Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Tuesday, June 14, 2011


A reader of Andrew Sullivan's Blog, The Daily Dish, has some profound insights into the worst political hack ever thrusted upon the American electorate, Sarah Palin, and the inability of a large segment of the voting public who were wilfully blind to her grevious lack of knowledge of the world she lives in.  If a large number of Americans were unable to reject this anti-intellectual, lazy-minded, theatrical charlatan, why should we have any hope for our political process and media that report it?

Read it here:

"At what point did our political system become decadent? The moment when the United States collectively abdicated its responsibilities in self-government was when the American people accepted the notion that John McCain believed that Sarah Palin was qualified to serve as President of the United States. The fact that the media continues to legitimize the political viability of an individual who never gave a press conference and demonstrates zero ability to recognize what she does not know, is appalling. The fact that 45.7% of the American people in 2008 gave an affirmative answer to the very simple question: "Is Sarah Palin qualified to be President of the United States?" is telling in and of itself.

[T]he introduction of Sarah Palin and her perverse relationship with the American media has been the singularly most toxic element in American politics in the post-Cold War period.

I continue to be astonished that someone can post a blatant lie on a Facebook page, have the media report on it as factual news and a real policy prescription, and permanently poison the political well. We need not go past the healthcare debate to see ample evidence of this phenomenon.

We should not be deluded that even if Sarah Palin does not run for the Presidency that she will not have a profound impact on the Republican nomination process. She and her Christianist tendencies will enjoy a de facto veto over any candidate that fails to tap into her revanchist version of history - resentments against virtually all portions of American society. She is a constituency of one and the most important constituency in the Republican Party, which will result in a candidate who has no viable policy programs, but just might get elected due to economic circumstances.

The media, the American people, and most importantly the Republican Party, should forcefully tell Palin that she either needs to declare her candidacy or be shunned to a life of political insignificance. We know this is not going to happen. She is the mainstream media's favorite politician. She is the spiritual and political leader of the Republican Party. For Democrats, she is a politician who should be cajoled into running to optimize Obama's chances of reelection, under the false and dangerous conventional wisdom that she is unelectable.

American politics has always enjoyed a good sex scandal, yet in the end has been able to more or less function as a governable nation. Palin's style of politics and our ability to ignore it has resulted in our inability to extricate ourselves from three foreign wars; have an honest discussion about the impact of debt, revenue, and entitlements on the sustainability of a decent quality of life for most Americans; and permit a natural generational shift of values to occur on equal rights for all Americans."


okjimm said...

I said, back in 2008, that Sarah would disappear as soon as the election was over. Boy was I wrong.

I thought of her as a fad, like pet rocks, or hula hoops, that we would soon tire of her.

Alas, if it were but true. America has been 'Dumbed' down... and the Republicans are now attacking educational facilities and institutions... and are getting away with it.

Jerry Critter said...

The fact that Palin is still in the news is a sad, sad commentary on the news media, the American people, and our political process. She should be relegated to the fringes of the political landscape.

Dave Miller said...

Journalism, as it is known now, is certainly culpable here... the love affair with Ms. Palin is only the latest evidence of a long slide away from real investigative reporting towards infotainment or "news lite."

Palin is but a creation of this new reality...

dmarks said...

"Palin's style of politics and our ability to ignore it has resulted in our inability to extricate ourselves from three foreign wars"

Obama has had more than two years to get us out of two of these wars. He chose not to. Obama, not Sarah Palin, chose to put us into a third one. This is Obama's style of politics that is involved.

Shaw Kenawe said...


Have you never heard the old saying that it is very easy to get into a war but complicated and difficult to get out of one? This happens to be a truth.

When Mr. Obama campaigned, he said he would listen to the generals' advice vis-a-vis Afghanistan, and when the genrals said a surge was merited, Obama considered their advice and took it. He did exactly what he said he would do.

He has decreased the troop levels in Iraq. When a country has been in combat in a foreign country, it doesn't just leave the next day. You seem to have forgotten the multi-billion doller embassy Bush was building, and the hundreds of millions of dollars in US military equipment in that country. Bush put us in that country in a needless war. It will take a while to extricate ourselves from that disasterous blunder.

WWII has been over for well over 60 years, yet the US still has a military presence in Europe. Explain why.

PS. It's really stretching things to call what's going on in Libya a war when there are no US combat troops on the ground there.

Mark @ Israel said...

It's appalling to think that there are politicians who have caused the decline of American politics but I guess the people also have something to do with it. Why can't we elect someone who has enough sense to lead this country of the mess we are into? Let's hope that in the coming 2012 elections we'll be wiser.

dmarks said...
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dmarks said...

Shaw: The reference to Libya as a war in this conversation originated with the Sullivan blog post which you repeated and supported.

"Bush put us in that country in a needless war"

That is a dubious opinion. As if it was "needless" to fight back against a major terrorist kingpin.... and remembering that Hillary and Joe Biden also wisely voted to fight back against Saddam and "put us" into this necessary retaliation also.

But at least you aren't among the liars who are calling the retaliation against the Taliban regime in Afghanistan illegal.


Mark: Are you supporting voting Obama out?