Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston


General John Kelly: "He said that, in his opinion, Mr. Trump met the definition of a fascist, would govern like a dictator if allowed, and had no understanding of the Constitution or the concept of rule of law."

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Only convicted felons, pedophiles, and sex offenders need apply to any cabinet or government position

Trump's choice for FBI director Kash Patel: "We're going to come after the people in the media who lied about American citizens who helped Joe Biden rig presidential elections. We're going to come after you." 

"Kash Patel Has Plan to Remake the F.B.I. Into a Tool of Trump 

President-elect Donald Trump’s pick to lead the F.B.I. has called for firing the agency’s top officials, shutting down its Washington headquarters and prosecuting journalists."

(NOTE:  This is what dictators/authoritarians do as soon as they're in power.)

Trump's choice for Ambassador to France:

Mr. Kushner, 70, pleaded guilty in 2004 to 16 counts of tax evasion, a single count of retaliating against a federal witness and one of lying to the Federal Election Commission in a case that became a lasting source of embarrassment for the family. As part of the plea, Mr. Kushner admitted to hiring a prostitute to seduce his brother-in-law, a witness in a federal campaign finance investigation, and sending a videotape of the encounter to his sister.

"Kushner further admitted at his plea hearing that he devised a scheme to retaliate against a cooperating witness - his sister - and her husband by having a prostitute seduce the husband and covertly filming them having sex.

Kushner admitted that he paid a private investigator $25,000 to arrange for the seduction and videotaping of the cooperating witness' husband. Kushner admitted to personally recruiting the prostitute and instructing that the videotape be mailed to the cooperating witnesses.

Trump's choice for Defense Secretary, Pete Hegseth:

Heather Cox Richardson:  

"Under his direction, Veterans for Freedom ran up huge debt for what appears to have been inappropriate expenses; the group’s donors squeezed Hegseth out of his job and then shuttered the organization. He moved to Concerned Veterans for America. A whistleblower for Concerned Veterans for America reported that Hegseth was repeatedly so drunk at events that he had to be carried out, and that he once tried to join dancers on stage at a strip club to which he brought his work team. Their report said that Hegseth and other members of his team divided the female staffers in the organization into “party girls” and “not party girls” and sexually pursued them, leading to allegations of sexual assault. 

Another complaint said that at a bar in the early hours of May 29, 2015, Hegseth began to chant drunkenly: “Kill All Muslims! Kill All Muslims!” 

An email from one of the whistleblowers to Hegseth’s successor at Concerned Veterans for America said that “[a]mong the staff, the disgust for Pete was pretty high.” 

The letter detailed Hegseth’s “history of alcohol abuse” and said he had “treated the organization funds like they were a personal expense account—for partying, drinking, and using CVA events as little more than opportunities to ‘hook up’ with women on the road.” 

 By 2016, Hegseth was out at Concerned Veterans for America but had joined the Fox News Channel as a contributor. It was during this period that he appeared in October 2017 as a speaker at the California Federation of Republican Women’s convention, where he allegedly sexually assaulted a woman."


Joe Conservative said...

At least they won't be hypocrites like the Democrats and all their crime families... ala Pelosi.

Shaw Kenawe said...

"CBS News reports that Pete Hegseth, Donald Trump’s nominee for defense secretary, was forced to step down from two nonprofit veterans groups after staffers accused him of financial and sexual misconduct, and repeated intoxication."

Trump chooses a sexual assaulter and drunk to lead the Defense Department!

Trump's draining the swamp into a cesspool of people like him.

Les Carpenter said...

You Know Who IS the swamp. Err, cesspool.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

If you look at the big Trump picture, Hegseth is the perfect cabinet stooge for Trump. So was Gaetz. So is his FBI pick. A big part of Trump's base is misogynists. Ironically many of them are also women. The rest of his voters don't care. So it's good politics for Trump to have woman haters in his administration. Sadly my party is saddled with misguided fools like Joe Manchen who believe sucking up to the right is a good thing. Bipartisanship only matters if there are goodies to be had in an infrastructure bill or some meaningless stuff like a national farmers day. To nominate a cabinet member that is smart and focused on the good is not a good plan for Trump. Rapists, or sexual abusers if that term would make my good friend Skudrunner happy, and tax cheats is the only way for Trump to go if he wants to keep his hold over the republicans. Vance may have been his best pick since JD is an expert at sucking Trump's bottom and evading answers. Plus he abhors the idea of women being treated as equals. As an old low level political operative, I have great admiration for Trump's ability to control the minds of millions of deluded fools.

BB-Idaho said...

Can't make this stuff up. An absolute disgrace.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Making accusations without evidence is just nonsense .

Nancy Pelosi has never been indicted for any crime, unlike Donald Trump, the Felon-elect, sexual assaulter/rapist, tax fraudster, fake Trump University scammer!

Joe Biden has NEVER been indicted for any crime. Unlike Trump and his family relatives!

It's a difficult thing to come to terms with.

You support a convicted criminal and every dirty deed he's done.

Dave Dubya said...

Resident Joe Con keeps showing us how an authoritarian personality with no conscience has no interest in truth, and will defend his fellow sociopaths and criminals as long as they target the same people they both hate.
Watch for him to cheer the Trump Cartel's coming witchhunts, harassment, threats, and purging of everyone not loyal to his felonious Fuhrer.

Les Carpenter said...

But, he is America's disgrace. Not that there hasn't been others in history. But, You Know Who is so goddamn disgraceful he makes anyone else look like a saint by comparison.

I, unlike JoMala have no respect for You Know Who's ability to manipulate the minds of ignorant sheeple.

To give up ones agency to the likes of You Know Who is the greatest sin one can commit against oneself.

Lisa said...

So Ukraine Joe and Insider trader Nancy were never convicted of anything and neither was Hillary. Who else could get away with destroying emails that were subpoenaed by the FBI and conducting government business on an illegal private server?
Just because you haven't been convicted of a crime,it doesn't mean you didn't commit one

Shaw Kenawe said...

I'm replying to your comment, even though you don't deserve a reply. Why? Because whenever you appear here with a comment and I counter your claim, you disappear, never to come back and acknowledge my rebuttal. Rude!

Neither Secy. of State, Hillary Clinton, nor former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, nor President Biden have ever been indicted for any crime. Trump had the DoJ, House, and Senate for the first 2 years of his presidency and did not find it necessary to call for investigations, again, into Clinton or into anything about Pelosi, and his failed House Committee inquiries on President Biden came up with ZERO findings of wrong doing. Those are facts you MAGA cannot deal with. Facts are stubborn things that MAGA don't believe in -- maybe because they can't comprehend them?

Your hero, Trump, actually WAS convicted by a jury of his peers of 34 felony crimes, yet people like you think Trump, a convicted criminal and sexual assaulter, is a perfect example of the best in America!

You can believe all you want in fantasy crimes committed by anyone you like, it doesn't matter to the law or the people you hate. Those fantasies are meaningless in jurisprudence.

However, Trump's criminal record is real. Trump is a real convicted felon and sexual assaulter/rapist who partied with the infamous child rapists, Epstein and Maxwell for years and years. Those are facts.

You can have your own opinions, but not your own facts.

Also, you might try living in the real world where decency, honor, and the rule of law mean something. Your hero, Trump, doesn't believe in those American ideals, and we will all pay the ultimate price for his indecency and villainy .

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

At Lisa is here and not out molesting a young boy. If she were to do such a despicable thing though she'd probably be offered a cabinet position from her dear leader.

Dave Miller said...

Technically Shaw, the Trump jury was not a jury of "his peers". Trump is without peer when it comes to business, tax and non profit fraud. He's in a class of his own. As he is when it comes to bu**sh*t, lying, exaggeration and marital infidelity, excepting maybe Bill Clinton and a few of the Kennedys on the infidelity scale.

The man stands alone.

Shaw Kenawe said...

To be fair, many, many of our presidents were unfaithful. Some more notorious than others. But up until JFK's presidency, there was some sort of "gentlemen's agreement" not to publish presidents' marital indiscretions.

I guess one would have to say that some men just can't control their, ahem, urges?

14 Presidents Who Allegedly Cheated on The First Lady

Les Carpenter said...

An unethical and immoral felon standing proudly on his unmatched record for disgusting behaviors.

And his fawning sheeple like skud amd Lisa continue to be mesmerized by his egregious lying and criminality.

40% of America fully supports the jerk and plenty more are indifferent and voted for him because they like the thought of strongman dictator.

America is sliding and sliding fast.

Dave Dubya said...

Lisa: "Just because you haven't been convicted of a crime, it doesn't mean you didn't commit one."

I agree.

These felony Convictions stand:

34 felony counts in Trump’s falsifying business records in the first degree.

Invoices for legal services - Guilty on 11 of 11 charges
Checks paid for legal services - Guilty on 11 of 11 charges
Ledger entries for legal expenses - Guilty on 12 of 12 charges

Crimes like these come to mind:
2020 Election Interference Charges

Count 1: 18 U.S.C. § 371 (Conspiracy to Defraud the United States)
Count 2: 18 U.S. C. § 1512(k) (Conspiracy to Obstruct an Official Proceeding)
Count 3: 18 U.S.C. §§ 1512(c)(2), 2 (Obstruction of and Attempt to Obstruct an Official Proceeding)
Count 4: 18 U.S.C. § 241 (Conspiracy Against Rights)
Mar-A-Lago Documents Charges

Counts 1-31: 18 USC 793(e) Willful Retention of National Defense Information
Count 32: 18 U.S. Code § 1512(k) Conspiracy to Obstruct Justice
Count 33: 18 U.S. Code § 1512(b) Withholding a Document or Record
Count 34: 18 U.S. Code § 1512(c) Corruptly Concealing a Document or Record

State of Georgia Charges:

Violation of the Georgia Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act
Conspiracy to commit forgery in the first degree (2 counts)
False statements and writings (2 counts)
Conspiracy to commit impersonating a public officer
Conspiracy to commit false statements and writings (2 counts)

Perhaps Lisa would be so kind as to debunk the vast troves of sworn testimony, audio, visual, and printed EVIDENCE that ALL indicate Trump is GUILTY.

Anonymous said...

trump is making these cabinet nominations in a way that says he's not taking it seriously at all, almost like he's just picking names out of a hat.

Regardless of party affiliation, we should be VERY concerned that he's appointing unqualified idiots in almost every area.

Shaw Kenawe said...

I don't know why I bother answering Lisa's comments. She never comes back to see any rebuttals to her claims. It's probably an attention span problem. She and her WYD trolls can't hold a thought long enough to respond.

skudrunner said...

So trump was convicted of 34 counts of bookkeeping errors and you are up in arms while the presidents son is convicted of a gun violation and evading taxes and you are fine with his pardon.

How about him giving a billion dollars to Africa while people in Asheville are still waiting for help.

Lisa is right that just because they haven't convicted hillary, botox nan or the biden crime family doesn't mean they are innocent. The left is against all the selections for cabinet positions because they have experience while they support mayor pete who never did anything except direct a salt truck.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

You do put alot of effort in responding to these jokers Shaw. They rarely acknowledge me but I figure it just hurts their sensitive feelings when I just call them "shitheads" as that's all their comments merit.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Regarding the gun charge vis-a-vis Hunter Biden, here's something you probably don't know:

From a lawyer: “Without aggravating factors like use in a crime, multiple purchases, or buying a weapon as a straw purchaser, people are almost never brought to trial on felony charges solely for how they filled out a gun form.

As for the taxes he failed to pay, H. Biden repaid them in full, including penalty charges. The IRS almost never charges anyone after full payment."

"...while people in Asheville are still waiting for help." There you go again, making claims backed up by zero evidence. Just more trash talking and nothing more.

SKUD: "Lisa is right that just because they haven't convicted hillary, botox nan or the biden crime family doesn't mean they are innocent."

Yes. It. Does.

You're the first one to proclaim, "Innocent until proven guilty!" But not when it comes to Democrats you dislike, eh? That's hypocrisy on steroids, skud.

Let's turn this around on you: "Just because skudrunner hasn't been convicted doesn't mean he's innocent of committing crimes!" So we have to assume you, skud, are a cheat and criminal because you haven't be convicted of crimes! See how insane Lisa's and your statements are?

To the best of our knowledge, Secretary Buttigieg has not been charged with sexual assault, drunkenness, and having sex with minor females and believing in QAnon garbage. Those are just some of what Trump has nominated for various cabinet positions, and it is sleazy to the nth degree. Just like him!

Ray said...

Trump nominated a guy for secretary of defense whose own mother accused him of being a wife beater! skud is defending the indefensible. Ignore his nonsense.

Dave Miller said...

Skud's right... again!

Just because someone has not been charged or convicted does not mean they are innocent. Just like just because Skud has never been found to have beat his wife does not mean he is innocent of the charge.

Also Skud... regarding Lisa. Are you really rallying to her defense? When asked on her blog where she got her facts, she once replied that she posted a mix of both true and "false facts".

She's the queen of the alternative universe so many in MAGA land choose to inhabit.

And yet there you are.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

My good friend Skuds has always parroted nonsense he gleaned from the republican message people well. Some of it he may have come up with himself. It's a shame to waste his talents here where he is subject to ridicule and Shaw's relentless use of facts. I suggest Skuds, that you beat you wife or better yet, a puppy. Then Fox News would hire you, or Trump give you a cabinet position so you could at least get paid for your efforts.

Les Carpenter said...

@JoMala - ... as that is all their comments merit.

Ayup, a big second from this arc of the universe!

BB-Idaho said...

GOP Senate is insisting on FBI backgrounds on the nominees. Been the norm for years. Trump apparently gave in on the issue. Probably a few might pass.
The rest belong in a police line up.

My Prediction said...

My Prediction, Hegseth doesn't make it to the confirmation process.....if there even is one.

skudrunner said...

Hunter intentionally lied on the application and his oh here is the money back from the taxes I didn't pay is not a great excuse. This is almost as lame as joey giving his son a pardon because "trump" would take it out on poor hunter when he was suppose to be sentenced this month while daddy was the pres. That just doesn't hold water. The left is irate because they really screwed up spending a billions dollars to lose because they picked the wrong candidate. The reason they picked her is because she checked two boxes not because she was capable or well liked. Now you say I beat my wife which you cant' prove so has to go into the fake news category. Don't own a puppy but I did have a gold fish one time and flushed him when he died so maybe you can use that.
Your right Ms. Shaw, I got the information on Ashville from that liberal national news network ABC nightly news.

Dave Dubya said...

Skud: "Hunter LIED, but with Trump it was only "bookkeeping errors".

"Oops! didn't mean it, and besides I never had sex with her", amirite, Skud?

Like any MAGA cultist, Skud IGNORES the LONG list of crimes Trump committed. Skud also IGNORES Trump's pardoning of his criminal cronies.

"The reason they picked her (Kamala) is because she checked two boxes not because she was capable or well liked."

She was both liked and capable, but Skud agrees with the racists who called her a "DEI" candidate.

More evidence Skud voted for Trump.

He truly BELEIVES Trump and ALL his sycophantic media propagandists.

Isn't it cute how Skud thinks Trump won't seek "vengeance and retribution" despite having promised to do so?

Grey One talks sass said...

skud's life must be going sideways. How else to explain their doubling down on the lies and propaganda already debunked?

I looked up Ashville. Seems to me some of the issues stem from too many humans flush with FEMA money are trying to purchase materials to repair their homes, ALL AT THE SAME TIME. So yeah, there is going to be snags and such. But hey, there's someone to yell at so why not - or words to that effect to explain skud's attempt of hey - look over there! To be fair there were so many videos with humans whining that they don't have the exact supplies needed TWO whole months after the hurricane.

Talk to Puerto Rico you whiners.

I get it, tempers are high but patience is a virtue and I didn't see too many virtuous posts while checking out the topic. Which brings me to the next point, I bet it would surprise skud to learn that the government of the USA can do more than one thing at a time - help humans in Africa as promised and take care of citizens at home. Weird. Even more weird is the monies allocated for Africa are paid from a different pool than the monies paid to hurricane survivors. Almost as if the government doesn't just throw all the money into a pile and divvy it up by first come first served. Sheesh. You do know the government is all about accounting protocols? I spent some time as a temp in the accounting departments in several different agencies. I will say the government does like it's codes (I only remembered what went where because of a honking huge notebook with EVERYTHING you'd ever want to know and where it needed to go).

So skud, how long as it been since you stopped beating your wife? You regularly accuse others of crimes they did not commit, as proven by ad nauseum investigations with nothing to show (thirty years for the Clintons - you'd think if there was something to be found someone would have found it by now). Don't like being accused like that? Well, I'm just playing by YOUR rules skud. It's weird how no one likes to be accused of things they did not do. Might even be a teachable lesson here if only you'd listen.

What am I thinking, skud listen to me, to us? Maybe. It is the holiday season where I'm told miracles do happen.

Grey One talks sass said...

An observation as to #45's cabinet picks - he chooses someone who is wildly unqualified, an absolutely unserious candidate. The traditional media (in the bag for fascists because $) fluffs and puffs and gets humans who still read traditional media all riled up, the candidate steps down and the next person #45 suggests is Project 2025 approved, low key, looks serious, so everyone relaxes not understanding the real villain was just accepted without a peep. It's brilliant and exactly how I'd do it if I was trying to take over the world. Just wondering if anyone sees what I'm seeing too.

For the trolls of the world - Traditional media is exactly as you think of it - New York Times, Wall Street Journal, ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox, CNN, etc.... any corporate news organization which abdicated their journalistic duty since 2016 because #45 may not be good for the public but it's very good for their bottom line. aka MSM - main stream media Liberal media - funny because none of the coverage by Traditional media has had a liberal bias (aka factual) for over a decade.

skudrunner said...

"She was both liked and capable, but Skud agrees with the racists who called her a "DEI" candidate."
She was so capable and liked she spent over one billion dollars to lose to a person most couldn't stand but felt he was the better choice.

"Oops! didn't mean it, and besides I never had sex with her" I wasn't talking about clinton but since you brought it up LOL. I don't feel trump will seek retribution because he will be to busy correcting what biden messed up.

Grey, I haven't been accused of beating my wife for years. You are all for giving tax payer money away and increasing our debt but how about spending money on our homeless and disabled vets. How about getting a VA system that works. Talk to some folks in Ashville and see how well the government assistance is working out for them. If you don't believe the MSM is liberal you need to pay more attention.

",A Measure of Media Bias, by Tim Groseclose of the University of California at Los Angeles and Jeff Milyo of the University of Chicago, presented last March at Stanford University's Workshop on the Media & Economic Performance. These researchers set up an objective measure of bias in U.S. television networks, newspapers, and magazines. The main finding is that the liberal inclination is pronounced.

Dave Dubya said...

"Oops! didn't mean it, and besides I never had sex with her", WAS about Trump's felony convictions. Like all of MAGA, Skud is incapable of good faith discussion.

"...a person most couldn't stand but felt he was the better choice...I don't feel trump will seek retribution"...At least Skud admits he's a Trump supporter.

It really is all about their FEELINGS and NEVER about the facts or character.

And his "media bias" study was done by a speaker at the far-Right Federalist Society and "Glenn Beck U."

Here's a sober assessment of THEIR bias:

Besides, media "bias" isn't as important as media accuracy, is it, Skud? Just look at all the LIES you've regurgitated from your radical Right sources.