Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston

Saturday, February 10, 2024

DONALD J. TRUMP, the insurrectionist:


There are 1.3 million actively practicing lawyers in the United States, and—just guessing here—at least several hundred thousand people with law degrees who do not practice law. I would wager a large sum that more than 80 percent of them—perhaps more than 90 percent—recognize that Trump engaged in a serious effort to overthrow our system of government.


Anonymous said...

Yup. No doubt.

But, what to do about the hopelessly deluded cultists like -fj and the millions of other devoted disciples of ignorance and delusion?

That is, the 64 million dollar dilemma.

To which no one has a clue.

Dave Dubya said...

The vile criminal, insurrectionist and traitor said, “One of the presidents of a big country stood up and said, Well, sir, if we don't pay and were attacked by Russia, will you protect us? You didn’t pay? I said no, I would not protect you (our NATO allies). In fact, I would encourage them (Russia) to do whatever the hell they want. You gotta pay!”

Putin's Puppet is now Putin's Partner. They are now Twin Tyrants.

This should be the top news story for the next 9 months. I expect to watch most our corporate media let it fade away over the weekend.

Les Carpenter said...

It should be plastered on billboards, and in the news every goddamn hour. And every politician with integrity, including the few real republicans that are left ought to be speaking on this, writing columns in newspapers and magazine denouncing the Traitor Trump and his MAGAverse bullshit.

The traitorous son of a bitch is nothing but a Russian asset who truly wants to destroy this country to make it, and us, suffer for telling the truth about the scoundrel that he is and exposing his traitorous acts and statements.

The orange hued human orangutan belongs in a padded cell and the keys should be thrown away. This human form, DJT, is a worthless excuse of a human being.

I keep hoping he chokes on his Big Mac and finally meets his black evil karma face to face.