Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Wednesday is Trump Hump Day

"The Blacks Love Me!"

Black Pastor Calls Trump Meeting A 'Get-Played Moment'

"As soon as Donald Trump announced that he'd gained the endorsement of 100 black ministers from across the country on Monday, there were skeptics.

 The claim came just days after the presidential candidate said of an African-American Black Lives Matter protester who was beaten up at a Trump event, "Maybe he deserved to be roughed up."


[Senior Pastor Corletta Vaughn of Holy Ghost Cathedral in Detroit]felt the event was, in a way, a setup. "This was a get-played moment," Vaughn said. "Just play the preachers. Put them in the same room, take pictures, and then you can put anything you want, in terms of content, with a picture."

Donald Trump Event With Black Pastors Takes on a Smaller Scale

Last week, Donald Trump’s campaign said the Republican would appear in public on Monday with “a coalition of 100 African-American Evangelical pastors and religious leaders who will endorse the GOP front-runner after a private meeting at Trump Tower” in New York. 

But on Sunday, the campaign canceled the news conference and said the celebrity businessman would instead hold a “private, informational meet and greet” with the religious leaders—some of them televangelists. The campaign didn’t explain why the event was changed. Mr. Trump’s campaign said Monday evening that the two-hour meeting was attended by dozens of clergy members and that he looked forward to meeting with ministers in the future.

Poll disputes Donald Trump claim on black voter support

Quinnipiac University released a national poll [in August] showing that while Trump is leading the Republican Party nationally, he is polling poorly with black Americans in the general election. 

 The poll found: When asked "Would you say that Donald Trump cares about the needs and problems of people like you or not?" 

92% of black people said no. 

52% of black people said Trump does not have strong leadership qualities. 

73% of black people said Trump is not strong or trustworthy. 

79% of black people said they have an unfavorable view of Trump.


Les Carpenter said...

Trump certainly does supply fresh new BS each week. It is quite clear he is a pathological liar as well as a top flight Demagogue.

He knows both and he plays both to further his increasingly dark agenda.

Shaw Kenawe said...

From PM Carpenter's blog:

"For many people, Trump’s braggadocio, contempt, and grandiosity come across as self-confident strength." And a forensic psychiatrist, synopsizing the politics of perceived emasculation, brings it home: "Trump offers a chance to have his [i.e., the voter's] sense of manhood restored. He conveys enormous confidence. Voting for Trump feels empowering in the sense that you can say what you believe without getting in trouble for it." Can a bully re-"masculate" those too weak and intimidated to say what they believe? Perhaps the more pertinent question is, When have these emasculated morons ever been silent?

These clinical, academic points of view have their merits. Woe to the observer who ignores them and dallies instead, and exclusively, with simplifications. Yet bluntness about all things obvious can have its merits, too. And here, Dana Milbank eclipses Edsall's extended clinical analyses by describing Trump's appeal with admirable economy: "Let’s not mince words: Donald Trump is a bigot and a racist."

Milbank inserts the obligatory disclaimer: "Though all Trump supporters surely aren’t racists or bigots, even a cursory examination of social media reveals that many are." Oh happy days, for once one excludes the racists and bigots, one is left quite simply with Trump-camp voters who can't add, can't distinguish fact from fiction, can't self-examine, can't recall history, and can't think.

What are they called? The hardest core of the Republican base, who for decades have slopped up the right-wing flummery machine's demagoguery, which of course has been fashioned specially for voters who are too fucking lazy to think. They're also called "the Trump voter" — simple as that.

dunkinville said...

"The hardest core of the Republican base, who for decades have slopped up the right-wing flummery machine's demagoguery, which of course has been fashioned specially for voters who are too fucking lazy to think. They're also called "the Trump voter" — simple as that."

Perfect description of the inmates of the Sh1t Pit.

Anonymous said...

The Donald really does twist your tails. Read the comments here, its like oh, I can top that one.I guess its some sort salve for the five or six who comment here.

If you're scared.....just say you're scared.

Ducky's here said...

He's talking about nominating judges who will roll back Roe v. Wade ?
Must have found out he was polling low with women.
Where's Ben? He hasn't said anything since getting back from his Middle East trip and telling us that the refugee camps are really swell.

Meanwhile business as usual.
Someone shot up a clinic in San Bernardino.
Not a PP clinic but one that provides treatment for disabilities such as epilepsy and cerebral palsy.
Not much information yet.

Shaw Kenawe said...

"If you're scared.....just say you're scared."

Okay. I'll say it. We're scared to pieces of The Donald. Yes. We're scared EXACTLY the same way we were scared of Sarah "I can see Russia from my house." Palin, and like we were scared of Herman "9-9-9" Caine, and exactly like we're scared of Ben "I really did try to hit my mother with a hammer" Carson.


"...its like oh, I can top that one.I guess its some sort salve for the five or six who comment here."

Oh yes! You're so right. The number of people who comment here keeps me awake at night.

I understand a blog can increase its traffic by allowing linkage to porn sites as well as letting half-wits use "c**t," "Obongo," "Mooshell," and other schoolyard taunts. Also what really makes a blog popular with underdeveloped minds is racism, misogyny, anti-Semitism, gutter language, and a rostrum of commenters who can't write or think in their own language, so they steal from other people's blogs and news sites. THAT'S how to increase traffic on a blog when a blogger has no talent!

Thanks for your unsolicited aporrhoea.

Doctor Tomato said...

All the Tea Party blogs are screeching about a Hillary presidency so, of course, that must mean they're scared of her!

Brilliant deduction, Anon @2:40. It's not for nothing that Piyush (Bobby) Jindal (Derp-Louisiana) called it The Stupid Party.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm.... seems Black Friday saw a record number (over 200,000)of new applications to purchase a gun. Do Americans fear the government cant protect them?

Shaw Kenawe said...

"Hmmm.... seems Black Friday saw a record number (over 200,000)of new applications to purchase a gun. Do Americans fear the government cant protect them?"

Protect them from whom? Themselves?

I'm gonna make a wild guess and say the shooters at the facility for the disabled were not Syrian refugees.

All we know is that there are three people at large with long guns who killed 14 and wounded 14 more at a developmental disability facility.

Anonymous said...

Protect them from whoever.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Another fascistic idea from the Trumper:

"But we're fighting a very politically correct war. And the other thing is with the terrorists, you have to take out their families," Trump said.

"When you get these terrorists, you have to take out their families. They care about their lives, don't kid yourself. But they say they don't care about their lives. You have to take out their families."

"Elderly parents, pregnant wives, young children … screw ‘em. If they’re related to a terrorist, the U.S. needs to Take. Them. Out."