Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Trump says VP debate tonight will be "rigged."

h/t to Dave Miller on the fake Kimble post! I usually check out the more outrageous posts, but did not do that this time! My mistake!


JD Vance calls rape an "inconvenience."

But this is actually true:

Trump has called Governor Waltz a "moron," just a few days after he said Vice President Harris is "mentally disabled." 

There are people in this country who want this disgrace of a human being to be the leader of our country. He has debased, cheapened, and demeaned who we are as a nation with his juvenile taunts and name-calling, and his followers are complicit in all of this by their blind allegiance to him.

Outside the venue where tonight's VP debate will be held:

Trump's cultists -- MAGAs:



Les Carpenter said...

And as such if this nation puts him in power again after J6 2021 after all that we've seen and heard from this trash can of a human being then all that can be said following his ascension is, We Are Trump. Because we will have put a "man" back into office knowing full well he is a lying narcissistic crook through and through.

Dave Miller said...

Jack Kimble is a parody account out of California...

Dave Miller said...

Tim Walz is no moron. A teacher, 20 year vet, dad, multiple degrees, Congressman and Governor.

You may not like his policies, but Walz is no idiot.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Only a moron could believe that I have a blind allegiance to Trump...