Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Wednesday, July 3, 2024

This is what MAGA wants, Part II




You know who isn't named in Epstein's book?

Joe Biden and Barack Obama.

Donald Trump and Jeffrey Epstein partied together for two decades.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

This is what MAGA wants:


This is how third-world dictatorships operate. 

And MAGA is going to vote for this un-American, anti-democracy criminal.

We have never seen this kind of threat to our country -- not even in a time of war -- that we now have before us. All because a deeply damaged malignant narcissist and convicted felon and rapist has been successful in convincing so many gullibles of his greatness.

"Former President Donald Trump over the weekend escalated his vows to prosecute his political opponents, circulating posts on his social media website invoking “televised military tribunals” and calling for the jailing of President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, Sens. Mitch McConnell and Chuck Schumer, and former Vice President Mike Pence, among other high-profile politicians. 

 Trump, using his account on Truth Social on Sunday, promoted two posts from other users of the site that called for the jailing of his perceived political enemies. 

 One post that he circulated Sunday singled out Liz Cheney, the former Wyoming Congress member who is a Republican critic of Trump’s, and called for her to be prosecuted by a type of military court reserved for enemy combatants and war criminals. 

 “Elizabeth Lynne Cheney is guilty of treason,” the post said. “Retruth if you want televised military tribunals.”


"Trump has repeatedly called for the imprisonment of his political opponents, often singling out members of the Jan. 6 committee. But the two posts that Trump amplified Sunday particularly stand out. One proposed jailing an extensive list of high-ranking officials, including Trump’s former vice president, the top Republican in the Senate and the current president and vice president. 

The other invoked the dictatorial imagery of a televised military tribunal, which would strip Cheney of her right to due process similar to the military courts used to prosecute terror suspects at Guantánamo Bay ."

 This article originally appeared in The New York Times.

And this: 

Donald Trump’s former Sec. Def. Mark Esper: “[Trump] was suggesting that...we should bring in the troops and shoot the protesters.” 

 Q: “The commander-in-chief was suggesting that the U.S. military shoot protesters?” 

 Esper: “Yes, in the streets of our nation’s capital.”


Trump would LOVE to be able to EXECUTE those who do not support him:



Monday, July 1, 2024



Joseph Robinette Biden is unstoppable!


From Really American:

"Pre-immunity ruling, Donald Trump already had unchecked criminal impulses. 

Trump to his then-Attorney General Bill Barr: “just say the election was corrupt and leave the rest to me and the Republican Congress.” 

Trump to the Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger: “All I want to do is this. I just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have. Because we won the state.” 

Trump to a writer, publisher, and others without security clearance: “It is like highly confidential, secret. This is secret information. Look, look at this.” He continued: “See, as president I could have declassified, but now I can't, you know. Isn't that interesting? It's so cool." 

 Three instances where, as President, his actions were self-serving, dishonest, and dangerous. 

And these are the kind of acts SCOTUS just gave a pass to. 

 Post-immunity, the convicted, compulsive criminal would be a clear and present DAILY danger to America."

BREAKING The Supreme Court ruled 6-3 that Trump is entitled to immunity for “official acts” as president but “There is no immunity for unofficial acts."

Lawrence Tribe:

"The question before the justices in Trump v. United States: Was Donald Trump immune from prosecution for the crimes the special counsel Jack Smith accused him of committing while president? The answer should have been obvious: No, presidents cannot commit crimes aimed at obstructing the peaceful transfer of power without facing consequences. Indeed, to my knowledge, no court has ever held that a president could be criminally immune under any circumstances. Instead of delivering that judgment many months ago and allowing the trial to proceed, the justices have given Mr. Trump the gift of delay piled upon delay. 

By taking nearly 10 weeks to deliberate before returning the case to the district court — and by sending it back not even for immediate trial but for preliminary determinations that could trigger yet another round of appeals — they have extinguished any realistic hope of getting a verdict in the Jan. 6 case before November. 

American voters will enter ballot booths to choose between Donald Trump and President Biden without knowing whether Mr. Trump is guilty of the crimes with which a grand jury of his fellow citizens charged him. 


 Although the opinion features a high-minded disclaimer that the court is not granting Mr. Trump or any future president complete immunity, the practical effect of this decision is presumptive immunity for all future presidents and complete immunity by delay for Mr. Trump.

Steve Bannon inmate number : 05635-509.