Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Thursday, July 4, 2024

The Supreme Court has made celebrating the 4th of July pointless.


July 4, 1776 - we declare independence from a king 

 July 1, 2024 - the Supreme Court decides the president can basically be a king


Sam said...

When I hear the fireworks tonight; I will ask myself, what is everyone celebrating?

Shaw Kenawe said...

I feel the same way, Sam. And I live in the "Cradle of Liberty," where it all started!

Les Carpenter said...

The Cradle of Liberty, meaning the USA, is slowly, and with blind & ignorant intent, being railroaded into a third world authoritarian shit hole to be ruled by the whims of personality.

The neo-Nazi Heritage Foundation, the Christian Nationalists, the GOP, and Trump are, as we know, unabashedly and openly declaring war on democracy and our democratic institutions of democracy.

Soon we will know whether America at large values liberty or not.

A vote for Trump and the GOP - Absolutey Not.

A vote for Biden and Democrats - Absolutely Yes.

Those who would give up a little freedom for a little security deserve neither and will lose both. Benjamin Franklin (likely paraphrased)

I am sickened by the conservative 6 on the "High Court" that has went very very low of late and no doubt will continue it's rush to the bottom.

Ray said...

248 years ago, we gave the finger to autocracy.

Time to limber up those middle fingers again.

Happy Independence Day.

Mike said...

Biden should now ship the six traitors on the court and tRUMP off to Guantanamo just because he doesn't like them.