Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Thursday, August 17, 2023

Apparently, something happened (AGAIN!) to Donnie while I was away?


So, as I understand it, the leading Republican candidate for president of the United States is now under 91 (NINETY-ONE) felony indictments.

Isn't that some sort of hideously embarrassing record for the party of "law and order" and "family values?"

"On or between the 1st day of December 2020 and the 31st day of December 2020, DONALD JOHN TRUMP and MARK RANDALL MEADOWS met with John McEntee and requested that McEntee prepare a memorandum outlining a strategy for disrupting and delaying the joint session of Congress on January 6, 2021, the day prescribed by law for counting votes cast by the duly elected and qualified presidential electors from Georgia and the other states. 

The strategy included having Vice President Michael R. “Mike” Pence count only half of the electoral votes from certain states and then return the remaining electoral votes to state legislatures. The request was an overt act in furtherance of the conspiracy." --Vanity Fair

PS. From our friend Dave Dubya's post on another blog: 


"Dave DubyaAugust 16, 2023 at 12:01 PM 

Another FACT that a cult must deny. They are a minority and want minority rule. 

NEW AP-NORC POLL: Only 35% of Americans have a favorable view of Donald Trump and 62% have an unfavorable view of the corrupt former president. 

The poll also found that 64% of Americans say they definitely or probably would not vote for Trump in the 2024 general election."


Les Carpenter said...

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

It appears ole Donnie is on a record setting path to cinch the four time loser title in American presidental political history.

We wish Donnie good luck in acheiving that lowly recognition. Ge certainly deserves it.

Dave Miller said...

Welcome back. I head home today.

I'm sure most of us can remember the good ole days when the GOP used to say where there's smoke, there's fire as it related to people arrested by law enforcement.

Today, no mucho.

But then again, this is the same crowd that believes J6 was a "normal tourist visit"...

That believes "new" evidence from Michigan shows over 10,000 fraudulent votes...

That continues to believe fraud was rampant in the 2020 election despite over 50 courts across the US finding that the Trump Admin had absolutely no evidence of such fraud...

This is the crowd that hides behind the "I've not seen the evidence", "I know it to be true", "Trump was the best president we've had" and "without Trump we're doomed" dodges.

Facts don't matter, evidence does not matter, video does not matter, nothing that may contradict their view matters.

Not even 91 indictments.

Because it is all made up, or some scheme that up until Trump, they would never accept when someone was arrested and if truth be told, they would never question if a Dem was under 91 indictments.

They are all full of self serving partisan BS, because to accept the truth would make them look like a bunch of fools.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Dave Dubya left this comment below, so I brought it up here because it's relevant to this post:

Dave Dubya said...
I'll add a couple more from Asimov and an Orwell quote.

"There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge."
- Isaac Asimov

“Imagine the people who believe such things and who are not ashamed to ignore, totally, all the patient findings of thinking minds through all the centuries since the Bible was written. And it is these ignorant people, the most uneducated, the most unimaginative, the most unthinking among us, who would make themselves the guides and leaders of us all; who would force their feeble and childish beliefs on us; who would invade our schools and libraries and homes. I personally resent it bitterly.”
― Isaac Asimov, The Roving Mind

"A generation of the unteachable is hanging upon us like a necklace of corpses." - George Orwell

August 16, 2023 at 6:37 PM Delete

Grey One talks sass said...

The issue which confronts us here/now has been well documented by wiser minds than mine own and yet, solutions remain elusive. As I see it there are so many pitfalls - treat others as we ourselves have been treated and we risk becoming the monster in the abyss. Limiting rights goes against the American belief (ideally) of equal rights for all.

I have some ideas, mostly merit based systems where only those willing to put in the work get the higher rewards/responsibilities. Sorting systems for our education process wherein children get focused classes to take advantage of their natural talents. Of course no one is forced into any position, choice is sacred as is consent and boundaries. Mental health classes for all means we each speak the same emotional language no matter our individual cultures.

It's about honoring the individual while training to be part of a whole. Total Mobius Strip logic but then again that is how I think.

To me, it's all hands on deck. Fire hurricanes. The ocean is as warm as a hot tub. Migrating species on land, sea, and air. Doing the same thing but with more cowbell is the definition of insanity in my opinion. Maybe others have thought the same things as me... might want to crowdsource to see if we can make an unbreakable system to prevent the unteachable from ever taking over again. Humanity depends on our creativity here/now.

Les Carpenter said...

When recognizing the mind's essence and nature, which isempty cognizance suffused with knowing the obscurations and delusions of samsara hold no power over us. Since all sentient beings suffer from the not knowing mind essence and nature until they di it is highly unlikely that the MAGA children will ever recognize their samsaric afflictions. They wrap themselves in patriotic ignorance and believe they are the solution.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Brooklyn Dad Defiant:

"Trump knew he was going to lose the 2020 election long before votes were cast. And because his stupid ego couldn't handle it, he cried "rigged" long before.

By setting his followers expectations to think the election was going to be stolen, it just confirmed what they "knew" ahead of time.

And then he declared himself the winner while votes were still being counted to compound the frustration of his supporters when Biden was declared the winner.

And then they rolled out all of those idiotic "Stop the Steal" efforts to squeeze money out from people who probably couldn't even afford it.

And then, we learned tonight that Roger Stone was already setting the wheels in motion BECAUSE HE RECORDED THE FUCKING PLAN ON VIDEO.

Democrats may be many things, but we don't cheat on elections. If we did, George W. Bush wouldn't have won (twice) and Hillary would've been President.

Say what you will, but NONE of our candidates ever did the insurrection thing that trump pulled. Al Gore took his case all the way to the Supreme Court, but when it was over, he just went home.

Hillary Clinton made her concession speech the very next day. And Republican politicians know this. ALL OF THEM KNOW. They KNOW trump lost. They KNOW he is a fucking prolific criminal, and they are mostly too chickenshit to call him out for it.

And the ones who ARE calling him out for it now waited so damn long to open their yaps, because they were busy going along for the ride until now. None of those cowards deserve to be President.

Joe Biden may be old. He might not always say the right thing. He might stumble if you leave a sandbag in his fucking path (I would too at 55 years old). He's not perfect. But we don't need perfect.

We need experienced and decent and smart. We need a guy who doesn't say "I alone can fix it) and then doesn't fix shit.

We need a President who doesn't hire the worst people. We need a President who inspires people to be the best they can be, instead of one who tells them it's OK to do their worst. We need a leader who isn't running to avoid prison.

I'm ready to turn the page on trump.

We need four more years of President Biden."

Howard Brazee said...

How tough is it for Republican politicians in swing states? Trump is working to get his worshippers on his side, but is driving away swing voters. So how do Republican candidates in swing districts campaign?

Mike said...

The party of "law and order" and "family values" is now the Democratic party.

I just hope Biden doesn't die before the election.

Les Carpenter said...

@ Mike... It's more likely that tRump the walrus dies of natural causes before the election rather than the leaner and in better shape Presidemt Biden.

Shaw Kenawe said...


"Never in my life did I envision that I would live to see an elected President being booked for conspiracy to defraud the people of this nation

His failed attempt to overthrow the will of the people of America by retaining presidential power illegally will live in infamy.

We the people deserve to see this man being booked, finger printed, mug shot taken and then sent to his arraignment. We deserve to see the trial and ultimately the verdict."

Dave Miller said...

Former AG Bill Barr put it like this speaking on the latest indictments... Trump "engaged in a calculated and deceitful plan to rob people of their votes".

He went on, explaining it like this...

Let's say you believed a bank stole your money and you wanted it back. "You can't go rob the bank, because that's illegal." You cannot use illegal means to right any perceived wrong, no matter how much you believe it to be true. You go to court, you present your evidence, you take all legal means.


Shaw Kenawe said...

Dave M.

Re: Your post above. We understand that, and a majority of Americans understand how the law works. Trump and his fellow conspirators thought they could get away with their illegal scheme to steal the election from Joe Biden and illegally keep Trump in power

I saw the video of Roger Stone scheming to steal the election before voting even began.

The Republican Party as we knew it is dead. Trump killed it. Those Republicans who still believe in the rule of law and verifiable facts still exist. I hope they reclaim the GOP and purge it of those who defiled it. We cannot be a two-party nation with one party being run by a bunch of outlaws.

Les Carpenter said...

As for me... If the gop dies a slow tortured death it's something it deserves. The party will have done it to itself.

Why attempt to resurrect an ethically bankrupt shell of what it once was. Burn the garbage down and completely start over. With young, vibrant, intelligent seekers of knowledge and truth.

Republicanism as we know it today must go. Before it destroys the nation.

Dave Miller said...

Kudos to Dave and Ray too... those two guys are waging a rhetorical war with facts on Ed's blog. And like their leader Trump, the folks there deny, deny, deny but cite no facts to back up their claims.


Because there are no facts to support their case. Not even Trump, or his closest advisors have offered a defense. In fact, they are willing to let the supposedly wrong charges stand for years, as opposed to showing up in court and contesting the facts.

Gotta ask why...

Maybe it's guilt.