Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Someone needs to put this lunatic in a padded cell.

"Get rid of judges." Every dictator/tyrant's dream.

Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, text


Not In My Name said...

No comment!

Ray said...

I am not a fan of statements that begin with 'Imagine if..." but this one can't be helped. Imagine if at any time while he was POTUS Barack Obama said the words "I have to get rid of judges"? Republican heads would have exploded all over Washington. Now, crickets.

Les Carpenter said...

I'm surprised someone did take tRump for a long walk on a short pier years ago. Now we're stuck with the lunatic. Probably for 6 more years.

I wonder if our republic can survive it.

Jerry said...

Our country will survive Trump depending on how long the Republicans allow him to go. McConnell said the other day, he will not let the Mueller report become public and the Republicans are continuing to be successful at stuffing our courts with lifelong appointees that have no business being on the bench. If we survive, it will take decades to repair the damage, that's given the American people vote Democrat majority for decades. For Democrats to be honest, straight shooting politicians for decades, is little to much to expect.

STEVE said...

Let's get rid of him in 2020!