Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston

Tuesday, February 4, 2025



"Nothing in Trump's behaviour that I have observed in the past ten years, especially in the past three weeks, suggests that he has any interest in a "sovereignist America" or any America in the interest of Americans .... other than as a personal instrument of his to wield wildly as he sees fit from one moment to the next. That is his singular end: to do what he wants without constraint. 

 The MAGA culture; the intimidated Republican party in general and Congress in particular; the Executive; a large part of the US financial and other elites; some of the judiciary: all seem to obey without question. (I fear even the military will obey their Commander-in-Chief, no matter the self-interested and tragic end to his command.) 

Unlike the tyrants of the 20th century, this one doesn't even have an ideological foundation ... cruel and evil as theirs were ...upon which his strategies are based. Thus, the capricious, unbalanced, executive disorder he brings to both the American people and their allies around the world. Only 31% of the electorate, 49.8% of those who voted, gave this man the tools to wreak havoc. 

So it is up to concerned Republicans, Democrats of all stripes (from progressive to conservative), and others willing to push back to do so with a collective commitment. Meanwhile, I trust the government of Canada and your other allies will use all diplomatic skills to isolate Trump while protecting our citizens from his aggrandizement. 

His narcissism threatens all of us."


Anonymous said...

Truthful, insightful, and tragic that this far superior human being to Trump (and 31% of our electorate) felt compelled to write this.

It is becoming more likely daily that the great American experiment in self rule will be dismantled by a raving narcissist with strong loyalty to fascism.

Anonymous said...

Rather than superior human beings insert superior human intelligence. It really is beyond my pay grade to judge their overall character.

Anonymous said...

Marco hypocrit Rublo appoints white Nationalist as Under Secretary of State. Further solidifying the fascist racism inherent in the Felon prez's s

Who Ahh!

Anonymous said...

A thought occurred to me. As we now have a fascist Felon prez wouldn't it be more appropriate and accurate to rename President's Day National Day of the Felon? As long as bone spur narcissist in in office