Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Thursday, October 17, 2024

Did anyone ever image hearing these un-American words from an ex-POTUS and candidate?


Trump is the only politician in my lifetime who ever uttered such unconstitutional and, IMO, treasonous words.

This country, especially the MAGAs and the media, has become numb to the avalanche of the unspeakably perverse, fascistic sentiments Trump spews on Twitter and at his rallies.

PS. Where's our friend, skudrunner? Has he seen this?

Trump brags about wanting to raise taxes on the middle class: “We are going to [create] a system of taxes. We call it positive taxation… Nobody's ever seen what we're doing. A combination of taxes and tariffs”


possumlady said...

While I know that he could still win, I was smiling reading that post as you can almost smell the fear coming from it!

Shaw Kenawe said...

He's conditioned his MAGA supporters to the point where they just listen or read this garbage, slack-jawed, and then cheer his next Kim Jong Un-like pronouncement about his fantasies of stripping Americans and corporations of their constitutional rights. His benumbed cultists applaud and wait for the next promised assault on their liberties.