Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

WHO SAID THAT (h/t Infidel753)

The redoubtable blogger, Infidel753 posted this list the other day, and I think it should be given exposure to counter Glenn Beck's stupidity, FAUX NOOZ lies, Rush Limbaugh's distortions, Sarah Palin's nincompoopery, and Michele Bachmann's insane statements:

Take it away Infidel753:

See if you can guess who said each of the following quotes:

"Property monopolized or in possession of a few is a curse to mankind."

"I sincerely believe, with you, that banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies."

"[in Europe] economic power became concentrated in a few hands, then political power flowed to those possessors and away from the citizens, ultimately resulting in an oligarchy or tyranny."

"No man ought to own more property than needed for his liveli- hood; the rest, by right, belonged to the state."

If you guessed Karl Marx or Vladimir Ilyich Lenin (or Barack Obama), you are in understandable error.

The quotes are from, respectively, Sam Adams, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, and Benjamin Franklin.

I found them at Politicus USA, except for the third one which I found at Sustainable Democracy; as best I can tell by checking up, they're genuine."

Here's the LINK to further discussion of the above Founding Fathers' quotes.

The Tea Baggers love to prance around in colonial America costumes pretending they're real patriots and wanting America to go back to what the Founding Fathers intended.  Obviously they skipped these ideas and beliefs of these FFs so as not to interfere with their silly fantasies and self-delusions.

Thank you Infidel753 for showing us that the Tea Baggers don't know what they're talking about.

Please go HERE to read what our fellow blogger, TAO, has to say about our economic disparity. 

And don't miss this excellent post by Green Eagle!


TAO said...

Is is a link to those quotes and a pretty apt application of them:

Infidel753 said...

Thanks -- I actually found these quotes rather startling -- most of the Founders were among the wealthy of their day. But their beliefs clearly differed a lot from what the teabaggers imagine. I often wonder what they would think of the world of today.

I do recommend the Green Eagle post too.

dmarks said...

"Property monopolized or in possession of a few is a curse to mankind."

An excellent warning against "single payer" healthcare.

""I sincerely believe, with you, that banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies."

This one fits perfectly with the "teabaggers", who protest againt the Fed and against the bailouts. Rand and Ron Paul vs Barney Frank and his bailouts and his Fannie Mae scandal.

"No man ought to own more property than needed for his liveli- hood; the rest, by right, belonged to the state."

Now this one is odd. It fits a prison, or a socialist nation such as North Korea. Give the common man three hots and a cot, and let the ruling elites keep the rest.