Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Mid-week break from politics:

The Incredible Phasmid Egg 

Stick insects have eggs that look exactly like seeds. 

Scientists can’t figure out why these masters of camouflage would lay eggs that resemble bird snacks.

Phasmids are an order of insects whose members are variously known as stick insects. Each species of stick insect produces an egg that is unique in shape and design. Measuring only a few millimetres in length, Phasmid eggs are one of nature's hidden wonders.

Stick insect:

Creator: Augier Jon Credit: Source: Museum Victoria / Photog
Copyright: Copyright Museum Victoria 2016

(When my son was a boy, he loved collecting insects. Among his favorites was the walking stick insect. We never found any of their eggs, but we always found them fascinating creatures.)  --S.K.


Anonymous said...

Very cool!

Dave Miller said...

Anon... very!

Mike said...

I haven't seen a stick insect in years. Sort of like butterfly's. They're just not around here anymore.