Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Congratulation to Michelle Wu!

Boston's First Madame Mayor!


skudrunner said...

Mayor's are the most important political position in the nation because they affect our day to day life on an individual basis. Governors are next in imp[ortance and then we get to the crooked, worthless national politicians who should be eliminated and thrown in jail.

We do need more women in office especially on the national side. Men have screwed up things for centuries so it is time to give the torch to the females and see what they can do.

Dave Miller said...

Boston gave us a ray of hope in a dreary night. In Buffalo, the defeated in the primary former Dem Mayor beat an African American woman by running a write in campaign. In VA, Dem Terence McAuliffe lost. In NJ, the incumbent Dem Gov who will probably win, by a shoestring.

Look, we may not like it but in one instance, Skud has been right. Absent Trump, the Dems struggle to win. We are not the other guy is rarely makes a great slogan and even less so a great strategy.

What is it the Dems stand for? What will they campaign for as opposed to what are they campaigning against?

If they can't figure this out, and quickly, they will face a debacle of historic proportions come 2022. Because without Trump on the ballot, it looks like the Dems got nothing.

Jerry said...

It's typical that the party in power loses seats during a mid term election. Democrats seem headed to be the minority party again.

skudrunner said...

I watched a little of mad cow and wallace. It was all about trump and how evil he is so they need to accept that we hate trump is not a good platform to run on because he is finished and that is a good thing for the country.
November 2022 is a long way off so a lot can change but when you go from a predominately democrat state and lose and a overwhelmingly democrat state and barely win it is not a good sign.

Les Carpenter said...

Marvelous choices ...
REPUBS with the new trumpian fascism and DEMS with nothing. So, I guess the garbage you know is better than nothing?