Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Saturday, September 8, 2018

"How hard can that be? Saying Nazis are bad?"

Well, according to Bob Woodward's book, President Unindicted Co-Conspirator said it was the worst effing mistake he made when he condemned the Charlottesville white supremacist march and tried to walk back his claim that Nazis were nice people. 

#45 actually REGRETTED his condemnation of Nazis. That's who the TrumpCultists admire.

This is what President Obama (our last normal president) had to say in his speech in Urbana Illinois:

Barack Obama Makes the Case Against Trump 

 The former president has a prescription for the country. But it didn't prevent Trump’s election in the first place “The claim that everything will turn out okay because there are people inside the White House who secretly aren't following the president's orders—that is not a check,” Obama said. “I'm being serious here. That's not how our democracy is supposed to work. These people aren't elected. They are not accountable.” 

 Obama’s alternative was straightforward: “As a fellow citizen, not as an ex-president, but as a fellow citizen, I am here to deliver a simple message, and that is that you need to vote because our democracy depends on it.” 

This is not merely an abstract proposition. He has endorsed 81 candidates nationwide so far—many of them in state-level races—with more announcements expected. The former president laid out a detailed case. It was vintage Obama: earnest in its belief in the power of democratic action; carefully caveated and circumspect; and determined to steer a middle course. 

His example is important for the Democratic Party, because since Hillary Clinton’s loss, there’s no clear leader who sets a tone for the entire party. Some Democrats have recommended an all-out assault on Trump, focusing on his outrageous behavior and violations of norms, but others have worried about outrage fatigue and pushed for a greater focus on kitchen-table issues, from health care to taxes.

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It was much too hard for the Evangelical Christians' POTUS to say. And when #45 was finally forced to acknowledge that the Nazis were not nice, he said it was the biggest effing mistake of his life.  MAGA!


Anonymous said...

Here's a typical comment from the people who support Trump:

Barry O'Boobo, the Jug-Eared Jig has a nice ring to it.

It's almost as catchy, true-to-life, and and euphonious as

Hillary Clinton the Crooked Cunt.

When you're reduced to trying to win arguments from the gutter, you're losing. And to see these raging Trumpanzze resorting to gutterspeak is glorious! They've joined with the Schweinhund in the WH and they'll sink in the cesspool with him.


Les Carpenter said...

Actually, it isn't glorious. It IS sad, as well as pathetic.

Dave Miller said...

I had a conversation with a guy, face to face, this weekend on the Nazi issue. He was actually defending then Nazis. When I brought up how we've always viewed Nazis until Trump, he countered that things have changed, besides there were only a few protestors in Charlottesville. I pointed out the facts of that number and then quoted the old line, "the only good Nazi is a dead Nazi."

We lived that for years. Our men and women died for that view to defeat a regime that would murder ppl simply for their race. He said... wait for it... "That was then. Times have changed, Nazis are not like that anymore."

I walked away astounded.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Dave Trump's lasting legacy to America: Making it okay to like Nazis!

Theink of D-Day, think of the Americans who lost their lives, and in just 3 years, a monster of a man takes control of the Executive Branch and because of his lack of moral agency, encourages stupid Americans to feel good a bout Nazis!

A majority of decent Americans do NOT support him or the white supremacist alt-right. Take comfort in that.

The J Mopper said...

MAGA = Make Aryans Great Again

Dave Miller said...

It's interesting Shaw... I talk to a lot of ppl from all sides of the issue. Rural and urban, progressive, conservative, religious and as some would say, lost as can be sinners. Some days I think I could write a book about it.

When you drill down to where people are... personally, in their job, their family, their day to day life, their generally happy. Their paychecks are growing, their kids finally have jobs, folks are starting to spend again, have kids, etc. Unemployment is as low as it has ever been. Minority numbers are the best ever. Etc., etc.

But you're right, a great majority, while liking the above, can't stand the man. He's a cad, a cheater, a liar, a simpleton, whatever. But as one person I read put it, they generally like the results of the ppl he's put in office for themselves.

Sure, there's some real disagreement on some issues, most notably family separation, but overall?

He just comes across as an evil man. America has already shown virtue alone is not a winning trait for president. Remember, the born again the Southern Baptist Sunday School teacher was voted out by the moral majority. The question moving forward will be whether or not America has devolved totally into a me first win at all costs viewpoint.

I hope this just becomes a short era that we our grandkids study in history one day, like the gilded age, but I'm not so sure.

Shaw Kenawe said...

JMopper, that's not a joke to the WYD inmates. They really believe in racial purity and a Christian only takeover of the U.S. They're probably privately cheering the Communist Chinese in their racial cleansing of Chinese Uighur Muslims. There's an espcially repugnant commenter at the Mother Ship who wants all "Moslems" dead. All. He and the Commies are in the same brotherhood.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Dave are job approval numbers lying? Can they be that far off? People continue to say that the poll numbers were against Trump, but look what happened. Well, we now know that Trump won by 77,000 votes over 3 states: Wisconsin, Michigan, and Philadelphia, that put him over the e.c. number. And we don't know how much influence the Russians had on those states. It's all very fishy to me.

Meanwhile, if the American people were so happy with the job Trump is doing, why are his numbers so awful? He's not been able to break 50% even during the so-called "honeymoon" after the inauguration.

Yes, Americans have to decide if they want to "gain the world but lose their souls," by continuing with this contemptible, dishonorable, lying, incompetent jackass. Do they want that representing US around the world?

Dave Miller said...

Shaw... I think the personal distaste people have for him is indeed clouding the numbers. I believe those numbers reflect more on the man, than his policies. How much different would the policies of a President Pence, Cruz, Huckabee, Gingrich be? I'd argue, not much, save for possibly, the border.

The GOP has for years been saying exactly what Trump is doing policy wise. America first. No to global alliances. Less taxes. People should be prepared to fend for themselves. personal responsibility. No, or significantly less regulation. Let the market exercise control. Judges who will favor conservative principles. Etc.

It's like the old saying... "the business of America is business." If I've got mine, you should work harder, then you'll have yours. And if you're here without papers, get out. Period. You don't belong, have no right to be here and we certainly shouldn't spend legal taxpayers money on you... except to send you home.

A great number, I'd say majority, of people are closer to those views than not, they just hate the messenger.

But I hope I'm wrong...

Shaw Kenawe said...

Dave Haven't we both seen that more people voted for Democrats than voted Republican over the last 3 elections -- yes, including Trump's The GOP maintains its numbers in the House through gerrymandering (Dems do it too, but not as blatantly and consistently like the Goopers). And more Democratic Party votes were cast for Democrats than for Republicans:

Senate Democrats got 20 million more votes than Senate Republicans. Which means basically nothing.

Democratic House Candidates Received More Votes Than Republicans

And of course we know more Americans voted for Hillary than voted for Trump.

I think that would point to the fact that we are a progressive country held hostage by Republican cheating.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Dave, you may be interested in this:

In Return For Temporal Power, Evangelicals Took The Deal Jesus Rejected

Not all Evangelicals have traded their religious beliefs for temporal power, but many, many have.

Dave Miller said...

Shaw... it's a damning article, that's for sure. One thing is certain, evangelicals can no longer claim "good character" is required of a good leader. At least until they can use that against a Dem...