Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Thursday, October 17, 2024


"The halfrican needed insurance against being 25d, so he grabbed the Delaware Dumbass as veep Sleepy Joe wanted to transfer Barry’s policy to himself, so he picked She-Who-Got-To-The-Top-The-Old-Fashioned-Way. And now Kamalho needs to cover her backside in the same manner, so she glommed onto Deer-in-the-Headlights Walz."

The above, in all its nauseating benightedness, is an example of a MAGA who identifies former President Obama by his race, (the very definition of a racist), then this wretch implies (like all misogynist do) that VP Harris succeeded in politics by illicit means. 

That would mean VP Harris would have had to have slept with the millions and millions and millions of Californian who voted for her for San Francisco District Attorney, California Attorney General, California US Senator, and VPOTUS! The misogynist who wrote this is not known for possessing a sparkling intellect. This description reeks of jealousy, since his/her candidate is an actual convicted felon, adjudicated rapist, tax fraudster, pu**y grabber, and traitor to the US Constitution for trying to illegally install himself as POTUS after he lost the 2020 election.  

Here's another MAGA's deeply philosophical interpretation of the interview:

"She didn’t look presidential. The Fox guy was more presidential. She was like a sniveling govvie being grilled at a Senate Hearing. 

Followed by a professional misconstruer (I think I made up that word):

"Looks to me that Kamala did herself some real damage." 

This MAGA at least showed a bit of originality in his otherwise predictable prose:

"I watched a clip. She didn’t answer the question, although she proved she’s a world class worm."

Here are non-MAGA opinions of the interview (from my email inbox):

It was definitely a hostile interview, as intended by Fox and as I'm sure the Harris's campaign knew it would be. Despite Baier's constant interruptions, she made her points for the Fox News audience to hear. She did not back down, did not stumble in the face of the hostility and slide shows. She was strong, presidential and cool under fire. She basically wiped the floor with Brett Baier. That's what I saw. And maybe, hopefully changed a few minds in the process."

My opinion: 

 An interviewer who knows what he's doing listens to what the interviewee has to say and then challenges it. It makes me laugh that the FAUX NOOZ people sat around and came up with the strategy Baier used: Go in aggressively and override Harris before she says anything to make it seem like Baier actually has a point. That might have confused Trump and caused him to lose his cool, but it didn’t work with Harris. They should have known it would fail. But then Baier works for FAUX. I wonder if Baier thinks he did a good job? I wonder if this is the pinnacle of his career as a journalist? Baier reminded me of a five-year old who would bombard me with questions, then barely listen to my answer before asking the next one. Five-year olds are delightful because they're curious and five. Brett Baier as chief political interviewer? Not so delightful. IMO, he embarrassingly demonstrated his lack of competence as a interviewer. 

One last point:

No politician answers questions directly or discusses policy details. Why? Because it has been proven that neither work. Direct answers are punished, usually by being taken out of context by opponents or the media. 

I vote on character. If you don't believe in the character of politicians then whatever they say, including policy, is irrelevant and meaningless. So which candidate has a stronger character? That is the real question. It certainly isn't: "What is your stance on transgender services in America's prisons?"

Ask yourself which of the two contenders for the presidency has character.      


Shaw Kenawe said...

Mark Cuban
The beautiful thing about the
interview is that
understood and responded to each question.

She used examples of policies. She gave real world context.

When Brett went hard after her. She didn’t call him names. She didn’t quit the interview. She didn’t make things up. She never once complained the questions were tough. She never played the victim card. She didn’t lose her temper. She didn’t take the bait to diminish or talk down to Trump supporters.

She stood up to him with force and never backed down.

He has been the President and campaigning for 9 years. Kamala Harris has caught up to him in just 100 days . That speaks volumes.

It’s why people want to vote for her. That’s why so many Republicans and Independents are supporting her

She is everything her opponent is not and will never be.

Strong, Smart and Measured.

Les Carpenter said...

Ignorance born of the conditioning by a racist culture that instilled hate and distrust of POC (people of color in this context) in their offspring as they grew.