Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Sunday, February 4, 2024



MAGAs are afraid of this pop star!

 US rightwing conspiracy theory touts Taylor Swift as 


-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said... "afraid". LOL!

Anonymous said...

American politics has become a verbal shit show of insanity. Right wingers throw the shit, and left wingers jump to respond.

Generally, ignoring verbal shit is the wiser choice. But, then that wouldn't be America. Now would it?

The media, loving to report shit, is always on the hunt for the stinkiest shit.

And we wonder why the sane folks across the free world wonder about America's grip on reality.

And the beat goes on. And on. And on. And on.

skudrunner said...

She is the American Dream. Talented person who has worked hard and smart to achieve wealth more than a number of countries. She is a huge success in the rich and spoiled white girl crowd. She seems to take care of the people who work for her and like most super rich contributes immensely to carbon emission and is a liberal.

Anonymous said...

... and on, and on, and on, and on, and on...

Mike said...

@skud - She DOES take care of the people who work for her and others too!

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I've never heard her spout a political opinion one way or another Skuds. Granted, I've never paid any attention to her but still, your loyalty to the deluded right makes you spew your misguided nuttery at her because it's what a good righty is supposed to do. You called her a liberal. You've passed the loyalty test and won't get a mean tweet from Trump this week. Proud Boys are saluting you. Until they find out you drive a Tesla or have an electric lawn mower or something not approved.

skudrunner said...

Mike, What others are you referring to. I said she takes care of the people who work for her.

101- She has expressed her opinion on supporting dems especially in Tennessee. She is entitled to her own opinions and I didn't slam her for this because that is her right.
BTW, I don't own a Tesla because they are difficult to drive a significant number of miles a day but do own a battery operated leaf blower so I guess I must lean left as well.

Dave Dubya said...

Yes, folks. Komrad -FJ is FEARLESS! Heroic Kremlin agent -FJ smirks at the word "afraid".

"HA! ME afraid?? YOU'RE afraid! You're out of your minds with Trump Derangement Syndrome! We authoritarian tough guys know what's best and are NEVER afraid. YOU leftist, America-hating, commie pedos are the ones who are afraid!"

As he sneers with his lame digs and smears with his lies, he can't see what we all see. What he's really displaying is HIS FEAR.

Authoritarians and fascists deeply FEAR the truth.

They fear the rule of law and the light of day shining on their corruption, cruelty, and malevolent mendacity.

They are TERRIFIED people will not believe Trump's LIES and the troves of evidence of his CRIMES.

They fear justice, democracy and equality.

They fear Black and Brown people. They are crazed with racist delusions of "replacement".

They even fear DRAQ QUEENS! Who are the REAL sissies here?

Losing control of women SCARES the wits out of them. Master gender = master race.

They FEAR Taylor Swift encouraging MILLIONS of young women to VOTE.

So hell, YES. They're scared shitless of Taylor Swift. So scared they need to hate her boyfriend and even his team. Their frenzied brains are frying their circuits with delusions of wild conspiracies, from pizza parlors to the Super Bowl.

All this fear and all of these lies arise out of their panicked desperation to DOMINATE those they HATE.

Anonymous said...

-fj is but a whininy whittle pussycat puffing out his hollow chest in an effort to make his monstous ego appear tough to himself.

He's most likely afraid of his own shadow unless mommie or wifey is around to soothe his fears.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

It is revealing about you Skuds that you would remember something Taylor said about Tennessee.
I worry for your mental health if she and Michelle Obama appear on Oprah together.

Grey One talks sass said...

skud, here is an example of what I've been telling you for, well, ever.

You said regarding Taylor Swift "She seems to take care of the people who work for her and like most super rich contributes immensely to carbon emission and is a liberal."

When called on it you replied "Mike, What others are you referring to. I said she takes care of the people who work for her"

No skud, you didn't say she takes care of her people, you said she seems to, implying more investigation is needed. I've told you before that words have meaning and you continue to spew words you say you don't mean. How... MAGA of you - not that you are MAGA, just that you look, sound, and act like MAGA so hopefully you can understand my confusion.

I want to pick at something else you said - " most super rich contributes immensely to carbon emission and is a liberal."

You appear to conflate being rich and traveling by plane with being liberal. So are the humans in my following list who also massively contribute to carbon emissions liberal too? Because if you do I have a few 45 gallon trash sacks of receipts to submit.

Kenneth Copeland, Jesse Duplantis, Joyce Meyer, Janice and Paul Crouch, and Creflo Dollar.

Just asking the questions.

skudrunner said...

Grey, My first language is English and if you don't understand the term "she appears" I cannot help you. Without seeing specifics about her treatment of her employees I cannot say for sure but just say appears. Try for help in understanding plain English. I will take it you are so far above the average intellectual capabilities that normal terms are beneath you but try to taper your disdain for the common folk.