Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston

Monday, November 15, 2021

Michael Flynn is nuts! Steve Bannon arrested!


Disgraced former Trump aide, Michael Flynn, said the US needs one religion

Former national security adviser says there should be ‘one religion under God’ and brands Nancy Pelosi ‘Pontius Pilate’

Obviously Flynn is mentally unbalanced. No American in his or her right mind would say such an anti-American and unConstitutional thing. Unless, of course, you're a Trumper.

Flynn seems to admire countries like Iran, where there is only one religion and the imams have control over the government. Is this his vision for America? It appears so, since he's been ranting about putting America under one religion. Exactly the opposite of what America stands for.

What would Flynn have the authorities do with people who do not support his "one religion?" Any ideas?

Flynn should take his religio-fascist ideas and the people who support them and find a nice little isolated island to practice his Iranian-style "government under one religion." He's a disgraceful and confused unAmerican weirdo.

Stephen Bannon surrenders after he was indicted on charges of contempt of Congress 

Never forget that this human piece of used chewing gum said he was a "Leninist." Never forget!

Ronald Radosh, Daily Beast, April 2017:

"...we had a long talk about his approach to politics. 

He never called himself a 'populist' or an 'American nationalist,' as so many think of him today. 

'I’m a Leninist,' Bannon proudly proclaimed. Shocked, I asked him what he meant. 'Lenin,' he answered, 'wanted to destroy the state, and that’s my goal too. I want to bring everything crashing down, and destroy all of today’s establishment.' ”


Shaw Kenawe said...

Steve Bannon is in custody, and Alex Jones is liable to the Sandy Hook parents.

Happy Monday!

Bluebullamerica said...

True, but given the lack of punishment the Trump crime bunch has, so far, had to contend with, I think I'll hold my celebrations quietly until I see what actually happens to these two human speed bumps. And yes, Flynn is nuts and virulently unAmerican to even suggest such a thing.

Infidel753 said...

In Flynn's defense, going from several religions to one would be a step closer to the optimum number of religions for a country to have -- zero.

Seriously, Iran is more liberal than what he's proposing, since some minority religions like Christianity and Judaism are legal and practiced there, though of course Islam has official status.

Steve Bannon is basically Trump with brains. That's about as dangerous to democracy as it gets.

Mike said...

The question comes, which religion. Should we put all 4000 of them on pieces of paper in a hat and draw one out? Could be interesting.

Dave Dubya said...

Flynn betrayed his oath to the Constitution and swore allegiance to Q-anon, instead of fealty to the message of his Savior.

Dave Miller said...

In case ppl are keeping score, let's add the Bannon Indictment to the list of "best people" lawbreakers who were part of the Trump Admin.

Next up, Mark Meadows.

BTW, a conviction in the Bannon case comes with a mandatory minimum sentence of at least 30 days. So if he's convicted, he's gonna do time.

Dave Miller said...

Can anyone explain to me how Flynn squares his statement with the First Amendment to the US Constitution?

Jerry said...

90% of Americans claim to be religious through one denomination, or another. That is certainly reflected through their vote. Religious voting blocks have been the deciding winning vote in many elections since the beginning of our country. Our government references God in many of its official practices like oath taking. Which "God" are we swearing an oath to? The God of the King James Bible? As an atheist I find the interjection of religion into our government practices as nutty as what Flynn said.

Herd Ringer said...

OT: This is all you need to read to see how warped and twisted the rabid righties are:

Geeez: "interesting that NOW Kenosha has brought in National Guard….against whatever happens after the Rittenhouse verdict. Had they honored Trump’s request to supply Guard there that night, maybe poor Kyle wouldn’t be on trial……?"

"Poor Kyle" The woman who runs that blog see the kid who left his state and went to a city he doesn't live in and illegally got hold of weapons and then shot and killed two people and wounded another is "poor Kyle."

This woman feels sorry for a killer who should never have been in Kenosha, since he doesn't live there. Kyle the Killer went there to Kill and Geeez feels sorry for him. Wonder if his skin were dark brown if she and her twisted friends would feel the ssame way???

Les Carpenter said...

Likely not HR. Just conjecture I know, but given the mentality of the rabid right,well, I think it much more likely that were poor Kyle a person of color her view would be a 180 degrees different.

Craig said...

. Had they honored Trump’s request to supply Guard there that night, maybe poor Kyle wouldn’t be on trial

1. Presidents have no power to activate the Guard in state emergencies. Only Federal missions.

2. Tony Evers activated the Guard the day before Trump's request. Another example of him taking credit for something he didn't do. The Guard was on the ground when poor Kyle was killing 2 and maiming another. Those were the only casualties of the 'riot'.

3. These facts won't matter to mz. z and crew. Bullshit floats their boat.