Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

November 18, 2021

In today's news, another example of a corrupt GQP state official -- the governor of Iowa: 

 BREAKING: New audit reveals that Iowa's Republican Governor Kim Reynolds improperly funneled $450,000 of federal COVID-19 relief funds to pay the salaries of her staff members and then concealed it by routing it through DHS.

House votes to censure GOP Rep. Paul Gosar over video depicting killing of AOC

The resolution also removes him from his two committees, Oversight and Reform, and Natural Resources.


Dave Miller said...

As part of this, House Member MTG has said that if Minority Leader McCarthy does not remove GOP members from leadership positions and committee assignments for voting for the Biden infrastructure plan.

And yet she, and almost 100% of the party have decided that the behavior of Rep Gosar is not beyond pale, not extreme and not worthy of punishment. Yet compromising with Democrats is.

And this is the problem we face today as it relates to the Republican party, conservatives and right leaning people. Alluding to my post of earlier today, failure to GOP leaders and supporters to publicly identify even one characteristic of extremism on the right, shows acceptance of and approval of all of the behaviors of their members.

Mike said...

Couldn't happen to a nicer guy. HA!

Les Carpenter said...

It says all that need be said about the hypcritical balloon heads that populate the now Trumpublican party.

A once respected political party has any right to be respected. Two conservatives voted to censure gosar. Two. It's all any sane being needs to know.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Dave, Mike, RN,

Shortly after his censure, Gosar retweeted the video depicting him killing AOC! His own family says he's not mentally stable and disowns him.

But the GQP love him and think he's a perfect model of insanity for their party.

R.D. said...

The existence of the modern Republican Party and its elected officials is a testimony to the fact a significant part of the US population is now open about not being interested in the rule of law, democratic governance, or prosecution of corruption.

The supporters and followers of the Republican Party do not believe any of the known ‘harsh consequences’ of its policies will fall on them.

The USA will not survive in its current form past the year 2050.

Paula said...

Exciting news day today:
- Major retailers: our shelves ARE well stocked
- Govt stats: it WAS a jobs boom, not bust, in summer
- Rating agencies: BBB bill will NOT add to inflation
- COVD Team: 10% of 5-11 vaxxed in 10 days (5x faster than adult vax roll out)

Dave Miller said...

Shaw said... "Shortly after his censure, Gosar retweeted the video depicting him killing AOC! His own family says he's not mentally stable and disowns him."

And why not?

The GOP has shown that it sees nothing wrong with this. Really? Mocking a fellow member of Congress with death as well as the president is not wrong?

Again I ask... is there anything, any behavior that the right, conservatives and the GOP will call extreme?

It appears not.

We are deep into the time when journalists, commentators and more need to publicly call people out. Even today we hear there are GOP members who have told reporters Gosar is mentally unstable.

For the sake of the republic, it is time to out people and name names. It is nasty, difficult, will cost some careers, but the Union is more important that an individual.

Dave Miller said...


Here's some of what Ohio Senator and Trump Campaign Co-Chair Rob Portman, who voted for the infrastructure bill had to say at the signing ceremony...

"“America’s infrastructure is in desperate need of repair, and today, Congress made good on our promise to the American people to improve it for future generations. While I’m disappointed it took the House of Representatives nearly three months to pass the Infrastructure Investment & Jobs Act following bipartisan passage in the Senate, I’m pleased this historic legislation is now ready for the president’s signature.

“The infrastructure bill will make our economy more efficient and make us more productive and competitive against other countries like China. Importantly, by making long-term investments in capital assets, it is counter-inflationary at a time when inflation remains a serious concern for American families.

“Nationwide, it represents a historic $542 billion investment in the roads, bridges, ports, waterways, railroads, electrical grids, broadband networks, and more. It will create hundreds of thousands of good paying jobs, and it does all of this without raising taxes.”

Shaw Kenawe said...

Dave "For the sake of the republic, it is time to out people and name names. It is nasty, difficult, will cost some careers, but the Union is more important that an individual."

The people who support legislators like Gosar need to come to terms with what he is: ill.

There is something wrong with him; his own family acknowledges it, and yet his colleagues in Congress have no compassion for Gosar's mental health?

What person in his right mind would do what Gosar did? I know of no healthy person, especially a US Representative, who would behave in such a manner after having been censured.

I'm sorry to say that this contemptible behavior is rife in today's Trumpublican Party.

I've never seen anything like it in my lifetime.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Paula, Thanks for the good news. It's a welcome counter to the doom and gloom that's reported in the media.

Shaw Kenawe said...

R.D., "...a significant part of the US population is now open about not being interested in the rule of law, democratic governance, or prosecution of corruption."

Exactly. See Rep. Gosar as real evidence of this. Only two Republicans voted for his censure. So one has to understand that the current Trumpublicans in the House are just fine with having one of their members tweet out a video showing him killing one of his colleagues and threatening the POTUS?

Yes. We saw this same kind of idiocy on the Left during Trump's presidency. What we didn't see were members of the Senate or House fantasizing in public about offing Trump.

The Right's derangement knows no bounds, and Trump led them on to even attack his own government on January 6!

Les Carpenter said...

Greed, anger, and ignorance. The GOP/Trumpublican official Mantra.

Total power and control is ALL the party of greed, anger, and ignorance is concerned with. As they bring down our republic.

Death may just be preferable to living in the new US of A as it becomes the hell hole of the universe on steriods.

Dave Miller said...

As if on cue, of course Former Pres Trump announced his endorsement of Rep Gosar in his reelection bid.

Dave Miller said...

For anyone wanting to understand how we got to this point, I recommend "Jesus and John Wayne: How White Evangelicals Corrupted a Faith and Fractured a Nation" by Kristin Kobes Du Mez of Calvin University.

I know many of you are not Christian in your beliefs, but it is hard to deny the influence, for better at times and for worse at times, of Christianity on the US. This book, heavily researched and footnoted, does a tremendous job of showing how a longstanding patriarchal theology heavy on the need for John Wayne types for us to follow has brought us to where we are today.

Reading this really shines a light on ppl like Gosar, Trump, Bannon and a lot of the current iteration of the GOP.

It's a pretty quick, gripping read.

Les Carpenter said...

Why the decision to align with Buddhism spiritually was logical and easy. Among a myriad of other reasons.