Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Thursday, February 8, 2024

In case people have forgotten that Marge is an election denier and insurrectionist.


(And not the sharpest knife in the drawer.) 

Greene: "When they came to Washington to protest, you called that an insurrection but when Biden was inaugurated and this Capitol was surrounded with National Guard troops, none of you stood there and called that an insurrection."

Someone needs to explain to Marge that storming the Capitol as part of an insurrection to stop the certification of the electoral votes is not the same as the inauguration of the US president, which required the National Guard because of the J6 insurrection, which Marge was part of.

That she compares the two is evidence of a mind not working well. Or, as others would say more unkindly, "incredibly stupid."

She asked Trump for a pardon THREE DAYS after being sworn in as a US Representative. 


What did she do that concerned her enough to ask the POTUS for a pardon? 

Listen to her below talking about NOT allowing a peaceful transition to Biden's presidency.


Trump filed 62 different lawsuits asking courts to overturn the 2020 election results.


Anonymous said...

I vote for MTG as the dumbest, most ignorant, deluded female in congress. Her lack of intelligence and understaning makes a box of dirt look intelligent.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Why hasn't Trump been charged with Insurrection? Because there wasn't one. Democrats just hate dissent went the mostly peaceful protests are against them.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

She does wield immense power in the House. 220 republican Congressmen and they're pretty much all scared crapless of her. They ought to just capitulate to the ignorance and make her the Speaker. She does like to speak.

Dave Dubya said...

"Pardon Me" Marge IS an insurrectionist and should never hold office.

She conspired with the Trump Cartel and invited insurrectionists to come to DC on January 6th:

“You can’t allow it to just transfer power ‘peacefully’ like Joe Biden wants and allow him to become our president.”

Then the authoritarian MAGAt admitted she had no evidence to support Trump's Big Lie:

"I proudly objected on January 6th. I would object again today because I know for a fact there was so much wrong in that election and I believe it was stolen. Do I know how? No, I don’t know how."

This is how they "know for a fact". They only need to just BELIEVE in Traitor Trump's every word as gospel. They keep proving they are a cult that worships their Malevolent Mendacious Messiah.

Worse yet, there are Republicans who KNOW what Trump is, but are cowards who dare not speak the truth about him. They're silenced by their understandable fear of Trump and his neo-Nazi radical Right thugs.

“I had a popular commentator (MAGA radio host Jesse Kelly) four weeks ago that I talked to that told me … 'If you try to move a bill that solves the border crisis during this presidential year, I will do whatever I can to destroy you.'” — Sen. James Lankford (R-OK)

CNN’s Tristan Snell points out Congress has already disqualified Trump from the ballot.

Legally, the insurrectionist is disqualified the moment he engages in insurrection.

Congress has already disqualified Trump from the ballot.

When, one might ask, did Congress ever hold such votes?

Those votes came in the second impeachment of Trump, in January and February of 2021, in which majorities of both the House and the Senate backed an article of impeachment against Trump for “incitement of insurrection.”

Our elected representatives convened, heard from both sides and voted that January 6 was an insurrection and that Donald Trump not only engaged in it but incited it. This was the conclusion of 232 of 435 representatives and 57 of 100 senators.

Anonymous said...

Most ignorant, deluded, dumb people know simply because, they know. They refuse any and all evidence to the contrary of their reified beliefs and will hold their ignorance and delusions to their death. Unless struck by lightning and their circuits get rewired. Or, an epiphany occurs. Which is highly unlikely in the MAGAverse.

Anonymous said...

Hey Russian Asset -fj, Putin and his thugs treating ya well? They must be. You're certainly supportive of their Prime Asset, Donald J. Tump.

Shaw Kenawe said...

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

"Why hasn't Trump been charged with Insurrection? Because there wasn't one. Democrats just hate dissent went the mostly peaceful protests are against them."

Your defense of Trump who was held liable for sexual assault/rape and tax fraud and who is facing 91 felony charges is duly noted.

Have a nice day.

Dave Dubya said...

We can depend on Kremlin Agent -FJ to LIE for Putin and Trump: "Why hasn't Trump been charged with Insurrection? Because there wasn't one."

Trump WAS charged with insurrection in his second impeachment.

A majority of the House AND Senate voted to convict him. Many Republicans who did not vote to convict have come out and said they and their families were THREATENED by MAGAts if the did. (This is what TYRANNY looks like.)

To impeach is to charge.

to charge with a crime or misdemeanor
specifically : to charge (a public official) before a competent tribunal with misconduct in office


The Constitution provides that the House of Representatives “shall have the sole Power of Impeachment” and that the President “shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors”. Further, section 3 of the 14th Amendment to the Constitution prohibits any person who has “engaged in insurrection or rebellion against” the United States from “hold[ing] any office … under the United States”. In his conduct while President of the United States—and in violation of his constitutional oath faithfully to execute the office of President of the United States and, to the best of his ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States, and in violation of his constitutional duty to take care that the laws be faithfully executed—Donald John Trump engaged in high Crimes and Misdemeanors by inciting violence against the Government of the United States, in that:

On January 6, 2021, pursuant to the 12th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, the Vice President of the United States, the House of Representatives, and the Senate met at the United States Capitol for a Joint Session of Congress to count the votes of the Electoral College. In the months preceding the Joint Session, President Trump repeatedly issued false statements asserting that the Presidential election results were the product of widespread fraud and should not be accepted by the American people or certified by State or Federal officials. Shortly before the Joint Session commenced, President Trump, addressed a crowd at the Ellipse in Washington, DC. There, he reiterated false claims that “we won this election, and we won it by a landslide”. He also willfully made statements that, in context, encouraged—and foreseeably resulted in—lawless action at the Capitol, such as: “if you don’t fight like hell you’re not going to have a country anymore”. Thus incited by President Trump, members of the crowd he had addressed, in an attempt to, among other objectives, interfere with the Joint Session’s solemn constitutional duty to certify the results of the 2020 Presidential election, unlawfully breached and vandalized the Capitol, injured and killed law enforcement personnel, menaced Members of Congress, the Vice President, and Congressional personnel, and engaged in other violent, deadly, destructive, and seditious acts.

Grey One talks sass said...

I can tell how serious the cases are against the as yet uncharged Jan6 participants based on the hysteria, fear, and unbridled anger on their faces and in their voices. (a guilty person runs when no man pursues - looking at you MTG. Who did place the pipe bomb in the back pack? Some say it was you MTG. It would explain why you asked for a pardon when thus far no one has discovered any illegal actions made by you. Yet...)

MTG needs a dictionary not only for how to spell but for the meanings of words. I truly believe she thinks a gathering of humans isn't a protest but an insurrection. How else to explain her fear mongering over the crowds of National Guardsman at Bidens inauguration.

She also called the protests after George Floyd an insurrection even though the participants were exercising their First Amendment Rights.

Now, had the Jan6 participants remained outside the barricades and outside the Capitol they would have been considered protesters too. But that's not what they did. They broke through the police lines, they harmed humans who swore an oath to protect the Capitol and the occupants within, and the Jan6 insurrectionists (humans who attempted to disrupt the lawful operations of the US Gov) went through the halls where our laws are created, smearing feces, breaking furniture and windows, and disobeying clearly issued orders from the proper authorities. Prison is too good for these insurrectionists in my opinion.

I know many of us have tried to explain the differences between insurrection, sedition, and why 'no one' has been charged with insurrection although several have been successfully charged with sedition. Too bad our multifaced troll is a willful denier of the differences. Well, they do have an authoritarian's hand up their nether regions. I imagine they are a bit distracted.

Anonymous said...

For the trump ass-kisser:

If a violent riot is intended to stop the peaceful transfer of power and illegally keep the corrupt buffoon who incited it in power, it is an insurrection (or a coup).

Shaw Kenawe said...

Grey One talks sass

"MTG needs a dictionary not only for how to spell but for the meanings of words."

Her latest gaffe, pronouncing "indictable," as "inDICKtable," and others, i.e. "gazpacho police" instead of "Gestapo police," "peach tree dish," instead of "petri dish," and her inane pronouncements that claimed Jewish space lasers were responsible for forest fires, and that school shootings were staged, all are evidence of the vast wasteland that is her intellect.

The most important question that she's never answered is: Why did she ask for a pardon from Trump 3 days after being sworn in as a US Representative. People ask for pardons when they've committed a crime. What did Marge do????

Shaw Kenawe said...

Dave Dubya

The answer to your comment that the MAGAs give is that impeachment is a political process, not a federal/state/civil law process.

Therefore, MAGAs like -FJ believe Trump is unjustly accused of doing what he did in front of the entire world because he hasn't been indicted for it in a court of law.

But neither was Bill Clinton indicted for his perjury in a court of law. However, that did not change the fact that he lied under oath.

Trump, for all eternity, will be known for inciting an insurrection against the United States, and advocating for the death of his own vice president: "HANG MIKE PENCE."

These are all uncomfortable and bitter truths that people like -FJ/Joe Conservative/Thersites, and the sailors on the Mother Ship and every living breathing MAGA cannot and will never accept.

"Facts are stubborn things." --John Adams

Trump is an insurrectionist, a sexual assaulter/rapist, tax fraud, liar, cheat, and serial adulterer.

He is a hero to the current Republican Party and Evangelical Christians.

Ray said...

There wasn’t an insurrection but Nancy Pelosi is responsible, there wasn’t any violence but Ashley Babbit died, they were all antifa but everyone arrested and convicted were maga. Are these people brain dead or is the cult that deep?