERO experience in government except for his 1 1/2 years as a US Senator. Those are facts as well.

Paula said...

When Trump picked Vance, he picked someone that supports a total abortion ban with no exceptions for rape or incest — something Vance called “inconveniences.”

A vote for the Trump/Vance ticket is a vote for forced pregnancies on children who are raped.

That MAGA!

R.D. said...



Vance: “Trump makes people I care about afraid. Immigrants, Muslims, etc. Because of this I find him reprehensible. God wants better of us.”
(October 2016.)

Les Carpenter said...

Just wondering, probably just me, but, it sure appears as if everyone wants to keep doing the same thing expecting different results.

What the planet needs is more seekers [of wisdom] and fewer followers.

Les Carpenter said...

Row row row your boat gently down the stream.

Merrily merrily merrily merrily life is but a dream.

The belief that one has, or is in control of anything but oneself is among one of life's greatest illusions.

Carry on.

Dave Dubya said...

Skud goes full MAGA in blaming Biden for "13 deaths from a horrible decision".

Skud hates Biden so much he has a deep-seated need to frame him for the actions of terrorists.

People with an authoritarian personality are fixated on BLAMING people they hate. They spew false accusations all the time, so it doesn't matter that terrorists are really to blame.

Les Carpenter said...

Well Dave, I simply chock it up to delusion or ignorance. I'm sure skudzy loves his country. A bit misguided politically but loves his country nonetheless.

Dave Dubya said...

"What the planet needs is more seekers [of wisdom] and fewer followers"

You remind me of a little advice from my father in 1967:

“Neither a leader nor follower be
And you may live longer or more happily

I finally listened to him. No wonder I'm such a non-conformist.

skudrunner said...

Ms. Shaw, There were so many reporting this that I thought you would have no problem finding it but you can only find what you are looking for.

Try Reuters, NYT, Daily Mail, USA Today, Politico, Glass Door.

Shaw Kenawe said...

On reports that Kamala Harris "slept her way to the top."

skudrunner: "Ms. Shaw, There were so many reporting this that I thought you would have no problem finding it but you can only find what you are looking for.

Try Reuters, NYT, Daily Mail, USA Today, Politico, Glass Door."

Also skudrunner: "How anyone can believe anything the media says is absurd because they have lied about everything regarding Biden."

S.K. But they haven't lied about Kamala Harris and her past? How does that work, skud?

It appears you're displaying what is known as "confirmation bias." You believe in the "lying media" when it confirms your worst assumptions about DEMOCRATS/LIBERALS.

Dave Dubya said...

Skud can't cite a reputable source for his misogynistic/racist accusation against Kamala, so he goes all Trumpist with "so many reporting" she "slept her way to the top."

This proves Skud as a typical authoritarian personality, and believes what he WANTS to believe.

So Skud's idea of "the top" would be an appointment to the Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board and later to the California Medical Assistance Commission.

I am certain Skud won't read this article that clarifies what happened BACK IN THE '90s!

Kamala Harris' Dating Life Is Scrutinized Because Of Course We're Still Sexist In 2019

Harris ended the relationship shortly after Brown was inaugurated as mayor in January 1996.

Keep up your shilling for Trump and MAGA, Skud. This is why we KNOW you will vote for Trump.

You're not dealing with a semi-literate, low-information Murdoch/Hannity audience here.

Les Carpenter said...

Truth, everyone is affected by "condition bias" to a greater or lesser degree. Having all being conditioned by environment etc.

Some simply live their conditioning w/o question.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Dave Dubya,

A lot of American men fear/dislike/ridicule powerful women.

I don't know Kamala Harris's personal sex life, just like I didn't know Trump's until he bragged about grabbing women by their genitals because he's a star. In fact, the whole country found out about that and the fact that Trump cheated on all his wives, and even cheated on his mistress, Karen McDougal, with Stormy in a one-night stand.

And yet the "family values" Commandment-loving Republican Party ADORE and WORSHIP Trump.

Men get away with anything they do in their sex lives because, well, other men and a lot of women let them. That's just a fact.

Then you have folks like skudrunner, (and I don't think he's a bad man at all) who just buys into anything salacious they find out about liberal women, especially politicians.

Remember the Clinton scandal with Monica? I remember media asking Hillary why she stays with Bill, knowing he's a cheater.

I also recall not hearing that question asked of Melania about leaving her adulterous husband.

Melania is beloved by the MAGAs, and they claim she's the "classiest FLOTUS" we've ever had.

She's also the ONLY FLOTUS that was a soft porn model before she hooked up with Trump.

Hillary Clinton, a graduate of Wellesley College and Yale Law School, a former FLOTUS, US Senator, and Secy. of State, is vilified as "Hitlery," "The Beast," etc. Michelle Obama's education was Princeton University and Harvard Law School. MAGA call her "Michael" and claim she's a male.

Do you see a pattern here?

As long as women are sexual objects and keep their mouths shut when the whole world knows their husband is a mega-cheating man, who palled around with pedophiles and whose name is all over the Epstein files, the MAGA will NEVER disparage you.

PS. Did you and everyone notice how the MAGA Trumpers embraced and honored Amber Rose, who is all over the internet in pornographic photos? Those are the same people who want ot make pornography illegal because how it rips at the fabric of this country. Then they honor a woman whose fame is partly a direct result from appearing in porn.

I don't care if a woman freely choses that as a profession. What I do care about is the current Republican Party and its "family values" colossal hypocrisy using her -- for their purposes.

Les Carpenter said...

Hypocrisy has been elevated to virtue status by the GOP and MAGA.

It sickens all decent men to observe how hypocritical and dishonest the good ole boy network is. Speaking only for myself, I welcome and look forward to the day when we have a female president and a male vice president. Maybe sooner than we think. :-)

Les Carpenter said...

PS: and by that I mean a radical progressive women president and a moderate Democrat male vp.

Lisa said...

I wasn't comparing abortion to how life is in those areas they are raised around gardens they hunt with guns it's a way of life that's the only means of protection they have. it's not like they could just run down the whole cop and cops and come you know and save them they have to learn how to protect yourself that's what I meant that's a way of life in those areas.
I am sure if you lived in a rural area like that , especially being a woman,you would
want to be locked and loaded

skudrunner said...

Ms. Shaw, I do remember the Clinton-Monica issue. I also remember -H- response to all of the women who accused the serial rapist of sexual misconduct as just part of the right wing extremists.

"A lot of American men fear/dislike/ridicule powerful women."
There is a big difference between powerful women and women with power.
Eleanor Roosevelt and Golda Meir were powerful women, Hillary Clinton and Kamala Harris are women with power. -H- did so well dealing with an embassy attack and Harris has been very successful as the border czar. After they throw biden under the bus she will make him look competent.

I wouldn't call any of these women sexual objects. The -H- thought of herself as part of his administration so she asked to be in the spotlight. The reason Melania was not asked any questions about her husband is because she was a wife not part of his administration. Being attractive was not a benefit because of the attacks by women who were envious. Not sure what soft porn is but I guess the other two didn't qualify.