Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Trump's Gift to America


Donald Trump became lick-spittle angry with Mitch McConnell after President Biden passed the infrastructure legislation.  He called every Republican who voted in favor of the legislation a RINO. Why? Because Trump failed to pass an infrastructure bill as he had promised; and according to Trump, McConnell didn't help him!

(In 2019, Trump walked out on a meeting with Speaker Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Schumer, who was minority leader at that time, because he was angry that the Democrats were investigating his administration. So Trump walked out of the meeting and nothing got done.)

But that little temper tantrum didn't stop Trump from blaming McConnell for his failure to do anything about infrastructure.

Below, take a look at a Trump cultist's rage over a Republican House member, Fred Upton's, vote to support President Biden's infrastructure legislation.

This is what Trump brought on America. When non-cultist Republicans support legislation that improves the lives of ALL Americans, they get threatening calls from Trump's cultists. I can't help but think that this neo-fascist thug isn't the only one reacting like a deranged maniac. This person's rage is over a piece of legislation, passed by a bipartisan vote and that a huge majority of Americans support.

I don't recognize my country anymore.


Les Carpenter said...

Ignorance on steroids on display.

And of course trump is without doubt the most ignorant self serving POS on the planet and he has over 70 million little ignoramuses scurrying about acting just like him.

Jerry said...

McConnell was acting like an anti-Constitution politician well before Trump came along. Making Trump disappear will not solve the problem of the Republican party, nor would getting rid of McConnell. Changing leadership of the Republican party will not change the character of the Republican party.

Mike said...
