Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston

Monday, November 8, 2021

Happy Monday!


Big Bird got vaccinated, and Ted Cruz got angry.

Jeff Tiedrich @itsJeffTiedrich · 

your weekend news roundup: Democrats passed a major infrastructure bill and Republicans got mad at a pretend bird


Les Carpenter said...

Trumpublicans are reduced to playing politics with childrens health and welfare.

Family values? Hardly!

Infidel753 said...

Foolish of Cruz. Mitt Romney from 2012 could have told him -- nobody messes with Big Bird and gets away unscathed.

Dave Dubya said...

First the shot, then the "Critical Avian Theory" drives them nuts.

Mike said...

I read that and couldn't believe it. Only (Well maybe not just him) Ted Cruz could be such an asshole.

possumlady said...

Who knew that Captain Kangaroo was also involved in the government conspiracy back in 1979!!!

Bluebullamerica said...

Remember when Cruz was one of the more stupid of the GQP'ers? Nowadays he's just somewhere in the pack. That should terrify everyone.

Shaw Kenawe said...


That's a great video! This whole business of "my body; my choice" with the anti-vaxxers is all political, and has nothing to do with their "freedumbs."