Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Tuesday, February 20, 2024

It is depressing to understand that...


millions of Americans want this mentally unhinged, conman and huckster back in the White House.

Americans who support this maniac for the presidency should look deep within themselves and ask, what is wrong with me that makes me think that someone who could write this embarrassing pile of lies and calumny would be stable enough to lead America?

The rant below by Trump shows a disorganized, raging paranoid mind, unfit to be a latrine cleaner, never mind the POTUS.

This is Trump's text on the killing of Alexie Navalny:

As is usual with this malignant narcissist, he made Navalny's murder about himself, and never held Putin, Trump's roll model and hero, accountable for the murder of his opponent. Something Trump must dream about, hoping to be the next POTUS.

And the lunatic who wrote these texts wants you to buy his gold high top sneakers!

What a embarrassingly colossal disgrace to our country!


Les Carpenter said...

A pathetic whining whittle crybaby jackass that 35% of Americans think is "god's" gift to their desired authoritarian facist America.

A POS that deserves nothing less than to spend the rest of his dememtia addled life behind steel bars for his criminal behaviors and what his filthy lies have done to this country.

When this sociopath dies the majority of this nation and the planet will breathe a sigh of relief.

Grey One talks sass said...

The amount of paperwork to organize and carry out any kind of conspiracy is astronomical. And as wiser minds than myself have opined, if you want to keep a secret you tell no one. Not one, not two trusted souls, no one. Zero. Nada.

To think that the number of organizations mentioned in the former guys post could/would conspire together, outside of the light of day is delusional. If the former guy was just some homeless person they'd be put on a 72 hour mandatory hold for being a potential harm to themselves or others.

The whole reason I am a member of the Democratic party here/now is because it is a big tent party. All of us aiming for the same thing (Democracy) and all of us having different ways or means to achieve that goal. It's a lot like herding cats on zoomies or getting a pack of dogs to sit still to take a picture so that they are all good shots (and you know there is always that one who is 'squirrel' or has to lick or scratch a part. Always)

Contrast that with the dogma on the MAGA side. Their purity tests will rip them apart and we just have to sit back and watch.

Emo Phillips wrote the greatest joke ever told which illustrates my point perfectly:

Once I saw this guy on a bridge about to jump. I said, "Don't do it!" He said, "Nobody loves me." I said, "God loves you. Do you believe in God?"

He said, "Yes." I said, "Are you a Christian or a Jew?" He said, "A Christian." I said, "Me, too! Protestant or Catholic?" He said, "Protestant." I said, "Me, too! What franchise?" He said, "Baptist." I said, "Me, too! Northern Baptist or Southern Baptist?" He said, "Northern Baptist." I said, "Me, too! Northern Conservative Baptist or Northern Liberal Baptist?"

He said, "Northern Conservative Baptist." I said, "Me, too! Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region, or Northern Conservative Baptist Eastern Region?" He said, "Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region." I said, "Me, too!"

Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1879, or Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1912?" He said, "Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1912."

I said, "Die, heretic!" And I pushed him over.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

In the years to come most of the people that support orange Baby Huey will not admit it. It's akin to all the people these days that claim to have voted for JFK. His golden shoes will sell briskly, good luck to anyone that orders them having them shipped. And if any do make to the public they will go the way of Billy Beer. A worthless oddity.

Les Carpenter said...

Indeed Grey One talks sass!

The story illustrates perfectly what happens when to much stock is invested in ones reified beliels. Someting that apparently to be SOP for the MAGAverse cons.

Joe Conservative said...

...and the Brennan PsyOps continue...

Shaw Kenawe said...

Joe Conservative said...

"...and the Brennan PsyOps continue..."

Is that the same as the Deep State? The "Stollen" election? Barack Obama actually running the country? The Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss suitcases of ballots? The Arizona and Wisconsin recounts? BLM and Antifa? Or is it the JFKjr becoming TFG's running mate? Or Michelle Obama winning the "Democrat" nomination? There are so many, it's difficult to keep them straight!

I'm not familiar with the conspiracy you posted today.

Please. I'm actually not interested in another red herring thrown into today's topic.

Les Carpenter said...

As joe con returns to his prison of ignorance to get a refill of delusional BS.

Joe Conservative said...

Gonzalo Lira, Julian Assange, the J6 Political Prisoners...

...but if Putin does it, stand up and TAKE notice! Orange Man BAD!

Anonymous said...

Washington led a ragtag militia against the British.

Lincoln abolished slavery.

FDR gave us the new deal.

JFK got us to the moon.

Trump tried to redirect a hurricane with a sharpie.

Elect a good person and they might do great things.

If you elect an idiot, (Trump) they are always gonna idiot.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Joe Conservative

"Gonzalo Lira, Julian Assange, the J6 Political Prisoners...

...but if Putin does it, stand up and TAKE notice! Orange Man BAD!"

Gonzalo Lira? LOL! A right-wing misogynistic Putin-loving whacko. (Was. Too bad. He dead.)

J6 Political Prisoners. LOL! They were found guilty by juries of their peers. LOL!

Keep trying. It's so amusing that you think any of us take this nonsense you post seriously.

Shaw Kenawe said...

This is REAL, NOT A CONSPIRACY THEORY promoted by election 2020 deniers:

"The Feds say in a detention memo that Alexander Smirnov --charged with fabricating claims that Joe Biden was bribed by Ukrainians -- had high level contacts with Russian intelligence operatives.

The U.S. special counsel, David Weiss, leading a criminal probe into President Joe Biden's son, Hunter Biden, said a former FBI informant was charged with lying about the pair's alleged involvement in business dealings with Ukrainian energy company Burisma Holdings.
In a statement on Thursday, Special Counsel David Weiss, opens new tab said a federal grand jury had indicted Alexander Smirnov, 43, on charges of making a "false statement" and "creating a false and fictitious record" in relation to an FBI probe. Smirnov faces a maximum penalty of 25 years in prison if convicted.

The indictment unsealed on Thursday appeared to deal a blow to the Republican accusations that the U.S. president profited from his son's business in Ukraine.

"For months we have warned that Republicans have built their conspiracies about Hunter and his family on lies told by people with political agendas, not facts," Hunter Biden's lawyer, Abbe Lowell, said in a statement. "We were right and the air is out of their balloon."

Special Counsel David Weiss:

Weiss was nominated by then-President Donald Trump in 2017 and started his post as U.S. attorney in Delaware in 2018. The position followed stints as the acting and interim U.S. attorney there, along with first assistant U.S. attorney, according to his Department of Justice biography.

The whole Burisma, Hunter Biden, Joe Biden probe is based on lies. Lies. Lies.

Les Carpenter said...

You're nothing but a scoundrel looking to prove it so joe con man.

Les Carpenter said...

Excellent picture of truth Anonymous @ 4:33 PM.

Les Carpenter said...

joe con (and sockpuppet -fj) is but a caricature of a deluded moron on steriods. A blind sheeple to the delusions of the narcissistic as*ho*le DJT.

Mike said...

tRump is a real croc of shit. But you know that, don't you?!

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

They all know it Mike. They're just so desperate to be validated and accepted they all submit. A pathetic bunch. They are quite forgiving though. Lindsay Graham is constantly being forgiven. DeSantis is on Trump's short list for veep. Even Nikki Haley will be welcomed back once she drops out and prostrates herself before orange Baby Huey.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Joe "Truth 101" Kelly

"Even Nikki Haley will be welcomed back once she drops out and prostrates herself before orange Baby Huey."

And if the past behavior of once anti-Trump candidates is any indicatioin, Haley WILL submit to Trump and get on board with his candidacy. She has to, or her career in the party is over.

Just remember this about Haley:

She said she'd pardon Trump.
She said she'd be in favor of a FEDERAL ban on abortions.
She is NO friend of unions. She's anti-union!

Dave Miller said...

Shaw... the trolls lament the treatment of "political prisoners"?

Since when are people who beat police officers, trespass and deface the US Capitol while disrupting a Constitutionally ordered procedure/action political prisoners?

Anyone who believes in the "political prisoner" myth, is certifiably nuts.

Pure and simple.

Or too stupid to know better.