Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston


General John Kelly: "He said that, in his opinion, Mr. Trump met the definition of a fascist, would govern like a dictator if allowed, and had no understanding of the Constitution or the concept of rule of law."

Friday, July 19, 2024



I was too tired to write anything last night, and I had to be up early this morning to get to the goat farm where I volunteer every Friday.

Jennifer Rubin, WaPo:

1. the worst, most rambling, most insane, dishonest acceptance speech, the disgusting reference to Paul Pelosi and the vile anti-immigrant comments should cause media to hang their collective heads in shame for spending days normalizing him and pretending he underwent a conversion. 

2. Their failure to EVER take his mental defects seriously is malpractice and disservice to voters. 

3. Describing the speech as just "long" or that Trump was conflicted is simply MAGA spin. 

4. Trump is old, nuts and boring - entirely beatable.

Trump speech first good thing that's happened to Democrats in weeks

After Trump’s Speech, It’s Absurd to Suggest He Can’t Be Beaten 

 Trump’s surreal, subdued, and unfocused address gave Democrats an opening to turn the tide of this campaign.

Democrats cautiously optimistic after Trump’s ad-libbed convention speech 

The performance was ‘first good thing’ for Democrats in weeks after the ex-president dished out insults and lies

Washington Post Cartoon, Ann Telnaes

Trump hasn't changed:

PS. Trump keeps feeding his cultists b.s., and they lap it up without checking to see if he's just lying, like he breathes.

Fact check: "Did Trump sign the biggest tax cut ever? 

 Trump: “We gave you the largest tax cut ever.” 

 VERDICT: This is false. 

The GOP-sponsored tax bill that Trump signed into law in December 2017 does not amount to the "biggest" in U.S. history, according to the nonpartisan Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget. 

According to its estimates, the tax cut is the eighth biggest in history."


Les Carpenter said...

If Biden continues I will predict a sizable loss to MAGA.

It's how it is shaping up and since the media will continue to treat Trump with kids gloves as they have since 2015 we should all be VERY worried methinks.

This is not the America it was in 2008.

Mike said...

I couldn't watch any of the tRUMP BS.

Les Carpenter said...

Get used to it.

skudrunner said...

Mr. Carpenter,

I think you have the candidate wrong or you are watching fox news because the entire media is excusing biden for all his transgressions since he started running. Biden's biggest concern should be Greyhound because he is about to be tossed under it. What a screwed up mess we are in. We have a lunatic who is so self absorbed running against a mentally deficient seat sitter. How anyone can believe anything the media says is absurd because they have lied about everything regarding Biden. They all knew he was falling over a cliff but did nothing but lie about his condition.

I watched a little bit of the convention but when kid rock came on I turned off. Trump did what he normally does which is ramble on and on and declare himself a saint. Overall conventions are so the delegates can party and feel they have a say, which they don't since the puppet masters pull all the strings.

The democrat convention should be interesting and I agree with you that the election is far from over no matter what st. donald says.

Dave Dubya said...

Skud's MAGA core is on display again. "Fake news! Lied about EVERYTHING!", amirite?

"How anyone can believe anything the media says is absurd because they have lied about everything regarding Biden. They all knew he was falling over a cliff but did nothing but lie about his condition."

(Yet he BELEIVES every racist and misogynistic slime-ball's fabrication that she "slept her way to the top".)

Skud also needs to IGNORE all the editorials from major outlets like the New York Times, Boston Globe, Chicago Tribune, Atlanta Journal/Constitution, Washington Post, etc. calling for Biden to step down.

Skud WILL vote for Trump. He's already shilling for him, whether he realizes it or not.

Les Carpenter said...

Well skud, I simply observe. My eye consciousness and my ear consciousness knows what it sees and hears.

BTW, haven't listened to fake news FOX broadcasting for the past 9 years. Don't intend a resumption any time soon.

Trump's speech reminded of Biden's halting debate performance. Only much worse and far more dishonest.

Trump should withdraw from the race due to declining mental acuity. It's more advanced than President Biden's.

But the GOP is not an honest party with integrity. They are, extreme hypocrites.

Howard Brazee said...

The powerful don't mind that Trump is crazy, they think they can control him, the same way as the powerful Germans thought they could control Hitler.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Howard is correct. Other than pardons, Trump never really accomplished anything. McConnell stacked the Supreme Court. The idiot had the deal made for his wall with Shumer and Pelosi then he reneged on it. I guess his masters didn't like the idea of school children getting free lunch. I am pretty much with Les on the election. I've always found that people vote against far more than they vote for. Trump only panders to bigots, homophobes and religious zealots. More people will vote against Trump despite Biden's infirmities. That being said, I do think Biden should drop out. He's in no condition to run the country.