Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Monday, October 14, 2024

Trump suggests using National Guard, military against ‘enemy from within’


From "The Hill:"

“Donald Trump is suggesting that his fellow Americans are worse ‘enemies’ than foreign adversaries, and he is saying he would use the military against them,” Harris campaign senior adviser and senior spokesperson Ian Sams said in a statement."

I've been through dozens of presidential elections, and I have never heard an American candidate describe his fellow Americans as "the enemies within." I've read those words in histories of dictators, autocrats, and anti-democracy thugs. Never did I ever dream of hearing those words from a former president who threatens to use the powers of the presidency and the military to punish fellow Americans who disagree with him!

Who are the Americans who would vote for this? Have they given up on our Democratic Republic? And are they willing to turn it over to a man who promises to use the military against our fellow citizens?

Trump said it; he'll do it! He won't have people around him, if he returns to the WH, who will put up guard rails to stop him from abusing his powers. 

Trump said it; he'll do it!



 "The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) temporarily paused aid in parts of North Carolina this weekend after alleged threats targeted the agency’s personnel aiding in recovery efforts following Hurricane Helene. 

 Ashe County Sheriff Phil Howell said in a statement Sunday that FEMA personnel in North Carolina’s “mountain region” were targeted by threats, prompting FEMA to take precautionary steps and temporarily pause aid operations at other FEMA sites."

Has anyone in America ever seen an ex-president or presidential candidate who wears this much make-up, bleaches his hair, wears lifts in his shoes, and pretends he's a manly man, and his cultists believe him?

"People who are mad for power are a mortal threat to democracy. They may hold different titles, but at heart they are tyrants." 

 "Today, America stands at such a moment. A vengeful and emotionally unstable former president—a convicted felon, an insurrectionist, an admirer of foreign dictators, a racist and a misogynist—desires to return to office as an autocrat. 

Trump has left no doubt about his intentions; he practically shouts them every chance he gets. His deepest motives are to salve his ego, punish his enemies, and place himself above the law. Should he regain the Oval Office, he may well bring with him the experience and the means to complete the authoritarian project that he began in his first term."


Shaw Kenawe said...

REMINDER: Donald trump IS the oldest guy running in the presidential race, and at 78-years-old REFUSES to release his medical records. What is he hiding????

possumlady said...

Being of Polish ancestry, I was proud to see Lech Walesa (former President of Poland and leader of the Solidarity movement) went online yesterday. "Walesa said in a short entry on Facebook on Sunday that he does not interfere in the internal affairs of other countries, but that the matter “is too important for the world” for him to withhold his views. “I deeply believe that Americans will vote responsibly. In my opinion, I am completely convinced that Trump’s election WOULD BE A MISFORTUNE FOR THE U.S. AND THE WORLD,” he wrote, using all capital letters."

Shaw Kenawe said...

Joe Walsh
Over the weekend, he said he’d use the military on his political opponents. He actually said that.

For the umpteenth time: He’s utterly un-American. He’s utterly unfit to hold office.

Les Carpenter said...

My money is heavily on he's hiding a whole lot. The POC (peice of crap) has NEVER been transparent, he's ALWAYS been dishonest, and he is visually demonstrating signs of both mental and physical deterioration and decline.

I'm no psychologist but it sure seems the guy is certainly a sociopath and possibly now on the cusp of turning psychopathic.

The "man" is a danger to himself, those around him, and the entire nation if the POC is reelected.

Just remember though,everything physical is impermanent... everything physical passes from existence... and that is the ultimate good news. Donald J.Trump will pass away eventually, cease to exist, and will only be remembered for all the pain and suffering he caused.