Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Thursday, October 10, 2024

Crybaby and Perpetual Whiner Trump:


Trump: Anyone who says mean things about me and doesn't trash my opponent is cheating and a fake!

There a millions of Americans who want this underdeveloped man-child as POTUS again. Just recently he was spreading vicious lies about the Biden Administration and its Hurricane Helene response. Every governor from every state affected has praised the Biden Administration and what they did and are doing for the Americans affected by the disaster.

Trump is a chaos agent who cares nothing for Americans who are dealing with disasters. He only wants to score points against VP Harris and the Biden Administration. He is an evil person for using this tragedy to promote his vicious lies.



skudrunner said...

I think, IMO, that we should believe in the collective and just eliminate people who have a different opinion from ours. That way if we believed in the collective we could eliminate the EC, make SCOTUS opinions invalid and have better control over trouble makers who may not go along with the collective.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Trump is a liar. That is NOT the same thing as having a different opinion. Trump lied about the Biden Administration's response to Hurricane Helene. The governors from all the states, Republican and Democrat, praised the administration's response. Even now, Governor DeSantis is on record saying the Biden admin. has been in touch and met his state's needs.

Trump told lies about this, which made his weak-minded cultists distrust the relief workers, which, in turn, imperiled the lives of Americans. What kind of an evil person does this in the midst of a tragedy?

Trump is that kind of an evil person. Deliberately sowing confusion and spreading vicious lies -- all to benefit himself and hurt the victims of natural disasters.

Dave Miller said...

Skud commented... "I think, IMO, that we should... just eliminate people who have a different opinion from ours."

Skud, that's not what ANYONE I know on the left is saying. What I hear ppl saying is this... say whatever you want, but identify facts as facts and BS stuff as opinion.

For example, the 2020 election.

All the facts say Biden won. It's just a fact. A fact some may not want to accept, but it is what it is. Like the earth. Some refuse to believe the earth is round, that's their right. But to assert that belief as fact, is wrong. And should be called out.

Just like the mistaken belief that Trump won the 2020 election.

So differences of opinion are welcome, provided they are presented as such.

Like this, "I believe I [Trump] won the 2020 election" is way different from "I [Trump] won the 2020 election."

What do you think?

Les Carpenter said...

Apparently skud doesn't get out much and spend too much time in his head if he believes many believe as he indicates they do.

But that is to be expected when a person only listens to sources that supports their already reified belief system.

MAGA's are definitely not seekers of wisdom or truth.