Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Friday, February 16, 2024



Brian Krassenstein @Twitter 

 "$364,000,000.00 Judgment Against 


 Judge Engoron has just 

announced the total fine in the Trump 

New York Fraud case to be a staggering 

$364 Million and a 3 Year ban on Real 

Estate in New York."


JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Oddly enough, this is a case that I thought Trump should get off lightly since there was no way the banks that took his word about his net worth could not have known he was a serial liar and grifter. That and with the fluctuation of real estate values that should have given him at least a somewhat reasonable defense from the charges. He did have lousy lawyers. I suppose that will be a reason for his appeal. I think he has to put the judgement up as bond should he appeal. Wonder how many hats he'll have to sell to the magats to pay for that?

Les Carpenter said...



MAY THE WRATH OF JUSTICE CONTINUE TO BEFALL THE orange hued demented human orangutan.

possumlady said...

Have you heard the latest remarks from some Republicans who are associating trump's legal problems with the arrest, imprisonment and murder of Alexi Navalny? That trump is America's Navalny? How obscene!

Les Carpenter said...

Each of those morons are nothing but Russian Assets hoping for the collapse of our republic and the arising of authoritarianism in the land of their cult leader and Russia Asset DJT.

Mike said...

I not going to hold my breath waiting for him to pay up.

Grey One talks sass said...

Mike, if Mr. Former-Fake-One-Term-Twice-Impeached-Currently-Four-Time-Criminally-Indicted-Not-My-President-gurl** wants to appeal any of his convictions he has to deposit real monies with the court either through a bond or in escrow.

And I'm laughing so hard because there isn't a bank in the USA who will work with him and his usual go-to financiers (Russians) have their own issues at the moment. But still, we all know he's going to appeal even though he hasn't a legal leg to stand on. I wonder which property he will sell.

**The biggest of hat tips to Randy Rainbow who is the GOAT of parody. Love them to bits, absolute bits.

Anonymous said...

Maybe a man who's been judged a rapist, fined $355 million, barred from doing business in NY, impeached twice, and facing 91 felony counts should not be president.

Les Carpenter said...

Ya think?

skudrunner said...

Maybe NYC can use some of that money to pay for their illegal immigrant problem. That way maybe the illegals will not beat up cops and destroy property.

Not one bank has complained and not one person has been hurt by exaggerating his worth. Now the problem is collecting the money because it will go to appeal for the next few years but we can all hope it will convince him to pull out of the race and give it to gavin. Just kidding because he won't quit and face a deflated ego.

Shaw Kenawe said...

SKUDRUNNER: "Not one bank has complained and not one person has been hurt by exaggerating his worth."

And you know this how? You DO realize the Captain of the Mother Ship wrote the same thing on her blog.

It doesn't matter what YOU think the banks suffered or didn't suffer because of Trump's corruption. HE. BROKE. THE. LAW.

So the banks didn't complain? How do you know that? You realize you're parroting nothing more than right wing talking points, NOT THE LAW!

"Trump and his company deceived banks, insurers and others by massively overvaluing his assets and exaggerating his net worth on paperwork used in making deals and securing loans.

Trump’s “statements of financial condition” were key to his approval for a $125 million loan in 2011 for his golf resort in Doral, Florida, and a $107 million loan in 2012 for his Chicago hotel and condo skyscraper, former Deutsche Bank risk management officer Nicholas Haigh testified.

Those numbers helped Trump secure bigger loans and lower interest rates, said Haigh, who headed the risk group for the bank’s private wealth management unit from 2008 to 2018.

A judge last month ruled that the former president and his company, the Trump Organization, committed years of fraud by exaggerating the value of Trump’s assets and net worth on the financial statements he gave to banks, insurers and others to make deals and secure loans.

Trump’s longtime finance chief, Allen Weisselberg, acknowledged in testimony Tuesday that information in the financial statements wasn’t always accurate."

It astounds me to read otherwise sane people excuse Trump's perfidy and financial swindling in order to cheat his way into financial success and avoid the taxes he owes. The conservatives who EXCUSE these crimes have lost their minds.

It's good to know where the people on the Mother Ship and skudrunner stand when it comes to people who cheat to gain financial advantage. There are laws against that sort of corruption, but someone told the Mother Ship and skudrunner that the banks didn't suffer, so it's okay for Trump to break the law and get away with it.

Ray said...

Remember when people got thrown in jail for having an ounce of weed on them?

That was a victimless crime too. But it was still breaking the law.

Since when did the right wingers think its okay to break the law if no one was harmed?

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

$365m is in the top 10 damage awards in all US history.

The ones above it like the big Tobacco... killed millions. The BP oil spill, killed 11.

So, who died?

Dave Miller said...

One of the things Skud and others miss is this... the current fraud charge against Trump, in the state of New York, does not require a victim.

A speeding ticket does not require a victim.

You can be charged with burglary in many states, even before you commit the crime, if you simply have the tools of the trade and are in a place you might burgle.

Two crimes, both against the law, both with no victims.

This idea of essentially "no harm, no foul" is preposterous.

The case showed intent to deceive and defraud, again, illegal, regardless of a victim or not.

So to Skud, -FJ, etc... your protestations are worthless. New York has a law. Trump broke it. Now he pays.

And if ppl don't like the law, they can, as the SCOTUS has said many times, change the law.

That's America, that's democracy.

Shaw Kenawe said...

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

"$365m is in the top 10 damage awards in all US history.

The ones above it like the big Tobacco... killed millions. The BP oil spill, killed 11.

So, who died?"

Trump broke the law. Big Time.

It's nice, though, to see that you'd be willing to let Trump get away with breaking the law because no one died.

We can't afford to have people who think the way you do running the country. Not even voting, for that matter.

You seem not to have a moral compass. You are ready to let any criminal get away with breaking the law, so long as they are part of your tribe and fit into your delusional conspiracies.

Good Gawd! What the hell happened to you?

Les Carpenter said...

Russian/Trump asset -fj indeed has no moral compass. He apparently lost it long ago. If he ever had one.