Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Tuesday, February 22, 2022


Never thought I'd ever hear a former US president praise an anti-democracy authoritarian dictator, but here it is:


Former President Donald Trump on Tuesday called Vladimir Putin a "genius" after the Russian president made moves to take over parts of Ukraine. Trump made the remarks during an interview with conservative podcaster Buck Sexton. 

 "I went in yesterday and there was a television screen, and I said, 'This is genius,'" Trump recalled. "Putin declares a big portion of the Ukraine — of Ukraine -- Putin declares it as independent. Oh, that’s wonderful." "I said, 'How smart is that?'" the former U.S. president continued. 

"And he’s gonna go in and be a peacekeeper. That’s the strongest peace force… We could use that on our southern border. That’s the strongest peace force I’ve ever seen. There were more army tanks than I’ve ever seen. They’re gonna keep peace all right. 

No, but think of it. Here’s a guy who’s very savvy." Trump added: "But here’s a guy that says, you know, 'I’m gonna declare a big portion of Ukraine independent,' he used the word 'independent' and 'we’re gonna go out and we’re gonna go in and we’re gonna help keep peace.' 

You gotta say that’s pretty savvy. And you know what the response was from Biden? There was no response. They didn’t have one for that. No, it’s very sad. Very sad."

Why would Trump want a response from Biden? He just made it clear that what Putin did was "wonderful!" Trump is in awe of the glorious brilliance of a murderous, anti-democracy thug who beats, imprisons, and murders anyone who challenges his hold on power! 

Nothing in our US history prepared me for seeing a former American president give praise to such an anti-liberty, anti-democracy murderous goon. And yet there he is -- Trump praised a foreign dictator over his American president. 

This was a low point in American history when an American president sided with a foreign dictator against his own intel people. Trump keeps showing us that he prefers Russia and its dictator over America. Treachery!

And here are his weak-minded cultists who parrot Trump's praise of this anti-democratic despot:

Here's "Blame America First" Candace Owens (may her shame increase.) I hope this anti-American tweet follows her the rest of her confused and dishonorable life:

And another Putin fanboy, Andrew McCarthy. Russia IS NOT a "millennia old" empire, but that's just the least of his idiotic statement. 

“There's no Team America for Trump," Hill recalled. "Not once did I see him do anything to put America first. Not once. Not for a single second.

I'm pretty certain other Trump cultists will chime in with their support for Putin, so they can "own the libs" with their treacherous statements against their own country. 

Stay tuned.


Ray Cranston said...

Poison by Putin is a signature assassination method the world has become accustomed to.

Harsh sanctions are due. While I am sorry for the Russian people, it seems they are once again themselves victims of successful propaganda that they are embracing.

Ukraine wants self government and freedom, not war.

Dave Dubya said...

All Putin needs to do next is call for all Trump supporters to take up arms against the US government. They would do it, especially if egged on by Trump.

Putin virtually owns Trump and the Republican Party.

BluebullAmerica said...

anyone who thinks that Putin is somehow not a threat to us and the rest of the free world is not only a total moron but incredibly Un American and needs to be deported to Russia immediately. We don't need people actively working to destroy us and our friends around the globe living and inciting here amongst us.

skudrunner said...

Just because you acknowledge the truth doesn't mean you approve. Once again we were caught flatfooted with a delayed response doesn't mean we condone what putin is doing.
We weaken the US with an ill planned abandonment of civilians in one country, we stop exploration of petroleum making us energy dependent once again, we lock down an economy because we place a celebrity in charge of a pandemic and we give people more money than they would earn to not work. No wonder we have lost prestige with foreign leaders.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Jon Cooper
How the hell can anyone hear Trump call Putin’s actions in Ukraine “genius” and not call him out as a traitor?

Shaw Kenawe said...

Ray, Putin is a known assassin -- no one who challenges his power gets out alive. Navaly is in prison after being poisoned. And yet former president DJT praised a murderer and mocked the President of the United States. At any other time in our history, a majority of Americans would rise up and disown Trump as an honorable citizen.

IMO, Trump's has no loyalty to America, only to strong men dictators who can enrich him.

Trump is no American as far as I'm concerned.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Dave D. I would not be surprised if Trump cultists fought against Americans and supported Putin and his thuggish regime. Actually, lots of them are doing just that in words.

Shaw Kenawe said...

BluebullAmerica, Trump and his cultists don't see Russia as a threat to democracy. They're actually cheering him on against their own country. Amazing!

Shaw Kenawe said...

Bill Kristol
Today: The most recent president of the United States, offering no support in this crisis for our president, but rather praising Vladimir Putin.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Seth Abramson
Understand that when I write of Donald Trump as a “traitor to America” it is reporting a fact—not stating an opinion.

I’m a Trump presidential historian who has been researching, writing, and publishing on Trump for 7 years.

That he is a traitor is indisputable historical fact.

Well, during an international crisis involving our Cold War enemy and our NATO allies, when we see a former POTUS praising the former Cold War enemy and mocking the current POTUS, the words "TRAITOR" and "America Hater" come to mind.

Shaw Kenawe said...

#Russia's state TV is proudly showing off Mike Pompeo's recent commentary, where he said about Putin: “Very shrewd. Very capable. I have enormous respect for him."

The Other Anonymous said...

Facing a crisis with nuclear proportions, there is no place to run and hide from Trump's comments.

Donald Trump is an enemy of freedom in our midst.

Anonymous said...

Tic Toc, Tic Toc, Tic Toc

The dumb ass tRump and the dumb asses in the conservative/republican shitstain party are, dumber than a tanker full of boulders.

America will lose its freedoms and independence sooner than anyone realixzes.

Paula said...

How do you know your country has a democracy in precipitous decline? When one of the two political parties spends their time attacking their own democratically elected president as the enemy while praising/admiring a murderous dictator invading other democratic countries.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Anonymous, The Other Anonymous, and Paula

I’m old enough to remember when a dictatorship invaded a sovereign nation and Republicans didn’t side with the dictator.

Leo T. Lyon said...

Trump said Putin’s invasion of Ukraine was “genius” and “very savvy” and said Russia is a “peacekeeper.”

Trump's statements will be looped on Russian propaganda TV for EVER!

I don't know if Trump is more of a moron or traitor?

Infidel753 said...

Andrew McCarthy: "We aren't an empire nearly a millennia old."

"A millennia" -- he embraces the upholding of national culture, but he can't even use his own nation's language correctly.

skudrunner said...

Another president who said Russia was not a threat is now an enemy. We may be better off having the president who said Russia has not been a threat for 20 years than the one we have today. We have the fifth estate with such a specific agenda that they are no longer able to do their job.

Shaw Kenawe said...

L.T.L. "I don't know if Trump is more of a moron or traitor?"

Traitor, IMO.

Shaw Kenawe said...

skudrunner "Another president who said Russia was not a threat is now an enemy."

I wish you wouldn't make statements in riddles.

Just to remind you: All of America's allies are in accord with what Biden did -- Donald Trump is NOT an American ally -- he believes Putin (who murders his challengers to power) is a "genius," and "savvy."

I'd like to know who the Americans are who still admire Trump. They admire an American who praised Russia and mocked America!

The Trumpublicans don't seem to have a problem when someone from their tribe turns against America.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Australia has now joined the US, Canada, the UK, Norway, Japan and the European Union in imposing harsh sanctions against Russia.

Trump and his cultists will soon whine about how unfair America and her allies are to Russia!

Anonymous said...

You don't have to be a foreign policy expert to know that Trump calling Putin's moves "genius" and "savvy" is a really bad look for a former American President.

Even for Trump.

No Name Needed said...

The players in this crisis do not include Trump. Trump is not the president of the United States, nor is he the aggressor in this military movement. Why you choose to highlight what Trump the moron says is mystifying. Putin is the enemy here. Putin is acting like a Hitler. Biden is acting like a Chamberline. The comparison is apt. Hitler took his piece of land and the world powers allowed him to. Putin is taking his piece of land and world powers are allowing him to. Apparently we have learned nothing from how WWII started.

Shaw Kenawe said...


As a former POTUS, what Trump says during an international crisis puts hiM EXACTLY in the middle of this. Trump praised a murderous dictator, Putin, calling him "savvy" and a "genius," and mocked America, by disparaging President Biden. Never in my lifetime has a former POTUS been so disloyal to his country while admiring an aggressor and dictator.

So the alternative to harsh sanctions would be what? Hot war? With American troops on the ground in Ukraine? Are you in favor of that?

I'd like to hear your opinion on what America and her allies should do other than what they are doing.

No Name Needed said...

If we stand behind our good words to defend oppressed people, stop innocent killing of civilians, stop genocide, defend freedom for people around the world, then yes, dictators must be met gun to gun. We also learned that lesson from WWII. Financial sanctions will not stop killers, or Putin. Did you hear the list of people targeted by Putin's military once they occupy? What will Putin want next? Do you trust Putin will stop at Ukraine when he has stated his goal is to rebuild the land of the old Soviet Union? What is worth fighting for? What did we fight for in WWII? Another lesson learned is we should not wait to be attacked. If this nut job is willing to throw his country into war; we don't need to guess at his intentions.

Anonymous said...

Why don't we quote what Bush, or Obama have to say about Putin's actions? They are past American presidents. The media is pushing what a traitor like Trump says. We better decide who we are going to listen to as we head to war with Putin. Is our priority to listen to a known American traitor, even if he is a past American president.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Anonymous @2:02PM

"Why don't we quote what Bush, or Obama have to say about Putin's actions?"

Because they've said nothing about President Biden's actions, as has been the American tradition until Trump came along.

Anonymous: "Is our priority to listen to a known American traitor, even if he is a past American president."

Who said it's a priority?

I set this blog up as a sort of journal to keep track of what's happening in my country and the world, and to post other things that are of interest to me.

I have about 10 regulars and maybe 10 more who infrequently comment here.

That's roughly 20 people out of billions worldwide, and 350 million here in the US. Nothing I write here has any influence on anything, but apparently a few people like to read and comment. That's all that's going on here.

My biggest fans are trolls who come from Lisa's blog "Who's Your Daddy," since they leave comments in my moderation file almost every day. Their visits have increased over the past months because apparently WYD is now offline, and no other decent blog will publish their rantings.

Shaw Kenawe said...

N.N.N. "If we stand behind our good words to defend oppressed people, stop innocent killing of civilians, stop genocide, defend freedom for people around the world, then yes, dictators must be met gun to gun."

If that were true, why didn't we go into Sudan? What about the human rights violations by China of Uyghurs? We didn't let that stop us from sending our athletes to the Olympics. What about the starvation going on in Ethiopia's Tigray region because of that conflict?

The old saying goes that wars are easy to get into but difficult to get out of.

America has a history, going back to Korea, of not ending wars for anyone's good.

I'm hoping sanctions and diplomacy and pressure brought on by us and our allies will prevent a land war.

Anonymous said...

You set the priority by posting his comments. You made it your issue of the day. You make an issue of everything he says, even though he has been out of office for over a year. Justice and the legal system take time. Justice is coming to Trump. Hopefully he will end up in jail.

No Name Needed said...

And I disagree with the decisions of my country at times. What else is new? I totally disagree with sending our team to China. And why haven't we stood up against the offenses you listed? There are enough bad guys to keep America at war constantly. So we pick and choose. I guess the question is how is the world doing? There seems to be too much oppression in the world and who has the strength to do anything about it.

Shaw Kenawe said...


"You set the priority by posting his comments. You made it your issue of the day. You make an issue of everything he says, even though he has been out of office for over a year."

And this upsets you because?

You exaggerate, of course. I DO NOT make "an issue of everything he says." Apparently you dislike reading about him. Well, you can do something about that.

"Justice and the legal system take time. Justice is coming to Trump. Hopefully he will end up in jail."

I doubt he'll end in jail. But I hope he'll be prohibited from ever running for office again, and that the justice system will mete out a proper punishment for the crimes he's committed over his miserable life.

Shaw Kenawe said...

N.N.N. "And why haven't we stood up against the offenses you listed?"

Ask the previous and present administrations. I don't know.

Statecraft is a complicated, nuanced, and thorny activity. It includes all sorts of situations that pivot around who are our friends and who are our enemies; who do we import from and export to; who do we have treaties with; who has the most nuclear weapons, etc.

I am not an expert in any of that nor do I have inside information on how my country makes policy on these complicated, nuanced, and thorny issues.

This blog is about my opinions on issues I care about. Period.

Anonymous said...

Because he's a traitor and a criminal. He should not be listened to and constantly posting his garbage is a disservice to the country and only adds to disunity. Yes, there is something I can do, and I will. Enjoy your obsession.

Grey One talks sass said...

Good afternoon Shaw. We have indeed been cursed to live in interesting times.

So - to business. First I think it's adorable how absolute strangers find it fitting to come into your house Shaw to tell you how to run things.

And (even better) when told to mind their manners they huff and puff before flouncing out the door (score 6 - try better next time sweetie). Really impresses me with their bona fides.

Second - to address the issue I've witnessed all over the interwebz, why oh why is anyone giving the former (defeated and impeached twice) guy any coverage. Well, because his followers won't shut up, he won't shut up, he continues to crime, and oh by the way, because ignoring bullies and those who threaten our national security never works. The only way to clean up the former guy size mess we have here/now is to let the sun shine in. It really is one of the best disinfectants.

For those who think sanctions don't work history has a couple of lessons to tell you. I'm not going to try to convince anyone, they all like to do their own research, they can pick up a history book or two like I did back in the day.

From what I've gleaned off of social media today the sanctions include multiple nations not only freezing actual accounts but also blocking the issuance of bonds, loans, and other financial products that had me doing a Google search. Don't ask me to explain them, I read up on it and I still can't tell you. Anyway, Putin will have to dip into those funds he has stashed in his mattress if he still wants his physical war.

In a way it's almost helpful so many humans are so vocal in supporting Putin. It allows We The People to more easily identify those who don't have the USA's best interests at heart. Housekeeping will be (slightly) easier when the dust settles.

Interesting times indeed.

skudrunner said...

NNN, It is all about trump all the time. It has nothing to do with obama saying russia as a threat was 20 years ago or biden giving nuclear power back to iran or hunter making millions skimming off china and Ukrainian. It is not about the current president making people suffer to appease a radical groups agenda. It is all about an ex president who will be convicted by our legal system over time and of course the media is all in.

Grey One talks sass said...

No Name Needed, If the USA devolves to a bullet battle then the next war will be fought with sticks, to paraphrase Einstein. The USA is in the battle against Putin (I'm not convinced he speaks for all of Russia.) but as Shaw said earlier statecraft is a delicate dance.

Here are my concerns to illuminate my logic -

The USA has a rotten record on human rights here at home and abroad. We've invaded nations, allowed our allies to invade places they should have left alone, abandoned our allies, done lots of things that do not measure up to the rhetoric of greatness We The People spew.

To this day the USA has yet to honor any of the Treaties signed with any of the First Nations. There may be one, but our success rate is horrible.

Christian Nationalism. That right there is, in my opinion, exactly why We The People are here/now. I'm not talking about Christians like my mom, I'm talking about Christian Nationalists who have worked hard to get their people into all factions of government - from school boards to the military. These folks take an oath to protect the Constitution and to a person they place their deity first and the Constitution second. To them there is no separation of church and state and if you challenge them on that... well, I've been called worse things (sob - I was called late to dinner once - sob - it broke my heart).

There is a faction of citizens (looking at you Christian Nationalists) who believe only they are true citizens of the USA. The rest of us 'others' are beneath them and not worthy of the rights and privilege's they deserve because they follow the one and only "Twue" deity.

That's the division and in my opinion the main issue. There is no point sitting down to discuss compromise with a human if they won't admit anyone but themselves have rights as a citizen.

So, how to move forward from all that ick? Well, in therapy there is a phrase - I'm doing the best I can and I know I can do better. Also - When we know better we do better. One step at a time, We got this even if We have to go it alone.

Nasty thought - the Venn diagram of anti-vaxers and Christian Nationalists is almost a circle, although I take no joy in the idea.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Grey One talks sass,

I've always had commenters come here and tell me what I should or shouldn't write about. Most of the time, they mansplain what I should do, bless their hearts.

Apparently writing about Trump, who influences about 30+% of our population and was responsible for inciting an insurrection on our US Capitol is not a worthy subject to some folks. I don't get it.

I agree with you. Let the light shine on what's happening. Democracy dies in darkness.

We need to keep an eye on the rise of Christian Nationalism and aspiring pols like Mike Pompeo who once said at a conference that America should be "one nation under one god." He didn't say which god, but I assume he meant the Christian/Catholic god. He was serious. And we have the Supremes: 6 of the 9 are Catholics, ACB, being the most recently appointed Catholic, who is on record saying that birth control and homosexuality are "not natural." Can she set her deeply held religious faith aside when hearing cases before the court? I don't think so.

I'm old enough to remember how people were afraid that if JFK became president, the Vatican would be calling the shots in the Executive Branch. Now we have the Congregation of Faith and the Vatican calling the shots in the Judicial Branch -- (see Roe v. Wade). Once they overturn that, on to Griswold v. Connecticut and then Obergefell v. Hodges.

And the biggest howls about Sharia Law come from that side of the aisle!

Yes. Interesting times.

Anonymous said...

@GOts - Excellent points you make. But IMO until people (across the globe) begin to shed their focus on self interest and begin to understand that the self is but a construct of the deluded mind not much (of real significance) will change.

We are all interconnected and we all depend on literally thousands of actions of our brothers and sisters. In other words we are all interbeings, not independent selves.

And yes, the actions of the USA over our history confirms we are among the least ethical of nations. IOW's we run by the do as we say, not as we do

Anonymous said...

"And yes, the actions of the USA over our history confirms we are among the least ethical of nations."

What garbage