Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

This is the country we live in --


And the Trumpublican governors of states that MANDATE by law that no one should be encouraged, coerced, or forced to be vaccinated are prolonging this pandemic and causing unnecessary suffering and death to their own constituents.

That's the country we live in today. Thanks to the GQP that has politicized a serious health pandemic.

Florida health official placed on leave after encouraging employees to get vaccinated 

Dr. Raul Pino encouraged (he did NOT mandate) his employees to get vaccinated/boostered during a deadly pandemic, and the governor of that state, who passed a law forbidding vaccine mandates, got that doctor placed t on leave.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) signed into law in the fall a measure that prohibits state government agencies from implementing vaccine mandates.

Other countries look at the US and shake their heads over our foolishness, recklessness, and disregard for human life. 

The GQP has politicized protecting oneself from a pandemic, and the people who follow the GQP and its pols are getting COVID 19, DELTA, and OMICRON and dying miserable deaths.

Don't believe me?

January 17

Unvaccinated in Wisconsin hospitalized at 10x higher rate, died at 14x higher rate in December 

The health department says Friday’s high number of COVID-19 cases is due to a change in how data are being reported

MADISON, Wis. (WBAY) – The delta variant was more contagious and deadlier than the original COVID-19 virus that appeared over two years ago. The omicron variant surpassed delta by being far more contagious, but omicron didn’t create the same deadly viral load as the delta variant. In either case, health experts said vaccinations, especially with boosters, not only improved a person’s chance of not developing COVID-19 but making the disease less severe, less deadly, if they were infected. 

The Wisconsin Department of Health Services released its side-by-side comparison of Wisconsin’s vaccinated and unvaccinated COVID-19 cases in December 2021 on Saturday. Even though fully vaccinated people were the majority of the population by mid-December (57.4%), they only accounted for one-fourth of the confirmed COVID-19 cases.

COVID-19 Cases, Hospitalizations, and Deaths by Vaccination Status January 19, 2022, Summary: 

Unvaccinated 12-34 year-olds in Washington are • 2 times more likely to get COVID-19 compared with fully vaccinated 12-34 year-olds. 

• 5 times more likely to be hospitalized with COVID-19 compared with fully vaccinated 12-34 yearolds. 

Unvaccinated 35-64 year-olds are • 3 times more likely to get COVID-19 compared with fully vaccinated 35-64 year-olds. 

• 8 times more likely to be hospitalized with COVID-19 compared with fully vaccinated 35-64 yearolds. 

Unvaccinated 65+ year-olds are 

• 4 times more likely to get COVID-19 compared with fully vaccinated 65+ year-olds.
• 7 times more likely to be hospitalized with COVID-19 compared with fully vaccinated 65+ year-olds. 

• 13 times more likely to die of COVID-19 compared with fully vaccinated 65+ year-olds.

Unvaccinated 14 Times More Likely to Die From COVID 

Unvaccinated people are about six times more likely to test positive than vaccinated people, nine times more likely to be hospitalized, and 14 times more likely to die from COVID-related complications.

And this miserable excuse for a human being below clapped and cheered when she reported General Milley's COVID diagnosis. (She's vaxxed, since FAUX NOOZ mandates that their employees be vaccinated.) 

If there's a lower form of human life, I've yet to see it: 

FAUX NOOZ's Laura Ingraham rejoicing over hearing General Milley has COVID. Then thanks Jesus she's a Christian.


Mike said...

Did you see Frontline 'United States of Conspiracy' last night on PBS? It was an Alex Jones expose.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Mike, No I didn't, but I subscribe to PBS and can get any program I miss on the internet.

I started watching "All Creatures Great and Small." I just wanted to escape the depressing news.

I'll catch it later.

Dave Miller said...

The country we live in?

We live in a country where just a couple of years ago, "conservatives" rallied behind a president who said taking the fifth was "for the mob." Now that the president's son has claimed the fifth over 500 times to avoid answering a single question under oath, we hear nothing. Not even crickets.

We live in a country where "conservatives" say they hate to be "conspiratorial" and then immediately pass on conspiracy theories.

And we live in a country where "law & order" conservatives used to decry violence against police and call for the death penalty for those who did so. Now, with film, photos, sworn testimony and medical evidence that hundreds of officers were hurt in a January 6 riot at the US Capitol, they've suddenly abandoned their previously held support of the blue line.

We really need to ask why.

But as this is where we find ourselves, it doesn't look good.

Except for the 8-1 decision by the SCOTUS finding that the US National Archives can turn over documents relating to 1/6 that Fmr Pres Trump sought to shield through executive privilege. This looks very good.

Les Carpenter said...

I'm going out on a limb here I know, but, I've always had a facination with limbs. Tree limbs that is. For me the facination with limbs rests in how many folks are afraid of limbs. Guess it's a tribal thingy.

Anyhoo, let's look at the following sentence, ... the Trumpublican governors of states that MANDATE by law that no one should be encouraged, coerced, or forced to be vaccinated are prolonging this pandemic and causing unnecessary suffering and death to their own constituents. These mandates are causing EVERYONE to suffer, including possible suffering a premature death. The insane degree of personal self interest that some in this capitalist nation wallows in daily just happens to be one of this nation's greatest problems. A problen that ignorance and a misguided belief that peoples personal liberty and freedom somehow trumps the liberty and freedom of folks that understand the depth of the threst to life and happiness this pandemic presents humanity. It is not suprising that some of these very same folks also refuse recognize, let alone to accept, the problems of human generated deforestation, desertification, climate change, and gross overpoululation in parts of the world. In short, to continue to ignore the facts of reality and continue to feed ourselves stories based solely on what is personally desired is the sure fire way to accelerate the planet's inability to support life.

This nation sure spends a great deal of time in the weeds looking to find ways to fight each other, yet, believe it or not, we truly are all brothers and sisters.

Across the globe and through all ethnic and racial lines does the preceeding truth hold true. Except of course for the political and religous groups that believe their personal freedumbs outweigh all else. Apparently including the lives of their own loved ones qas well as their bothers and sisters.

You cannit fix willful ignorance.

Shaw Kenawe said...

RN, You've given us a lot of truth to ponder. Yes, I know that the governors who outlaw mask mandates also imperil the health of ALL the people who reside in their states. Thank you for reminding us of that.

We have to understand that those governors are looking at this pandemic as a way to gain political ascendency with their followers so they can pursue other avenues of political leadership (i.e. the presidency). They are not looking out for the health and safety of their people. Greed and self-interest at its worst! The anti-mandate laws will continue to make this pandemic last longer and kill more people. But personal ambition trumps caring for one's brothers and sisters in Trump's dystopia.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Dave M.

Dave: "We live in a country where just a couple of years ago, "conservatives" rallied behind a president who said taking the fifth was "for the mob." Now that the president's son has claimed the fifth over 500 times to avoid answering a single question under oath, we hear nothing. Not even crickets."

I've said the reason for their ignoring these glaring examples of hypocrisy is because they feel shame. At least that's how a normal person would react to such blatant hypocrisy. But Trumpublicans have left all manifestations of normalcy behind when they joined the Trump Cult. A cultist doesn't know he/she is in a cult.

Dave: "We live in a country where "conservatives" say they hate to be "conspiratorial" and then immediately pass on conspiracy theories."

If the conspiracy theory fits their narrative, they pass it along to keep the "theory" alive. Except when a theory is detrimental to their Trumpy narrative.

Dave: "And we live in a country where "law & order" conservatives used to decry violence against police and call for the death penalty for those who did so. Now, with film, photos, sworn testimony and medical evidence that hundreds of officers were hurt in a January 6 riot at the US Capitol, they've suddenly abandoned their previously held support of the blue line."

I actually read the people on far right blogs (especially Geeez's blog) mocking and jeering the Capitol police who gave testimony on the seditious attack on the Capitol. THEY MADE FUN OF THEM! And even suggested they were lying.

This is what happens to cultists, such as those on that blog: They lose touch with reality and disregard anything that challenges their Trumpian narratives -- even video evidence of crimes committed by their own cultists. Cultists don't know they're in a cult!

skudrunner said...

Ms. Shaw, Not sure what depressing news you are referring to because the medical experts say covid is going to be behind us in the spring. FLA has .43 per deaths per 100 thousand, MA has .77 with Ohio at .99 and Michigan at 1.23 so it looks like deaths per 100 thousand is actually higher in the colonies and liberal controlled mandate states. You would think FLA would have the highest rates in the country because of the average age. This statistic came from the right wing NYT so not sure how accurate.

Are you referring to the Dems attempt to pass the voter fraud bill that failed. The all hated one contends that the election was fraudulent and he is being excoriated for it. Now that, it appears , the dems will lose some seats in November they are trying to change voting laws to favor their voters. No ID, vote from the comfort of your couch and we will pick up your ballot so you don't even have to get up. I have never understood why we vote on one day which is a Tuesday and not make it three day weekend to vote. Maybe that is something to push for, vote Friday trough Sunday and provide a picture ID. The dems are trying to push through everything on their want list instead of asking for things that make sense.

Les Carpenter said...

On the heels of your above response I though you might find the following article interesting.A bit off topic but relavant to this post. Actualy it broadens it just a bit.

I merely posted the list of potential causes with very breif comment and linked to the article. Interesting stuff that for me anyway became a meditation object.

We really do, as a society, spend a lot of time in the weeds IMO.

Paula said...

How can we talk about Omicron surge without mentioning vast majority of hospitalization & death from unvaccinated (vast majority who are Republicans following advice of their political & media elite)?

Shaw Kenawe said...

to Skudrunner:

COVID-19 Data Misrepresented by Florida Governor

The South Florida Sun Sentinel reported that the Florida Department of Health had commenced an inquiry into the state’s reporting of COVID-19 deaths, after Governor Ron DeSantis suggested that the official reports overstate the number of deaths. According to the report, Governor DeSantis and members of his staff repeatedly questioned the accuracy of the COVID-19 death rates, with his press secretary Fred Piccolo Jr. tweeting: "we can tell you definitively that Florida is counting deaths that were not directly caused by COVID-19.” Mr. Piccolo has also sought to downplay the COVID-19 pandemic in other ways. On one occasion, he erroneously tweeted: “we had one COVID death in Florida yesterday . . yes you read that right. One.” In fact, on the day in question, there were 47 deaths.

Data from the Centers for Disease Control and other independent public health experts suggest that Florida’s total death toll from the pandemic is actually understated. Experts noted that Governor DeSantis’ administration has used a COVID-19 infection rate that gives “more weight to negative test” results, and thus skews the results. Governor DeSantis has used the skewed rate to justify reopening schools and businesses. In response to criticism, Mr. Piccolo denied that Governor was attempting to question the official death toll, stating “[n]o one in the administration is trying to cast doubt on the number of COVID deaths, we are trying to get to the facts.”

I don't believe any statistic coming out of Florida right now. DeSantis is a Trumpublican and a liar.

Last time I looked, Ohio is a state run by Republicans, and in Michigan the Democratic Party controls the offices of governor, secretary of state, and attorney general. The Republican Party controls both chambers of the state legislature. (The legislature controls legislation.)

Skudrunner: "The dems are trying to push through everything on their want list instead of asking for things that make sense."

The American people support what the Dems are trying to do.

No Name Needed said...

The people have plenty of past evidence to not trust the government. So why are we so surprised that the people don't trust the government? Lack of trust is just one reason people don't believe the government and one reason they are willing to swallow what a fascist like Trump says. The scientist are guilty by association, because they speak for and work for the government. Add some lies about the top government scientist and people are unsure about what he says also. It took a long time for the government to destroy it's reputation with the people (with the help of the people) and it will take a long time to rebuild that trust also with the help of the people. I, and maybe some of you won't be around to see it, but it will correct itself. A free people who love capitalism won't accept fascism, or any other form of governing people to take over. A free vote can take care of that, which is why that should be our national priority.

skudrunner said...

to, Ms Shaw.

Even the head of the CDC said "Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) “quietly updated” its COVID-19 data “to admit that only 6% of all deaths recorded actually died from (COVID-19)”. Do does this mean that DeSantis is telling the truth and maybe instead of not believing anything DeSantis says you should question the CDC.

"The American people support what the Dems are trying to do" Is this why the Harris/Biden administration is scoring such high poll numbers. In his press conference yesterday the president never addressed the crime crisis, border crisis, Afgan crisis, homeless crisis, energy price crisis, or supply chain crisis. He did admit we have high inflation and touted he inherited a mess. He wasn't specific which part of secure borders, energy independence, low inflation, china, NKO, Russia, Iran at bay was a mess. At least he gave the go ahead to russia to invade the Ukraine as long as it was not a full scale take over.

Shaw Kenawe said...

No Name Needed,,

Do you remember Saint Ronnie saying "Government is not the solution to our problems; government IS the problem?" Stupid thing to say,since whenever there's a natural disaster, like tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, people turn to the government for help; when America was attacked,the government used the force of our military to defend the U.S.

Reagan denigrated the government for his own political purposes -- and didn't he use the government to conduct his illegal Iran-Contra crimes? Thereby fulfilling his own stupid indictment of the government?

"A free people who love capitalism won't accept fascism."

70 million Trump cultist would disagree with that. They're in love with a neo-fascist.

PS. Not all scientists work for the government.

Shaw Kenawe said...

What in the name of Hell did Mitch McConnell mean by this????

"The Kentucky Republican [McConnell] spoke to reporters Wednesday after two Democratic senators refused to go along with a plan to change Senate rule to overcome a GOP filibuster of voting rights legislation, and he was asked what he would say to voters of color who are concerned about their access to the polls before November's midterm elections.

"Well, the concern is misplaced," McConnell said. "Because if you look at the statistics, African American voters are voting in just as high a percentage as Americans."


Shaw Kenawe said...

SKUDRUNNER WROTE: "Even the head of the CDC said "Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) “quietly updated” its COVID-19 data “to admit that only 6% of all deaths recorded actually died from (COVID-19)”. Do does this mean that DeSantis is telling the truth and maybe instead of not believing anything DeSantis says you should question the CDC."

A simple Google search:

Shared thousands of times on Facebook, posts claim that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) “quietly updated” its COVID-19 data “to admit that only 6% of all the 153,504 (U.S.) deaths recorded actually died from (COVID-19).” According to the posts, the CDC stated that the other 94% of people died from other causes, and that only 9,210 people have died from COVID-19. This claim is false.

This is long and complicated, but I suggest skudrunner take the time to inform himself and next time check his sources before posting false information.

This is not PolitiFact or FactCheck or SNOPES -- all fact checking sites that Trumpublicans don't believe.

This is Reuters.

Shaw Kenawe said...

And skud, if you don't believe Reuters, here's The Scientist:

"No, the CDC Has Not “Quietly Updated” COVID-19 Death Estimates

An online conspiracy theory retweeted by President Donald Trump misconstrued data regarding the number of people who have died from the coronavirus."

The phrase “only 6%” trended on Twitter over the weekend after a series of posts accused the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of quietly reducing the number of deaths due to COVID-19 from nearly 154,000 to a little more than 9,200, or 6 percent of that initial total.

Several of the posts, which were widely shared across social media networks before being taken down for violating platform policies, were linked to followers of the QAnon conspiracy group. President Donald Trump retweeted at least two, and his senior legal adviser Jenna Ellis linked to an article from the fringe site Gateway Pundit that remains live, The Hill reports."

Shaw Kenawe said...

What skud is guilty of is posting "confirmation bias." He NEVER checks the veracity of his claims and, once again, gets caught passing around false information.

His claim is from Sept. 2020 and has been proven to be FALSE.

Shaw Kenawe said...

OT: Georgia’s Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis will assemble a special grand jury to hear evidence of Trump’s efforts to overturn Georgia's 2020 election results.

Dave Miller said...

Skud... as I'm traveling, I don't have a lot of time so I'll just respond broadly to a couple of themes you raised.

The end of Covid... If in fact it all goes away by spring 2022, that'll only be 2 years after Trump knowingly started lying and claiming it would be gone in spring 2020.

Here's an interesting timeline in case you for got that little factoid.

As for election fraud... it looks as if a attempt at fraud has indeed been uncovered related to the 2020 elections. To a level that would have changed the results had it been successful.

Here's how the conservative Bulwark put it...

Historian Heather Cox Richardson, writing in her January 17 newsletter, lays it all out in detail, leading to the inescapable conclusion that the scheme “appears to have been a coordinated attempt by members of the Trump administration and sympathizers around the country to overturn our government by committing election fraud.”

When can we expect all you folks on the fraud train to step up and call for investigations and prosecutions of these people? I mean, we have the receipts! Actual signed documents. Literally, letters of intent. Why is the GOP silent? Why are people like you, who have decried election fraud for years, silent?

I'm sure the answers will be telling.

Shaw Kenawe said...

skud also wrote:

. "In his press conference yesterday the president never addressed the crime crisis,"

There are many reasons for the 2021 spike in violent crime, but one thing is certain, the POTUS, whoever he or she is, has no control over crime rates in individual cities and states. That's the responsibility of those governors, mayors, etc. The POTUS does not interfere with law and order officers in states, cities, and towns.

Before 2021, the FBI reporting has shown violent crime was on the down trend and has been for decades. 2021 is an outlier, and the reasons are still unclear for the spike.

skudrunner would like to blame President Biden for something he doesn't control.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Dave, Thanks for your comment.

I think the hardest thing in this political climate is to admit that your president, representative, senator, candidate, and/or your party are in the wrong.

I remember how I felt when Clinton told his lie and dissembled about "what the meaning of is is." I was angry and felt betrayed and kept silent for a long time until I finally said ENOUGH! What he did was WRONG! And he should have resigned. And I have to say that despite all the good things he did in office, I will always be angry for his weaknesses and betrayals.

I don't think Trumpers have that ability. Skud is not a Trumper, but he does have an annoying habit of posting things here that are not true -- the CDC COVID death numbers above, for example -- and he does have a curious habit of trashing Barack Obama, who, for all his faults and mistakes in his presidency, was a DIGNIFIED, DECENT, HONORABLE man.

My belief is that the Trumpers are so marinated in the Cult of Trump that they just can't see what a dishonorable and indecent human being he is, and what a disaster he's been for this country. We see this every day on the Trumper blogs and the homage they continue to pay to this loathsome man.

You've presented facts about Trump and the GOP; and any normal person, if they didn't know who and what you were commenting on, would be appalled at the idea of ANYONE continuing to support what you described.

Trumpers are in a cult. The cultists doesn't know they're in a cult. That's what the US is up against.

No Name Needed said...

The scientist working for the government are the ones being attacked and the people are listening to those attacks. Remember facts and truth don't matter anymore.
70 million was not enough to give power back to Trump, and I still don't think the people are ready to give up their freedom and capitalism. If Trump runs again, he will lose.
Even though the Democrats have lost the voting rights bill and a chopped up build better plan the polls still tell us a majority of Americans still believe in those plans. One way to ensure those plans is for Democrats to have an overwhelming win at the ballot box. A 50/50 split just won't do it. It's up to the Democrats to create that win.
Ronnie was the cause of a lot of our problems including the deep debt we owe, yet most Americans consider him a great president. Go figure. It's no secret that Americans can be taken in by blowhards. We just have to work harder to make sure that doesn't happen again.

Shaw Kenawe said...

No Name Needed

"If Trump runs again, he will lose."

I hope you're correct. However, I said that in 2016. The GQP is up to its old tricks again by limiting who gets to vote.

skudrunner said...

Ms. Shaw, Sorry but if you check the CDC statistics table 3 you will find that the majority of deaths had contributing factors and finally the head of the CDC admitted that. Can't fault her because she is a scientist not a speaker and she was finally trapped into admission.

Rev, I should have clarified my answer that the pandemic will end in the spring or 2022 according to officials of WHO. I doubt falsi will say that because he will fall out of the limelight.

As the head of the democratic party the president has to share responsibility for democrat officials decisions on crime. He is not responsible for the massive increase in covid, energy prices, transportation, border, border crossings leading to sex and drug trafficking, forign relations with enemy countries then what is he responsible for. Wait I know, a two hour mumble session is something he can own.

Anonymous@8something said...

Remember folks, skud is but a lone sad pimple in the sea of deluded pimples that believe any sh*t tRump, republicans, or QANON feed them. Aided of course by the pimply puss filled cranial sacks of OAN, Newmax, FOX, and Breitart liars using their megaphones full of bullsh*t.

Shaw Kenawe said...

skud: "...the majority of deaths had contributing factors and finally the head of the CDC admitted that..."

Which means that COVID killed them because they had comorbidities, which if they hadn't had those comorbidities, COVID would not have killed them, therefore, it was COVID that did them in, NOT their comorbidities.

skud: "I doubt falsi will say that because he will fall out of the limelight."

I'm guessing "falsi" is skud's "clever" name for Dr. Fauci, who graduated first in his class at Cornell, and has spent 50+ years in his field of expertise, therefore, skud and people like him know more than Dr. Fauci, and they make up "clever" names like "falsi" to denigrate a man who knows more than they do. Har-hardy-har-har!

And as for your last paragraph of grievances and wild generalizations, that's bunk.

Why? Because NOT ONCE did you come here and remark on Donald Trump's "I take no responsibility" in reference to COVID and every other eff-up he was responsible for.

It appear you complain only when the Dems mess up, when the Trumpublicans do, you're silent.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Oops! Sorry. I misquoted Trump:

'I don't take responsibility at all': Trump deflects blame for coronavirus testing fumble
Trump has spent weeks downplaying the virus' outbreak.

skudrunner said...

Ms Shaw, You continue to chide me for not condemning trump and that is because I was not and am not a trump supporter. Look through your archives and you will find that to be a fact. I do have a great deal of criticism for all of the elected elite no matter their choice of party. Both parties are the same with a different spelling because politicians are only interested in four things. Spend your money, get more, keep their job and make themselves rich. They do this by controlling the American people and the best example are yellow dog democrats. The last honest politician was RR and Tulsi is the current holder of that badge. Pelosi has shown her mettle by passing on stock tips to her husband and then saying it is OK. The corruption is so widespread the only hope is fire them all.

possumlady said...

Ms. Shaw, Skud just makes no sense. He claims because he is not a trump supporter he hasn't condemned him? So logically, he should not constantly talk smack about Biden and Obama, right? He doesn't support either one, right? As we used to say in grade school, "Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs!"

Shaw Kenawe said...

"The last honest politician was RR"

I love the way you ignore the fact that Ronald Reagan had one of the MOST CORRUPT administrations in post war American history. How can you think of him as "honest" when he headed up a corrupt administration? Was he unaware of the crooks he had in his inner circle?

"The most well-known and politically damaging of the scandals came to light since Watergate was in 1986, when Ronald Reagan conceded that the United States had sold weapons to the Islamic Republic of Iran, as part of a largely unsuccessful effort to secure the release of six U.S. citizens being held hostage in Lebanon."

Please answer.

Tulsi Gabbard? LOL! The ONLY POLITICIAN who voted "PRESENT" for Trump's SECOND impeachment! She didn't have the cajones to say "NAY" or "YEA." So she weaseled her way out with "Present."

Dave Miller said...

Shaw... the Reagan Admin was a cesspool of corruption. And Skud, while I agree that many politicians end up corrupt, I refuse to believe they are all like that. That's a level of cynicism I can't allow to consume me.

There are many fine people working in politics who really desire to do good for America and her people. Our simple disagreement with them and loathing of the money they can make does not diminish that reality.

Look everyone... a few years ago a young guy in Mexico, a student at the Harvard of the country and a friend asked me a question. "Dave" he asked, "do you think everyone who enters politics is corrupt, or are they corrupted by the system?"

Perhaps it's the system that corrupts people. If so, yes it's pervasive. But then the question that faces us is what are we willing to do fix it?

It's like the gun issue.

A right that we have is literally killing us. Are we willing to limit that right, to fix the problem? And should we?

I don't know all the answers.

But cynicism can't be part of the mix.

Dave Miller said...

Re Tulsi Gabbard...

Seriously... who?

Les Carpenter said...

skud obviously is a BIG L libertarian that has wholeheartedly accepted the false narative that ALL elected government officials are corrupt. Given his wholehertd belief in the untrue methinks skud is really just a pro anarchy type of guy that really believes no government best.

skudrunner said...

Name one person in congress who did not leave office much richer than when they went in. It is a felony for anyone to trade on insider information except the political elected elite. Even the speaker has said it is OK and she sets the tone. By much I mean millions richer. They certainly didn't achieve this monetary goal on their salary.

Now we have a president who's claim to fame is he was attached at the hip with someone who did nothing for eight years except ask russia to bail him out of a jam. Is his giving russia the go ahead to invade the Ukraine a payback.

I am surprised by Ms. Shaw and Rev's reaction to Tulsi because I thought both of you would be women equality proponents. How about Nikki Haley, smart with forign affairs experience and government experience. Her only drawback is she is a republican. In truth anyone except the VP could do a better job than the current seat holder.

Shaw Kenawe said...

skudrunner: "Now we have a president who's(sic) claim to fame is he was attached at the hip with someone who did nothing for eight years except ask russia to bail him out of a jam."

S.K. I call b.s. on that. Again, you post ZERO evidence for that load of b.s. you wrote.

skud: "I am surprised by Ms. Shaw and Rev's reaction to Tulsi because I thought both of you would be women equality proponents."

S.K. I can't speak for Dave M., but my qualifications for women/men pols would be "quality and honesty above equality" IOW the content of their character, not their chromosomes. IMO, Gabbard has none -- she's definitely NOT qualified to be POTUS, nor is she honest. It appears your admiration for Gabbard resides in her not being a Lefty. She should change her political affiliation to what she actually is: A Trumpublican.

And good riddance to her is she does.

Nikki Haley? The woman who said in 2016 that Donald Trump is everything we teach our children NOT to be, then went on to kiss his ass? IOW, another Trumpublican hypocrite who hated Trump for the liar, cheat, and fraud that he is, but then praised him for being everything she teaches her children not to be.

You may admire that kind of double standard. I don't.

If it weren't for double standards, the GOP wouldn't have any standards at all.

Dave Miller said...

Skud... Nikki Haley?

Seriously, I don't have any issues with anyone running for office, male or female. But Haley will get no support from me because she, by her silence, enabled Pres Trump to skirt political norms, potentially the Constitution and divide America.

Not a single member of the Trump Admin, minus their resignation and vocal denunciation of his lies, subterfuge and personal character should ever be a part of our political leadership again.

As for the riches these folks get, they work for it. They go to school to study law, often at great expense, so they can be politicians and make a living. And what they do pays well.

Yes, there are perks that enrich them, and wish it were not true, but it's the system we have.

BTW, your criticism of Speaker Pelosi for supposed insider trading rings hollow without also denunciation of GOP members, most recently MTG for doing the same.

Good for the goose and all...

skudrunner said...

Rev, The fact that you would never support Nikki is assumed, she is a competent republican.

Congress pays $174,000 per year. They have to have two residences one in a very expensive city and many times they have families. You can't make millions on that income with those expenses. Martha Stewart goes to prison for insider trading and congress goes to the Bahama's for doing the same thing. Even AOC said it is wrong. I did not single out democrats I did say all. "Name one person in congress who did not leave office much richer than when they went in."