Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Friday, July 26, 2024




 Republicans who have endorsed Vice President Harris, so far: 

Former Defense Sec. Chuck Hagel 
Former Amb. to India Robert Blackwill 
Former Amb. to Romania Michael E. Guest 
Former Congressman Adam Kinzinger 
Former Congressman Chris Shays 
Former Georgia Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan 
Former Maryland Lt. Gov. Michael Steele 
Republican Voters Against Trump Haley Voters for Harris

Here's a thought:

Imagine what Trump supporters would say if Kamala Harris had five children with three different husbands and she cheated on all three husbands, and even cheated on her extra-marital lovers!

Do you see how hypocritical and misogynistic the Trump supporters are now, with their sexual slurs against VP Harris?


Les Carpenter said...

Anyone who does not see the abject hypocrisy of the Gop is a Trumper and belongs to the MAGAverse of willfully ignorant people.

BB-Idaho said...

It seems clear - Trump strategy is to accuse opponents of every nauseating illegal loathsome things he has himself done. Oddly, it sells in some bizarre markets.

Sam said...

Happy Friday to you Shaw!
Try to forget about politics and have a restful and peaceful weekend.

Dave Dubya said...

Former Nixon White House Counsel and author of "Authoritarian Nightmare" John Dean stated it bluntly.

"Trump and the Republicans are a constant, unending, stream of poison, followed by more poison, followed by more poison, and followed by more poison. They thrive on venom and malice. It is already very old, not to mention extremely boring."

It's like he just described Skud and -FJ/Joe Con.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Sam. This is a birthday weekend for me. I’m having an evening sail in Boston Harbor and then dinner with my special guy at Mistral, a French restaurant, in Boston. Then partying with my family later in the weekend.

Shaw Kenawe said...

That anonymous was me, Shaw. Don’t know why blogger says it’s Anonymous.

skudrunner said...

Happy Birthday Ms. Shaw
Hope you have a great sail and dinner. I just can't imagine having anything but Italian or seafood in Boston but I'm sure they have good everything.

Joe Conservative said...

It's your birthday? Happy birthday Shaw! Hope you have a great time!

Les Carpenter said...

Happy Birthday Shaw. Enjoy your evening sail and dinner!

Les Carpenter said...

OT: Donald Trump has now reneged on debating VP Kamala Harris. Unless she is nominated. He claims the democrats want to pick somebody better.

My prediction: he's scared sh*tless over the thought of debating her. Because she'll chew up the dementia addled octogenarian and spit him out. So I predict Kamala takes the nomination handily and the Great Orange Hued Baboon will find another bogus reason to wimp out. The man knows he's gonna lose for certain if he debates a superior intellect that is highly articulate. Both things DJT is not.

The clown show that is MAGA and the GOP continues to prove their ineptness under the orange man with a narcissistic ego the size of the moon.

Shaw Kenawe said...

skudrunner, I live in the North End of Boston where there are dozens of restaurants, mostly Italian.

Mistral is French, and I'm looking forward to enjoying the cuisine.

My birthday is tomorrow.

Thank you for your birthday wishes.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Thank you for your birthday wishes, Joe Conservative.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Hey, -FJ:

"Vivek Ramaswamy tells Sean Hannity about the secret plot at the Democratic National Convention to replace Kamala Harris with Michelle Obama."

Have you been talking to Vivek?

Georgie Floydie, Puddin, and Pie said...

Shaw, How does it feel to be 90 years old? And still being able to write this blof?

Shaw Kenawe said...

90 years old? Not there, but if I’m lucky, I’ll see it.

What is a “ blof?”

Speaking of old, your name sounds like it came from the 1950s.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Nothing to see here, just J.D. Vance saying he wants a ‘federal response’ to block pregnant women in red states from seeking abortions in blue states. Totally normal VP candidate.

Joe Conservative said...

I've no contact with Vivek... and Barack and Michelle just endorsed Kamala, so how could she NOT become the nominee? As Holmes would to Watson, "The Games Afoot!" :)

Les Carpenter said...

The games always been afoot. It hasn't always been as dishonest as since Trump and MAGA went afoot -FJ.

So, there's that.