Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Monday, April 10, 2023

5 dead, 6 injured in mass shooting at Louisville, Kentucky, bank


Nothing to see here.

Just another mass shooting in America.

Move along.


South Carolina beach mass shooting injures 6 on local high schools' senior skip day


MEMPHIS, Tenn. - Seven people were shot overnight at Prive Restaurant in Hickory Hill. According to the Memphis Police Department (MPD), officers were called to 6980 Winchester Rd., Prive, for a shooting just after 11:15 p.m. on Wednesday.



Dave Miller said...

Thoughts and prayers... 🤦🏼‍♂️

Dave Miller said...

Anyone have a solution? Conservative, liberal, independent. Anyone?

I think all suggestions are acceptable as long as they deal with what is happening.

Les Carpenter said...

Just a normal occurance in the gun loving USA. The nation in which 30% to 40% of its population, with the support of gun manufacturers, the criminal NRA, and gutless legislator politicians, continue to insure deaths of this nature continue.

When preserving the misconstrued interpretation of the 2'nd amendment became more important than the rights of citizens to be free from mass shootings on a regular basis American government lost both its sanity and any claim to moral courage.

So, it's just another "normal" day in a nation that doesn't really care. For it it did, they would do something about it. Many industrialized nations have. There are certainly many models to guide us. If we truly gave a shit. WE DON'T. That is the way the rest of the civilized world sees us.

Shaw Kenawe said...

David Hogg, survivor of the Parkman School massacre in 2018 and gun control activist, has offered a solution:

Nationwide adoption of the gun laws in Massachusetts. Massachusetts isn't perfect, and we do have criminals with guns who shoot people, but this state is among the states with the lowest number of deaths by firearms. Among the highest: California, Texas, and Florida.

Personally, I think it's too late because of the number of guns in circulation and because the cowards in Congress, Dems and Repubs, won't go near any kind of reform. Those lawmakers would rather see more American men, women, and children die than pass any sort of legislation to lessen the slaughter -- and it is slaughter.

The leading cause of death in children and teen is firearms. No other advanced country can brag about that!

So, for now, we'll just have to get used to seeing more children being slaughtered in schools and other Americans in, you name it, anywhere in the country.

Americans love their guns more than they love their children, families, and neighbors.

I think we Americans should think twice before we pound our chests telling every that this is "the best country in the world."

As long as we tolerate this slaughter, it most certainly ISN'T.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Email from a friend who visits Trumpy bloggers:

"This is how good little fascists would deal with the gun culture in the US:

Thanks…good stuff there. I was thinking earlier that we don’t hear of shootings like the world hears from us on a regular basis…..”I wonder if CHina or India or Saudi Arabia, or Russia…”
Then I realized THOSE COUNTRIES STILL GET IT….You PUT THOSE KILLERS OUT IMMEDIATELY. You do NOT go to court, and then support them for the rest of their lives.

Amazing isn't it? Do we understand why they're such big supporters of Trump? The blogger who wrote that would dump American jurisprudence == the consitution and just get hold of the perps and shoot them!

That's how they do stuff in North Korea and every other totalitarian country run by strongmen -- Hello, Putin!. She loves it!"

Shaw Kenawe said...

Jeff Tiedrich
holy f*****g shit, if trained armed guards INSIDE A F*****G BANK couldn't prevent a mass shooting, how the f**k can we expect armed teachers to prevent one in a school. come on, people, THINK. we need fewer guns and more brains.

skudrunner said...

How many guns have killed people. The answer is none for those who don't know. People use guns to kill people so why is it the guns fault. A person kills someone with any devise and they go to trial in a few years and will be executed in 20 years or never. Found guilty, march them outside and hang them in a public square. Maybe support law enforcement would be another approach. Let schools report to parents when a child is acting out at school instead of protecting the feelings of kids try and protect those who they may harm.

Les Carpenter said...

Skud, simple logic based on actual experience shows us that as guns have grown to out number total US population, that the proliferation of high capacity semi automatic weapons has increased, that restrctions in several states have become more lax with open carry & etc the occurance of violence and death in mass shootings has also increased significantly. It shouldn't take an Einstein to figure out how to address the problem and thereby how to improve on recent experience by drastically reducing occurances and the number of deaths.

A great start would be to simply ban high capacity rapid fire weapons and implement laws that mirror Massachusetts laws. And by the way, hunters, competitive shooters, and amateur firearm buffs have not been negatively affected. And guns have not been confiscated from qualified owners of firearms.

So skud, what do you say to that? A constructive realistic suggestion would be sincerely appreciated.

Dave Miller said...

Thank you Captain Obtuse.

Skud, what are you talking about? To begin with, most of the mass event public shootings [schools, markets, churches] end up with the shooter dead at the scene. Like today. But what if we lived in a world where that guy could not get a gun. At all.

Even if he wanted to go into that building and kill a lot of folks, chances are we would have seen less death and injury. Am I right, or not?

Why is so hard for gun lovers to confront that reality?

He's dead. He'll never do it again. Just like Harris and Klebold in Colorado, today's killer died on the scene. Same in Uvalde, same in Nevada, same in, well you get the point. I hope.

So the idea of death for the shooter as a deterrence, while noble, is not rooted in reality.

Think man, confront your biases... what solutions do you propose that might work to stop people, sometimes crazy people, having guns and going off the rails and killing groups of innocent people?

Anonymous said...

skud, a firearm is an inanimate object used by humans to create harm and death to humans, animals, and property. It has no other purpose. As you suggested a knife can also be used to kill but the similarities end there as a knife has many positive uses aside from creating harm.

There are more firearms in the USA than people. The number one cause of death for our children right now is firearms and here you are selling horse poop by trying to say it’s not the firearm, it’s the person???

It’s the freaking firearms. When the second amendment was written the only firearm available was a musket; it takes massive practice to load a musket in just under a minute but it is doable (hence the name minuteman). Compare that to the weapons of today with thirty rounds fired in less time than it took me to write this comment.

skud, your argument is lame and doesn’t make the point you think you are making. And again with no receipts. Go back to school skud.

Grey One Talks Sass on their phone

skudrunner said...

Grey, Your statement about guns being the number one killer of children is right from the leftist playbook. The number one cause is a suction tube, the second leading killer is drugs (Adolescent drug overdose deaths rose exponentially for the first time in history during the COVID pandemic, UCLA Health). I know that goes against the the information you are suppose to use.

You are correct guns serve one purpose and I agree with you and Leslie, there is no reason to have high capacity clips. Our elected elite should put it to a vote and get each one of them to take a position. Easy to say you are against them when it doesn't matter but to go on record is different.

I dropped my nra membership because I don't support not registering firearms and their guns for all attitude.

Just like the national debt being out of control so is gun ownership and the number of high capacity clips. We can't pay down the debt without non-corrupt politicians coming forward and we cannot curb the sale of High Capacity Magazines for the same reason.

What does going back to school have anything to do with anything. Part of our problem is the instruction given in schools so I cannot see that helping. Teach gender identity instead of math and science doesn't really help anyone.

Shaw Kenawe said...

skud "The number one cause is a suction tube..."

No. The #1 cause of deaths in American children and teens is firearms. Period.

Bringing abortion into this conversation about the deaths of living, breathing children and teens cheapens the discussion.

We can save your anti-abortion opinions for another day.

Can you stay on the subject please: A gun-soaked culture in the US has brought us the distinct title of "The Most Pro-Death (via firearms) For Children Country On The Planet."

That is who we are brought to us by feckless politicians and the criminal NRA organization.

It's the guns!

Dave Miller said...

Again Shaw... what can we do? Consider these numbers...

More gun deaths, 1.2 million, in the US since 1968 than all US wars, and the pace is increasing.

More gun deaths in 2023 than all of our post 9/11 wars.

Now consider this...

Former Justice Scalia in the Heller decision said "Like most rights, the right secured by the Second Amendment is not unlimited. [It is] not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose."

What limits are conservatives willing to support and advocate for?

And this...

Police feel outgunned as Americans look to the AR 15 and other semiautomatic weapons.

Police have not historically been a bastion of liberal "Anti American" thought. When they start calling for changes, maybe conservatives should listen and take notice.

So... one more time, because it is not liberals, Dems and progressives holding up change in an effort to limit, or even slow down gun deaths...

What limits are conservatives willing to embrace and push forward in an effort to change the realities we are seeing way too often in the US.

Because the ball really is in their court.

Dave Miller said...

Skud said...

"Just like the national debt being out of control so is gun ownership and the number of high capacity clips. We can't pay down the debt without non-corrupt politicians coming forward and we cannot curb the sale of High Capacity Magazines for the same reason."

Amen to that Skud. So, will you vote your values? Or at least not vote for anyone who does not espouse those viewpoints?

skudrunner said...

Rev, When was the last time gun restrictions have come up for a vote in congress. Didn't happen under the saint and couldn't happen under trump. Why doesn't joey b push for a floor vote. Because politicians are afraid to take a stance for fear of upsetting the voters. This applies to both parties because even democrats in ohio and michigan like their guns.

With over 19000 children killed by guns a year you would think our elected elite would try to do their jobs but their job means far more to them than doing what they are paid to do. I agree the majority of republican crooks are staunch NRA supporters but not all and if joey b forced a vote he would have support because it is easy to say you are for or against something when it doesn't matter but to have to commit is a different subject.

Ms. Shaw, I am not anti abortion and you know it. It is the women who has to live with her decision but your opinion is a pro abortion talking point. Millions believe life begins at conception so abortion is the largest cause of death in children.

Shaw Kenawe said...


Millions and millions DO NOT BELIEVE LIFE BEGINS AT CONCEPTION. Do the research.

Outlawing all abortions will cause the deaths of girls and women, and the anti-abortion men and women who interfere in something that is NOT their business will have to live with that.

I do not believe a WORD of anything the anti-abortion pols say about the "sanctity of life" when they do nothing about the children and teens who die from gun deaths.

PS. You apparently don't know that President Biden has called for the outlawing of AR-15s and their ilk. He's done that after each massacre.

PS. You do know that the POTUS does NOT control which legislation comes to the floor of the House. He can suggest what he'd like to see done -- AS HE HAS! -- but he cannot bring legislation to the floor. That's Congress's job, not the POTUS's.

If you remember, Mr. Obama had "control" of both houses for exactly FOUR MONTHS. Do you really believe he could have asked Congress to do something about gun massacres then and get it passed in 4 months' time? Do the research.

skudrunner said...

Ms. Shaw, I don't think anything will get passed because the cowards on both sides do not want to commit and piss off their voters. This applies to democrats as well as republicans. I do know that the democrat speaker for years never brought it to the floor for a vote, why is that? Yes I am aware the pres cannot bring something to the floor but he can pressure, especially his own party, to get it to a vote. They are afraid their own members will not vote for it because it is a political hot potato. BHO was far to invested in controlling healthcare to give a hoot about gun control.

Congress is controlled by the extremes. Democrats by the tribe and republicans by the wingnuts. They don't have the courage to do what is right just what will get them reelected.

Of course there are millions who do not believe life begins at conception but there are millions who do, do your research can go both ways.

Shaw Kenawe said...

The point is, skud, why should those who believe a blastocyst has more rights than the person carrying it?

Three days after fertilization, a normally developing embryo will contain about six to 10 cells. By the fifth or sixth day, the fertilized egg is known as a blastocyst — a rapidly dividing ball of cells. The inner group of cells will become the embryo. The outer group will become the cells that nourish and protect it.

A far-right Christian fundamentalist judge in Texas halted the sale of mifepristone one of two drugs used together to cause the shedding of those blastocysts from the uterus — virtually banning the sale of the pills across the country. The decision, however, will not take effect for a week, giving higher courts time to consider the appeal the Biden administration filed Friday night and delaying for now the impact on hundreds of thousands of patients who use the medication both for abortions and treating miscarriages.

Plenty of other religions are not against abortion in the early weeks, but this activist judge wants to stop the use of this 20-year old drug for EVERYONE, that includes those who do not share his religious belief, or any religious belief.

How is that different from a theocracy, where EVERYONE has to obey what the theocratic state says it must obey. Y'know, like Iran and Afghanistan.

As I stated previously, so long as these far-right Christian judges are not involved with gun deaths in children and teens' lives, they should keep their religious noses out of girl's and women's uteri!

Shaw Kenawe said...

PS. Why is every comment bolded?????

Dave Miller said...

Bolded? Yeah, I was wondering that.

Check your settings. Best I can do.

Shaw Kenawe said...

It's only on this thread. The two threads above this one are normal.

skudrunner said...

That is the reason abortion should be a women's choice and not the court or even public opinion. A judge does not have to live with the consequences of an abortion nor of raising an unwanted child.

We give judges far more authority to make decisions affecting everyone than they should have. They should administer a trail and let the supreme court determine national laws.

Nice job of correcting the bolding