Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Monday, February 26, 2024

"The Trumpublican War on Girls and Women," coming to a red state near you.


JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. (WDAF) – As it stands, Missouri judges cannot legally finalize a divorce if a woman is pregnant. Three other states have similar laws: Texas, Arizona, and Arkansas. While a pregnant woman can still file for divorce in Missouri, the court must wait until after a woman gives birth in order to finalize child custody and child support. 

 When it comes to domestic violence, there are no exceptions.

Unfortunately, they're not kidding. 

And this is no joke: Missouri has a ban on abortion, is considering a pending ban on contraception, and this law that prevents you from leaving your marriage if you're pregnant, even in cases of domestic violence!

And certain red states want to get rid of no-fault divorce:

Welcome to the RED United States of Afghanistan, girls and women of America.

The Coming Attack on an Essential Element of Women’s Freedom 

"...conservative politicians in states such as Texas and Louisiana, as well as a devoutly Catholic husband who tried to halt his wife’s divorce efforts in Nebraska, are attacking no-fault divorce. One of the more alarming steps taken in that direction came from the Texas Republican Party, whose 2022 platform called on the legislature to “rescind unilateral no-fault divorce laws and support covenant marriage.” Given the Republican Party’s control of the offices of governor, secretary of state, and attorney general, and both chambers of the state legislature, Texas has a chance of actually doing it."

An ectopic pregnancy put her life at risk. 

A Texas hospital refused to treat her. The 25-year-old woman and her mother blame the state’s abortion ban for a delay in care that doctors say put her “in extreme danger of losing her life”


Grey One talks sass said...

I read about the woman with the ectopic pregnancy. Not sure what the first doctor/hospital thought would happen. There does exist in the historical record a politician opining that ectopic pregnancies could be saved. They were roundly mocked, as they should have been, for trying to doctor without a license, but this situation is totally different. I hope the lady sues the first doctor and the hospital where they practice for malpractice. They could have killed her, and I'm not all that certain that wasn't their intent all along.

Mike said...

Ectopic pregnancies should be called what they really are, ectopic implantations. They are not pregnancies.

Blue states will have to put together an underground railroad from the red states.

And Missouri is full of morons. I know several.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Sounds reasonable to me. Married women should be required to get a husband's consent to all abortions as well.

Shaw Kenawe said...

I'm just wondering, -FJ, would a 10-year old child who was raped by an adult male need his consent as well in order to get an abortion?

Dave Miller said...

Shaw... just ignore -FJ. He doesn't believe half the mush he posts. As he's said numerous times at other sites, he exists to stir the pot, roil the waters and piss off liberals.

But he also takes over right wing bloggers sites also. AOW, Silver and now Geez are frequently forced to quit or zip it when he goes on a posting binge.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Dave M.

I normally DO ignore (or don't publish) many of his posts. He has a self-centered habit of introducing arguments tangential to the main subjects or my posts, or he saturates a post with quotations from his favorite philosophers.

Sometimes he makes a point. Most of the time, he's just practicing arguendo.

Les Carpenter said...

There is simply no words to decribe the barbarism of laws like this. So, I'll leave it there.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Gotta frustrate my Maga Jewish friend that Shaw doesn't allow much of his nonsense to be posted on her site. Strong and thoughtful women obviously frighten the poor guy. Love the irony that poor deluded fools like him, while being scared of women who can think for for themselves, his ilk claim to be protecting women with their anti women's rights and freedom ideals. Call the morality police Maga Jewish fellow. I think there's an unaccompanied woman walking her dog in your neighborhood. Oh shit. America is being destroyed!

Dave Dubya said...

The Party of Trump has their role model and playbook from 1930's Germany.

On October 10, 1936 Heinrich Himmler created the Reich Central Office for Combating Homosexuality and Abortion, or Special Office (II S), a sub-department of Executive Department II of the Gestapo.

Of course women are not the only people they want to dominate, control and punish. Anyone who tries to hold their Fuhrer accountable is a "communist who hates America".

All they did was substitute liberals, immigrants, and democrats for Jews. Now everybody against Trump is a "commie".

Are they neo-Nazis? HEIL, yes!

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Trump has nothing against girls and women. Democrats have a war on propagandizing them.

Shaw Kenawe said...

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

"Trump has nothing against girls and women."

Except for that little "adjudicated rapist" business and defamation of E. Jean Carroll judgement of $83 million against Trump?

And the 20+ women who've accused him of sexual assault or harassment over the years?

And referring to various women as "horse face, lowlife, fat, ugly, nasty."

Donald Trump boasted about meeting semi-naked teenagers in beauty pageants

Yeah. That's a sterling example of a man who has "nothing against girls and women," and respects them.

Good Gawd.

Do you actually believe the nonsense you post?

Dave Dubya said...

Kremlin agent -FJ thinks Trump has nothing against girls and women? Like his pal Jeffrey Epstein, I suppose.
They have nothing against girls and women if they submit to their sexual assaults and denial of their reproductive rights.

Is -Fj an incel, as well as a Kremlin agent? The dude has some issues. Democracy and free thinking women bother him for some reason.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Dave Dubya


Dave Miller said...
Shaw... just ignore -FJ. He doesn't believe half the mush he posts. As he's said numerous times at other sites, he exists to stir the pot, roil the waters and piss off liberals.

But he also takes over right wing bloggers sites also. AOW, Silver and now Geez are frequently forced to quit or zip it when he goes on a posting binge.

-FJ or one of his other personas commonly hijacks a thread he comments on. He's tried to do it here, and then whines about my not publishing ALL of his comments.

He did it on a now defunct blog "Freedom Conspiracy;" he did it on a suspended blog, AOW, and does it on the Geeez blog.

He and his personas believe they are the most erudite and charming commenter on any blog, and he'll saturate it with his opinions to prove it.

Anonymous said...

My advise Shaw is to stay in Blue state.

Joe Conservative said...

I'm just wondering, pShaw, would a 10-year old child who wants to surgically remove their sex organs need adult consent as well in order to transition sexes?

Shaw Kenawe said...

Joe Conservative said...

"I'm just wondering, pShaw, would a 10-year old child who wants to surgically remove their sex organs need adult consent as well in order to transition sexes?"

"Nationally-recognized medical guidelines recommend patients be at least 15 years old to receive the surgeries, and only then in special circumstances.

THE FACTS: Social media users are sharing a map of the U.S. that purports to show which states are the hardest and which are the easiest to obtain sex change surgery for children as young as 3."

The MAGAs who believe pre-teen children have their sex organs surgically removed so they can transition are the same people who believe Trump and his lies about the "stolen" 2020 election. And the same people who believe Trump and others who claim there is such a thing as "after-birth abortion." There is no such thing as "after-birth abortion," that would be infanticide, and no doctor kills babies in the delivery room after they're born.

MAGAs and their dupes believe that insanity. Well, why not? They believe in Trump!

IOW, they're easily fooled and duped.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Anonymous said...

"My advise Shaw is to stay in Blue state."

I was a resident of Florida for 10 years. I left before the MAGA mentality captured it.

I'm safely here in an enlightened blue state, Massachusetts, one of the least religious states in the US and among the top 5 states with the lowest divorce rates.

The highest rates of divorce are in the most religious states.

The least religious states are Massachusetts and New Hampshire, both of which have only 33% of adults identifying themselves as “highly religious.” In Boston, Massachusetts, new belief systems and values dominate the city, shifting people away from religion.

Les Carpenter said...

It's a heartening thing to witness. The diminishing of Christian beliefs and greater acceptance of non monotheistic spiritual paths. Once that becomes dominate the USA will probably be a much better country to call home.

But, the guilt heavy Christian Evangelicals are already doing everything possible to prevent it. Ultimately they will have a much smaller presence... A very positive trend!

Joe Conservative said...

Do 15 year olds require parental consent? Who pays for it?

Shaw Kenawe said...

Joe Conservative said...

"Do 15 year olds require parental consent? Who pays for it?"

That is none of your business. When will you yenta-types learn to keep your busy-body noses out of other people's concerns?

I've never heard these busy-bodies who stick their noses into gender-affirming situations talk about the number one cause of deaths to children in the US: FIREARMS.

Why is that? Why do people like you seek to interfere in other families' situation regarding this subject?

Why can't you learn to MYOB?

Dave Dubya said...

"Why can't you learn to MYOB?"

The short answer is they are authoritarian personalities who FEEL threatened by who, and what, they don't understand.

This eats at them until it manifests as fear and anger, which then leads to them FEELING the need to dominate and control the "others".

It's all rooted in their comparatively over-active primitive fight/flight mechanism in their enlarged amygdala. This is developed through a combination of nurture and nature.

And once dominant in their personality it becomes their primary cause for negative emotional reaction over curiosity and learning about what they fear and misunderstand.

This is why they WANT to see us as "commies" and FEEL white Christian conservatives are the REAL victims of racism and oppression. They generally don't know anything about us, or communism for that matter, but it FEELS good to them, telling themselves they know better or even ARE better than the rest of us. This justifies their need to dominate, control and impose their religious beliefs on the rest of us.

So they want to make everyone else's business and personal choices THEIR business and choices.

This is why the word "diversity" triggers them. They want CONFORMITY, with THEM calling the shots.

No wonder they LOVE and SERVE Trump. He is their ultimate authoritarian leader. He gives them the sense of victimhood, unity, and empowerment they crave.