Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston

Wednesday, July 17, 2024



At the RNC yesterday.


skudrunner said...

I did hear that the teamsters are not going to support anyone in 2024. That is a huge departure and shows the current administration has been the biggest boon to corporations and millionaires than any previous administration in history. The number of millionaires increased 7.3% in 2023 alone. The massive government give a way has been a huge gift to corporations. Now you have the president saying he wants to tax the rich and corporations that he has made rich and at who's expense. That would be the 50% who pay taxes since the . Interesting problem to solve.

Shaw Kenawe said...

8 Ways the Biden Administration Has Fought for Working People by Strengthening Unions

At a time when Americans are at their most pro-union, President Joe Biden and his administration are using all the levers of government to support working people and unions.

"A Teamsters endorsement for Republican candidate Donald Trump appears unlikely, sources say, but deep internal divisions mean the union may not back any candidate at all. That would mark the first time since 1996, according to news reports."

"...deep internal divisions..."

Skudrunner, do you understand what that means? It means that there are union members who definitely support Biden and some who don't. It does not mean NONE.

skudrunner: "...the biggest boon to corporations and millionaires than any previous administration in history."

Not so. Who was POTUS when the billionaire PERMANENT tax cuts were given in 2017? How quickly you forget. The middleclass tax cuts will be ending soon.

The 2017 Trump Tax Law Was Skewed to the Rich, Expensive, and Failed to Deliver on Its Promises

Shaw Kenawe said...

Secret IRS Files Reveal How Much the Ultrawealthy Gained by Shaping Trump’s “Big, Beautiful Tax Cut”

Billionaire business owners deployed lobbyists to make sure Trump’s 2017 tax bill was tailored to their benefit. Confidential IRS records show the windfall that followed.Trump’s tax cuts helped billionaires pay less than the working class for first time

Economists calculate richest 400 families in US paid an average tax rate of 23% while the bottom half of households paid a rate of 24.2%

Billionaires Are $2.2 Trillion Richer Since 2017 Trump-GOP Tax Law

"Richest 748 Americans’ Wealth Up 77% Since Cuts Passed, Tops $5 Trillion; Debt Caused by Trump Tax Cuts Now Used By GOP As Excuse to Cut Services

The collective fortune of America’s 748 billionaires topped $5 trillion in September 2023, a near record high, and up an astounding $2.2 trillion (77%) since enactment of the Trump-GOP tax law—a reckless handout so heavily slanted towards the rich that it undoubtedly contributed to billionaires’ eye-popping wealth growth over the past nearly six years. Parts of the Trump-GOP tax law have already expired, or are scheduled to expire at the end of 2025, but Republicans want to make the whole package permanent at an estimated cost of $3.8 trillion—billions of which will undoubtedly flow into billionaires’ already bursting bank accounts.

Billionaire wealth growth was calculated by Americans for Tax Fairness (ATF) based on data collected from Forbes. It’s the latest report from ATF in a series tracking billionaires’ rising riches that began early in the pandemic.

Promoted as a boon to ordinary Americans, the Trump-GOP tax law has failed working families while moving even more money to the pockets of the ultra-wealthy. This contrast is nowhere more visible than in the explosion of billionaire wealth compared to the assets of working Americans: the nation’s handful of billionaires now hold one-and-a-half times more wealth than the entire bottom half of society of around 165 million people."

Dave Dubya said...

Did Skud write something ignorant again?

I didn't bother to read it because of the overwhelming likelihood of BS from him.

Bless his heart.

Les Carpenter said...

Some people simply have convenient memories in support of their attachments to their conditioned beliefs.

Sam said...

Now I have seen it all! The head of the Teamsters speaking at a Republican convention. The Republican party led by a felon.