Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston


General John Kelly: "He said that, in his opinion, Mr. Trump met the definition of a fascist, would govern like a dictator if allowed, and had no understanding of the Constitution or the concept of rule of law."

Monday, December 16, 2024

Vivek Ramaswamy has announced plans to eliminate the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.


This agency is responsible for protecting Americans from predatory banking, payday lenders, and for-profit colleges --y'know, like Trump University!

"In the wake of the financial crisis of 2007-2008, it became clear that the nation needed a financial regulator solely focused on looking out for consumers. 

The housing finance bubble and Great Recession were fueled by reckless practices in the mortgage industry, which trapped millions of homeowners in mortgages they could not afford, and Congress created the CFPB to ensure that never happened again. 

The CFPB officially opened its doors as an independent agency on July 21, 2011, with a simple message to American families and consumers: We’ve got your back. 

The CFPB was created under the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (Dodd-Frank Act). The purpose of the CFPB is to promote fairness and transparency for mortgages, credit cards, and other consumer financial products and services. And to protect Americans from con artists like Donald Trump."

Can we guess why billionaires like Vivek Ramaswamy and Elon Musk would want to get rid of this agency that protects Americans against greedy billionairs, con artists, and crooks?


Billionaires are being put in charge of removing safety nets and protections for the average American against unscrupulous billionaires, corporations, and financial speculators.

Bank failures won't hurt billionaires at all.

But the rest of us would be ruined.

This is what half of the American voting public wished upon themselves.

But if Trump and his elite billionaire pals have their way, we'll all suffer.

But not them. 

They'll get more billions by deregulating, speculating, and filling their already overflowing pockets!


Les Carpenter said...

America, as we've known and loved, will cease to exist when these self serving filthy rich multi billionaire oligarchs are through raping the country and it's common folk. Folks without recourse when these SOB's are through.

Les Carpenter said...

But apparently this is what America wanted. Voting AGAINST its own self interests. It got what t it voted for and everybody will be stuck with the flying pigs in the trumpublican cult now.

Te billionaires and oligarchs have won. They will control the country to serve their personal portfolio and screw the rest of. America.

Mike said...

I wonder how it will take the administration that will be elected on 2029 to put America back together again.

Les Carpenter said...

Off topic: Time for thoughts and prayers again. And then, back to business as usual as history continues to repeat itself ad infinitum.

It's way past time to toss out the broken record of thoughts and prayers and actually do something positive.

skudrunner said...

I read where they are considering merging agencies to get rid of the bloated government payroll. I guess you are against that because you like the government to waste taxpayer money and become less efficient.
Shrinking the federal government is not a bad thing. They are highly inefficient and are used for political payoffs so the ones who will suffer are the politicians who don't have those jobs to give out.
Maybe if people demand it the government will become more efficient not less but that would take people taking responsibility for their own lives, I know there are a lot who cannot do that.
Les, "America, as we've known and loved, will cease to exist" and some people are not unhappy about that. What will our political elite do if we shave some of their pork off.

Shaw Kenawe said...

skud: " I guess you are against that because you like the government to waste taxpayer money and become less efficient."

You guess wrong. You've used another strawman argument.

Tell us how streamlining government works when the incoming administration is setting up a new department headed by Ramaswamy and Musk -- it will have to be large -- in order to cut out unnecessary departments.

That's like setting up a "Department of Redundancy Department."

But hey! The elite billionaires will figure how to cut out the fat by setting up a new government agency! Which will have to employ more government workers!

Dave Miller said...

In fairness, they have proposed moving the "Function" of the FDIC under the purview of another existing department. But theoretically, the function of the FDIC would not be eliminated.

In theory...

Dave Miller said...

Skud... we've been over this multiple times in the past. Unless and until you even try to acknowledge the fallacies of the DOGE group and the problems of the federal deficit. your words have no meaning.

Because you have no idea what you are talking about.

How much do you think it costs us, US taxpayers to fund the FDIC? And since we've had that, how many citizens have lost their money to bank failures since the FDIC was created?

I'll save you the time. The answer is none. Not a one. Of millions and millions of depositors, not a one has ever lost an FDIC covered deposit.

I think 100% perfect is a pretty good record. Why fix what ain't broke?

Les Carpenter said...

As they eliminate as many social programs and safety nets that now support the disadvantaged as they possibly can.

They want a free for all billionaires and oligarchs economy with little to zero government oversight.

The 21'st version of The Robber Barons of old will be in firm control of the federal government.

Look to history. What could possibly go wrong? Eh skud ?

Les Carpenter said...

Because to any con that chooses to believe the YKW narrative and deny truth, keeps their ears closed off and their eyes shut.

The party most responsible for our out of control national debt is none other than the now trumpublican party. And the record bears this out. Beginning with Tricky Dick Nixon, through RWR, and onto You Know Who's 1'st term and it likely continues through his 2'nd one as well.

I'm Hoping for the eventual implosion of the corrupt trumpublican cult.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

It is interesting to watch our transformation to a an oligarchy. That so many groups that can only lose support Trump is fascinating. I live in farm country. These guys vote republican no matter what. They love the land. The very land that would be under attack under republican policies. Farmers get huge amounts of government aid. This will dry up under republican policies driving family farms out of business and increasing the holdings of corporate farms hugely as Trump would say. I wish I could feel bad for them but it serves them right their hypocrisy. Skuds, in his small way, is helping this agenda along with his Trumpian doublespeak. I hope in a couple years he's willing to take in a homeless farmer who will still vote republican cause the doublespeakers will give him just enough nonsense that he can blame Obama for his troubles.

Les Carpenter said...

I used to be skud. At least I used to think conservative meant retaining traditions of value and moving cautiously when considering change. That changed about 15 or 16 years ago as I begin to see the true agenda of conservatives and the republican party.

You Know Who and his merry band of billionaire oligarchs are aiming this country in the direction of 21'st century Robber Barons and they're lying about their intent.

Those ignorant of history are doomed to repeat it. And so, the ride to oligarchy and an increased number of have not begins 01/20/2025. With the buzz saw of Project 2025 in high rev.

Raw individualism and the i got mine screw you attitude is at the very heart of MAGA and the oligarchs agenda.

Mike said...

Typo - "how long"

BB-Idaho said...

Idaho farmers quite concerned - cheap farm labor is 85% illegals. They cannot be replaced by any Trump voter - they won't live in a shack and work 14 hour days in the sun or snow six and a half days a week.. They're too busy jumping up and down at rallies.

Anonymous said...

David, What fallacies am I suppose to acknowledge of a group who hasn't done a thing yet and is tasked with making the government more efficient and effective.
Have they taken action on the FDIC or anything else, no and they won't. They are an advisory group hoping to get things done in a bloated government bureaucracy that is full of waste and mismanagement which we have been over multiple times. I will have to take it you are not for change and efficiencies in government since you seem to be happy with the status quo.

FYI, WASHINGTON — The Board of Directors of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) today approved a 2024 Operating Budget of $2.96 billion. That is a lot of nothing.

Dave Miller said...

BB, I have a crew working on my house here in Nevada. Most of the guys do not have papers and across the Southwest, that is true with a majority of workers in the construction industry.

Let's just stop and tink about for a moment. Does anyone believe the US has enough "legal workers" with the skills to step in and replace millions of undocumented workers in the construction industry?

The housing and building trades are a major mover of the US economy. Losing those jobs and the resultant slow down of US construction industry will crash our economy.

But hey, at least we'll be safe, secure and our blood will not be poisoned.

Dave Dubya said...

The essence of conservatism is maintaining the power of an established or ideal authoritarian racial/economic hierarchy. The ends justify any means, and punishing people they fear, don't understand, or hate is essential to their "values".

But fear, anger and hate need to be stoked. This is where the con in conservatism finds its purpose and function. It is expressed in white nationalism masked in Christianity, and has grown into one of the major industries of today.

The great con has been a resounding success. The brainwashed FOX(R) audience has shown us they demand to be fed lies.

And here we are. We've seen Orwell's Big Brother slogan transformed from "Ignorance is strength", to the cult president's, "I love the poorly educated", and his Big Lie transformed into the gospel of their prophet sent by Jesus to save America.

Just as they have twisted and bastardized the terms "liberal" and "woke", into their hate-filled bugaboos, we need to rectify the word "conservatism" by adding a hyphen.

The more accurate term would be "Con-servatism".
Frank Wilhoit (the composer, not the late political scientist) said: "Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect. There is nothing more or else to it, and there never has been, in any place or time.”
The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness. - John Kenneth Galbraith