Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Well, this is alarming.


Majority of likely Iowa GOP caucusgoers believe Trump won the 2020 election 

The new NBC News/Des Moines Register/Mediacom poll shows Trump’s unfounded claims he won the last election remain salient ahead of the Iowa GOP caucus. 

"Majorities of self-identified Republicans (60%), those making less than $70,000 a year (69%), evangelicals (62%) and those without college degrees (59%) all believe Trump’s election claims. Out of those who say Trump is their first-choice candidate, 83% say they believe he won the 2020 election."

Joseph Goebbels was correct and prescient about future  misguided and the easily duped Trumpers:

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.”

No one I know is surprised, but it is alarming to understand that our fellow Americans are so besotted with Trump who has a proven track record of lying, stealing, stiffing his creditors, sexually abusing, raping, and harassing women, and generally behaving like a bully and an idiot. He has been indicted (91 felony counts) for multiple illegal acts, and yet his Evangelical supporters see him as a godlike figure.

I can make no sense of any of this, except to see the Evangelicals' unwavering support of Trump as their having a complete break with objective reality. 


The OSS psychological profile of Hitler described his use of the big lie: 

"His primary rules were: never allow the public to cool off; never admit a fault or wrong; never concede that there may be some good in your enemy; never leave room for alternatives; never accept blame; concentrate on one enemy at a time and blame him for everything that goes wrong; people will believe a big lie sooner than a little one; and if you repeat it frequently enough people will sooner or later believe it."


Dave Miller said...

Worse still...

71% of GOP Voters trust Trump more than friends and family [63%], more than conservative media figures [56%] and more than pastors and religious leaders [42%].

They trust a serial liar and fabulist.

The Wall
Health Care
I did not assault her.

And on and on and on...

Les Carpenter said...

It's very possible, perhaps even likely, that this planet will, at the end of our day expel us. IE: It is likely the cosmos will render us extinct. And, it will allow the planet to regenerate and begin anew. Maybe the next chapter of earth's existence it will be blessed with a more compassionate and aware species.

Just sayin...

Mike said...

It's just so hard to believe that so many people are that stupid.

skudrunner said...

There are disillusioned people on both sides. 30% of Republicans believe trump won and will vote for him again. As scary as that is 30% of Democrats believe joey b is honest and capable and will vote for him again. Trump touts that he won the election which is like an insanity defense in his up coming trials and joey b touts he almost lost the doctor and corvette in his kitchen fire. Both of them are experienced liars and deserve to not be a candidate for president.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Dear Gawd, skud! You really have it bad. Comparing an elderly man misremembering a house fire with the deliberate lies told by Trump is just pathetic.

Trump's lies almost ended our democracy. How did President Biden's misremembering something that happened 15 years ago come even close to what Trump did and still does -- HE STILL CLAIMS THAT THE 2020 ELECTION WAS "STOLEN," and "RIGGED."

Listen, skud, we all know you can't say anything good about President Biden, but to call him a deliberate liar like Trump whose lies are being used to destroy our American democracy is just nuts!

Shaw Kenawe said...

PS. Skud, take a good, hard look at what was once the Republican Party.

It is about to nominate for POTUS a man who's facing 91 felony counts and who was credibly found liable for RAPE, for goodness sake! Nice work, GOP!

Tell us about the criminal indictments for President Biden, or Obama. Then your silly comparisons will hold some water. Now they're just spiteful jabs at essentially good men you can't stand.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Dave, Les, Mike

Read what our friend, skudrunner, wrote. Then everyone will understand why we're in a mess.

According to skud and his fellow travelers (GOP and right-leaning independents) Biden and Trump are just two big fat liars and crooks, and Biden is worse than Trump.

As I said in my post, they've lost touch with objective reality.

You cannot reason with folks who are that far gone.

Dave Miller said...

Shaw... well of course someone like Skud would equate Biden, a pretty mainstream politician, with the likes of perhaps, our worst president, at least where it relates to personal morality.

Because conservatives are in a fix. They bring themselves to support a Dem, any Dem, even if it is for the good of the republic. So what are their options?

Slay Biden and hope for the best. In the belief that even Trump is better than electing a Dem.

Les Carpenter said...

When nearly 40% of the nation believes and supports the likes of the failed Ex president, extreme narcissist and liar DJT, we know this nation is in serious trouble. Until the gop peels their blinders off ain't nothhin gonna change in American politics or goverance. Nothing at all.

Paula said...

Re, skud trying to make Biden out to be as bad as Trump.

A neighbor said this to me just last night: "Aw, they're all corrupt." And I said, "No, they're not. No president or former president of either party has ever been charged with even one felony count in the entire history of the United States, and this guy's been charged with 91.

People don't really believe Trump is innocent. They just don't want to admit how guilty he is, and they fall back on the right-wing talking points that have been hammered into them relentlessly, like the middle-school excuse, "Well, everybody does it!"

Everybody doesn't "do it." Trump is the first and only president to be feloniously indicted for crimes against the United States.

Accept that fact and it will set people like skuddy free.

Les Carpenter said...

Again at play as it always is... attachment to (a lie) and aversion to (the truth). Defines the present gop and its primary agenda.

skudrunner said...

Ms. Shaw, Where did I say trump was any better than joey b. What I did say is joey b falls back on lies to show he is in support of victims. He used his son while speaking to the families of the soldiers killed during by his actions in Afghanistan and a stove fire to show he has experienced his house almost burning down and his wife almost killed to the victims in Maui. He is totally out of touch and we need a competent leader to take us forward be it a democrat or republican, I prefer an independent but that just won't happen.

Many on this site would prefer someone incompetent as long as they are a democrat.