Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston

Saturday, November 6, 2021

Well done Nancy! (And to you too, Brandon!)


New York Times:

"WASHINGTON — The House passed a $1 trillion bill on Friday night to rebuild the country’s aging public works system, fund new climate resilience initiatives and expand access to high-speed internet service, giving final approval to a central plank of President Biden’s economic agenda after a daylong drama that pitted moderate Democrats against progressives. But an even larger social safety net and climate change bill was back on hold, with a half-dozen moderate-to-conservative Democrats withholding their votes until a nonpartisan analysis could tally its price tag." 

 This is exactly what the Democrats need to do - pass legislation; cut the social spending bill down to $1 trillion and get it passed. 

$3 trillion was never a realistic number to begin with and this would still represent the biggest investment in social spending in decades. The Democrats will be going into 2022 with: 

* Infrastructure passed 
* Social spending passed
* COVID controlled 
* Jobs/Unemployment significantly better 
* Afghan war ended 
* World standing vastly improved.

That's going to be a hard record for Republicans to run against.

As Speaker Pelosi made the announcement in the House, snickering could be heard from the GQP side:

HOUSE SPEAKER PELOSI:  “Did I hear a laugh over there? Did I hear a laugh from one of the people who voted for [the Trump tax cuts] that gave 83 percent of the benefits to the top one percent?”

Excellent jobs report and achievement of a bipartisan infrastructure bill that Trump talked about so much it became a punchline. Objectively an excellent couple of days for Brandon Biden. 

President Biden accomplished in nine months what Donald Trump couldn’t get done in four years: sign into law a bipartisan infrastructure bill. This doesn’t get done without the best speaker ever. 

Reminder:  Never bet against Pelosi.

Also, this:


Infidel753 said...

Never bet against Pelosi

That's for sure. She has a hell of a track record for delivering under tough conditions. It will be a real loss when she retires.

R.D. said...

Now watch how House Republicans will go back home to their districts to take credit for all the new roads & bridges & removal of lead pipes & improved broadband access for rural Americans, after Republicans fought tooth & nail against infrastructure bill.
GOP hypocrisy at work.

Dave Miller said...

RD... what else do they have?

Can you or anyone else for that matter offer a single conservative philosophy the GOP has stood for over the last 20-30 years?


For all the talk about the Dems simply being anti Trump, and I've been among them, it seems as if the GOP has been anti everything. At least the Dems are upfront. They're gonna raise taxes to pay for the services and investment they and a majority of Americans believe they need.

And they've said so years.

Paula said...

I was today years old when I learned that funding infrastructure repairs and upgrades is now big government socialism. Which would've been news to Republican President Dwight D Eisenhower, builder of our interstate highway system.

Most Republicans don't actually know what socialism is because they're too busy trying to turn our country to fascism. The Repubicans in New Jersey are calling the race fake that was as close as the Virginia race that gave Youngin the governorship. McAuliffe graciously conceded. The guy whose name I can't spell who lost in NJ still hasn't conceded and want recount after recount. He learned well from Trump!

Shaw Kenawe said...


"Congress just passed a $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill. And no it’s not leading us to socialism.

That’s what Republicans have been saying for the past 90 years. They have no credibility left." -- Max Boot, Conservative pundit

R.D. said...

Dave, Trump talked about passing an infrastructure bill and that's all it was, talk. Trump talk about a better and less expensive health care to replace Obama care and that's all it was, talk.

Biden got it done. He didn't get everything. That's how politics works. But he got it done! He got jabs into the arms of Americans even though Trump didn't have any program to do it when Biden took office. Biden got it done.

Except for cutting taxees for the uber wealthy so they can fly their rockets into space -- something that NASA did 60 years ago, and loosening regs on polluting corporations, what have the Republicans done?

Shaw Kenawe said...

R.D., Dave

You’d think by now people would know better than believe anything Republicans say.

They use "Socialism!" because it's effective at winning elections with fear. Their constituents have no idea what socialism is but fear it. The same with critical race theory...witness the voter who supported Youngkin because he would outlaw CRT...but he can't define CRT, didn't know what it was.

Max Boot:"If the United States has been traveling down the road to socialism for 90 years, how come we’ve never arrived at our destination and still have a flourishing capitalist economy?"

Shaw Kenawe said...


She's effective. That's why the GQP hates her.

Recovering Republican said...

Climate change - "a hoax." The Capitol Insurrection - "tourists in the Capitol." Iraq - per Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld - "Saddam has WMDs and we know where they are." Ronald Reagan - "trickle-down economics works." The COVID pandemic - "We have it under control." said Donald Trump. "It will disappear come spring." Nixon - "I am not a crook."

The above is just what I recall off the top of my head. I never mentioned how Republicans prevented a vote on Obama's nominee for SC Justice in the year before a presidential election; McConnell feeling that he should leave the appointment to his successor vs. the Senate confirming Trump's nomination of Amy Barrett a week before the 2020 Presidential Election.

As a domestic terrorist organization, the objective of the GOP is the destruction of the American way of life; in particular Democracy.

Do you really expect to be told the truth by people who belong to a political organization that advocates voter suppression so they can retain power? Think they are going to truthful when they support elected legislators negating the voters' choice in an election?

Who brought us gerrymandering on steroids, assuring that the party taking 9% more votes nationwide than Republicans remain in the minority in the House? What party backs claims of election fraud without any proof?

If the Dems ever get smart, they could keep power for more than 2 years. But smart requires being able to identify outliers in one's ranks, people like Sinema and Manchin; DINOs, so to speak.

And it also requires the willingness to hurt the other side, along with hurting innocent people. The Dems don't have that in them. The Republicans, they don't care who they hurt. Just look at the debt ceiling issue; willing to have the US default as opposed to voting to pay bills a GOP Administration racked up.

Shaw Kenawe said...


I'm old enough to remember when *SOMEONE* (initials DJT) said the stock market would crash when Joe Biden was elected President.

The Dow Jones cracked 36,000 for the first time ever under Biden.

And I also know presidents have no control over the stock market. But I just wanted put that out there to show how Trump shoots his mouth off and is never accountable for it.

Jerry said...

The president has little control over the things he gets credit, or criticism for (like the stock market) but now these become government programs and lets hope he can control the efficient spending of this money. Infrastructure investment is LONG overdue. I hope this is the start of continued investments into our power grid and other technologies needed for our future.

skudrunner said...

So they passed a program that was passed three months ago and it is a great thing. The one's who were in the way were the progressives not the republicans. Joey needed something to show he is in control and this is something. Nan got enough republican votes to negate the progressive's hostage policy which is good for her.

This is a lot of money but our true infrastructure needs improvement and some of this will go for that. The majority will go to line politicians pockets and enrich their friends but I do think some will also go to worthwhile projects like a bridge to nowhere or a road to a dead end.

Lets Go Brandon

Les Carpenter said...

The bridge to nowhere, or a road to a dead end, has been envisoned by repub cons and miserly scrooges every since ronnie raygun set the party on its ignorant greedy path to enrich corporations and billionaires in 1980. They've not stopped their short sighted special interest train of destruction since.

Thank you Brandon! said...

So far, Democrats have cut child poverty in half, added 5.3 million jobs, managed the most ambitious vaccine rollout in the nation’s history, and passed a $1.2 trillion investment in the water, roads, bridges and broadband.

Trump gave $2 trillion to the rich and tweeted a lot.

Shaw Kenawe said...

"The one's who were in the way were the progressives not the republicans." --skudrunner

You mean that all the Trumpublicans supported President Biden's legislation?

Where do you get your news?

"Lets Go Brandon" -- skudrunner

And why are you afraid to write "Fuck Biden!" skudrunner? "Let's Go Brandon" is like a powerless 10-year old yelling at his mommy, "You're a poopyhead!"

You're an adult, skudrunner, say what you mean and mean what you say!

BTW, Brandon beat Trump's ass in the last election!

Ray said...

Democrat Phil Murphy ended up winning by 2.7 points. Nearly every headline described it as a “narrow” victory.

Republican Glenn Youngkin ended up winning by 2.2 points. Not a single headline described it as a “narrow” victory.

The media frames things how it wants to.

dunkinville said...

You're a traitor in the Republican party for wanting to provide Americans with clean drinking water but a patriot for smearing feces on the walls of the US Capitol.

skudrunner said...

TYB, 110 billion goes to roads, bridges and infrastructure improvements.
7.5 billion goes to electric buses and 65 billion to rebuild our electric grid so they can charge all those electric vehicles.
21 billion to clean up superfund sites left behind by those greedy corporations especially those that use some of their greed to pay pensions.

That is 128 billion to work on classic infrastructure. Of course joeys Amtrak will get billions so he can tout he has ridden Amtrak for his 36 years as VP.

This bill is needed and hopefully will improve our roads, airports, ports and Amtrak. It will also line the pockets of politicians and the greedy capitalists and corporations. Now the challenge will be to get people to fill all those shovel ready jobs.

Shaw Kenawe said...

We can always count on skudrunner to show up and write an anhedonic screed.

Our friend, skud, is our very own Eeyore of Progressive Eruptions.

Georgia On My Mind said...

Pretty insane but totally predictable that the media hasn’t mentioned a peep of the 41 seats being flipped to blue across 21 counties in Georgia in municipal elections on Tuesday’s election

skudrunner said...

Hopefully this money will provide more recovery than the one trillion spent for shovel ready jobs that produced no sustainable jobs. It did however provide millions for donors to build solar panel companies that closed. Give a politician this much money and is is a great pork barrel fund. Maybe an independent source will review where the money goes but that is only a pipe dream.

Bluebullamerica said...

I found SKIDMARK !!!

Shaw Kenawe said...

Here's that link: Debbie Downer

Bluebullamerica said...

Thanks Ms. Shaw. I never have figured out how to do that. I will never read Skidmark again without thinking about Debbie Downer. :)

Shaw Kenawe said...


I also think he reminds me of THIS.

Bluebullamerica said...
