Are you really so blind that you don’t see the Trump/ Musk Regime cancelling America? They’re gutting the FAA, ffs, as well as other vital government agencies under the lie that they’re saving money. In fact they’ve cancelling for cancellin’s sake without any proof whatsoever of cost savings.
Oh, you mean like the political correctness of unilaterally renaming a body of water, then punishing an international news organization for not following Trump’s megalomania idiocy? That kind of cancelling? It’s just flipped to a cancel culture you approve of, you silly man.
I understand the President's role in our Constitutional Republic as that of a Unitary Executive. Perhaps you need to familiarize yourself with the concept and propose a Constitutional Amendment.
In other words, if Trump fails to "prove his case", you'll get your chance of replacing him at your next opportunity in 2028, or diminishing his current almost iron-clad support in 2026.
I understand there are 3 equal branches of government. And the president is NOT A KING. People who crave authoritarian daddys and need a POTUS wielding a sledgehammer and sword to smite their enemies are attracted to fascists like Trump and Musk. Enjoy your king for the moment. We who do not support kings are the majority.
Seems to me that the Left has been smugly "cancelling" people for over a decade now. Megalomania has an actual meaning, and only revealed itself many years later in the NATO expansion that started 30 years ago under Clinton and that Trump is threatening to reverse. It didn't begin with the renaming of a body of water a month ago.... although it is sometimes important to watch for changing maps.
But still Acta non Verba should be the watchwords for megalomaniacs. And not the invasions that follow 8 years after the coup.
As for that body of the "acta non verba" sense, whose Navy actually controls it? But if the Mexican don't change their maps, what do I care?
The authoritarian fascist are now fully out in the open and mimicking the crazy ass bullshit their Fuhrer/King and his sidekick oligarch Musk(rat) feed their feeble minds.
Sorry skud my words are too profound for your conditioned mind and reified beliefs to grasp. Try to thaw your frozen illusions and perhaps reality will bloom for you.
Joe, no need for a constitutional amendment. Read Article II. The Unitary Executive is a fringe legal theory that has gained some traction among conservatives. The Supremes have slapped down presidents who have overstepped on the grounds of Presidential Privilege and Unitary Executive.
The lawsuits now working their way up may finally codify it with this Supreme Court. Until then, it ain't a thing.
Les, I will take it you are fine spending millions to house and feed criminals but not for using that money to help our veterans and homeless. Guess it is because it is someone else's money including the rich and the 51% who pay FIT. Again, I find you post above profound.
If you think Trump is capable of greatness , then you’re sillier than we thought. Trump is nothing more than a petty little tyrant with outsized power now. He’s already overreached with his juvenile proclamation that he’s a king. He’ll fly too close to the sun, and we will watch his ending with deep satisfaction.
It “seems” to you because you’re living an aggrieved life, and everything that is counter to your ideology “seems” a slight and threat. Trump is cancelling everything America has held dear, including not taking the side of murderous dictators against our allies. You seem not to notice that Trump and his goons have turned most of the world’s democracies against A America. You silly, silly Trumper.
The Unitary Executive of a Constitutional Republic is very "King-Like". Biden could have exercised the same power, but possessed no leadership qualities. *tsk-tsk*
I never expressed that ever on this blog. You must be hallucinating again.
Trump is a weak, petty little tyrant who just said MSNBC is a threat to democracy after siccing his DoJ on the governor of Maine because she said she’d see him in court. That’s what a fascist does, not the president of a democracy. Mills, unlike Trump, did not break any laws by saying what she said.
The “Third Term Project” poster at CPAC is straight out of the authoritarian playbook. The same people who were screaming about “the deep state” are now openly fantasizing about a dictator-for-life.
Biden, unlike the petty tyrant, Trump, believed in democracy. Our democracy allies detest the convicted felon and his ketamine addict, Musk. The ends will be spectacular.
The ignorance and stupiduty of the Felon of the USA and his MAGA con is as glaring as the noonday sun on a 90 degree day. And yet his groveling sheeple, blind to realty bend their knee in fealty to the deranged narcissist.
FIT - Fashion Institute of Technology? Fits In There? Foods Intentionally Thick?
And there goes ralph with their cognitive dissonance ideas wherein if the poors have their needs met they won't want to work but the rich who have all their needs met are the hardest working individuals in the world. Tell me you've never been stuck in survival mode without saying the words.
For the record, WeThePeople are already spending millions to house and feed criminals whether through governmentally or privately run prisons. Oh, that's not the point you were making? You were referencing the already debunked for the millionth time meme that government bodies all across this nation are housing immigrants in luxury hotels with turndown maids and room service? Huh, and I thought you presented yourself as a "fact" teller.
If immigrants and the homeless were temporarily housed in hotel rooms it was due to some catastrophic event headed their way and it was better to house them there than let them die. You don't? Well now you do.
By the by ralph, are you aware too many of our homeless are veterans? I ask because the FOTUS admin cut much of the funding and staff helping our Veterans and yet NOT ONE OR TWO OR THREE words of condemnation have you EVER uttered against the FOTUS. Shame on you for using those who gave their all as a political football. Shame. Taking care of those who served our country should NEVER be a partisan issue and yet every year I listen to the MAGA-sphere tell me that some program can't be funded because "Veterans" and yet when it comes time to step up? Yeah, they suddenly have 'reasons' as to why Veteran assistance is left on the cutting room floor.
WeThePeople know better now and We need to DO better. Mental Health mandate for doing the work to improve our lives.
The Unitary Executive of a Constitutional Republic is very "King-Like"
Really, Joe? You think the Framers gave the Executive "king-like" powers? Read the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution to see what they thought of kings.
Your link to justify a Unitary Executive leads to a Stephen Miller (baby Geobbles) video. You might want to expand your research or maybe you enjoy the taste of bullshit. Again, Unitary Executive ain't a thang till the Supremes say it's a thang.
Craig, is THAT where the link went? Thank you for your bravery. I clicked the link and it froze my phone. Took clearing the cache and a reboot before it started working correctly again.
LOL - so the point of the link was to say the Founding Fathers supported any type of monarchy? Someone is a fan of David Barton's alternative universe of historical facts and forgot to reference the source material (I believe the Founding Fathers and their friends were not shy in denouncing the "Divine Right of Kings").
I wonder if this is how the Supremes' thought things would go down. Fairly certain the MAGA's on the court thought they'd be co-rulers in the regime and now Trumps latest EO has him consolidating all power to just the presidency and the AG with no mention of the Supremes at all. Huh. Wonder how the Robber Barons backing SCOTUS feels about their access being blocked. Well, no I really don't care about the fate of Robber Barons but when giants do battle it's the little people who pay the price so there is that.
When one realizes fear is but an illusion until lack of appropriate action turns that which is feared into reality one has realized truth.
Fear is but a belief in something before it actually has happened. IOW's an illusion.
Tyranny requires Cancel Culture? Who knew?
Tyranny requires "political correctness" too. I never wudda thunkit!
Are you really so blind that you don’t see the Trump/ Musk Regime cancelling America? They’re gutting the FAA, ffs, as well as other vital government agencies under the lie that they’re saving money. In fact they’ve cancelling for cancellin’s sake without any proof whatsoever of cost savings.
Oh, you mean like the political correctness of unilaterally renaming a body of water, then punishing an international news organization for not following Trump’s megalomania idiocy? That kind of cancelling? It’s just flipped to a cancel culture you approve of, you silly man.
Wow, that is quite profound , makes no sense but is profound
I understand the President's role in our Constitutional Republic as that of a Unitary Executive. Perhaps you need to familiarize yourself with the concept and propose a Constitutional Amendment.
In other words, if Trump fails to "prove his case", you'll get your chance of replacing him at your next opportunity in 2028, or diminishing his current almost iron-clad support in 2026.
I understand there are 3 equal branches of government. And the president is NOT A KING. People who crave authoritarian daddys and need a POTUS wielding a sledgehammer and sword to smite their enemies are attracted to fascists like Trump and Musk. Enjoy your king for the moment. We who do not support kings are the majority.
Seems to me that the Left has been smugly "cancelling" people for over a decade now. Megalomania has an actual meaning, and only revealed itself many years later in the NATO expansion that started 30 years ago under Clinton and that Trump is threatening to reverse. It didn't begin with the renaming of a body of water a month ago.... although it is sometimes important to watch for changing maps.
But still Acta non Verba should be the watchwords for megalomaniacs. And not the invasions that follow 8 years after the coup.
As for that body of the "acta non verba" sense, whose Navy actually controls it? But if the Mexican don't change their maps, what do I care?
The authoritarian fascist are now fully out in the open and mimicking the crazy ass bullshit their Fuhrer/King and his sidekick oligarch Musk(rat) feed their feeble minds.
Sorry skud my words are too profound for your conditioned mind and reified beliefs to grasp. Try to thaw your frozen illusions and perhaps reality will bloom for you.
Joe, no need for a constitutional amendment. Read Article II. The Unitary Executive is a fringe legal theory that has gained some traction among conservatives. The Supremes have slapped down presidents who have overstepped on the grounds of Presidential Privilege and Unitary Executive.
The lawsuits now working their way up may finally codify it with this Supreme Court. Until then, it ain't a thing.
Les, I will take it you are fine spending millions to house and feed criminals but not for using that money to help our veterans and homeless. Guess it is because it is someone else's money including the rich and the 51% who pay FIT.
Again, I find you post above profound.
At least the fuhrer king isn't a Fisher king waiting for a Parsifal to stumble over the missing holy grail. He's found it.
The only thing Trump’s found is his insatiable desire to be the world’s biggest trou de cul.
Think Washington and Lincoln were simply nice guys?
As Hamlet would say, "Rightly to be great Is not to stir without great argument, But greatly to find quarrel in a straw When honor’s at the stake. "
If you think Trump is capable of greatness , then you’re sillier than we thought. Trump is nothing more than a petty little tyrant with outsized power now. He’s already overreached with his juvenile proclamation that he’s a king. He’ll fly too close to the sun, and we will watch his ending with deep satisfaction.
It “seems” to you because you’re living an aggrieved life, and everything that is counter to your ideology “seems” a slight and threat. Trump is cancelling everything America has held dear, including not taking the side of murderous dictators against our allies. You seem not to notice that Trump and his goons have turned most of the world’s democracies against A America. You silly, silly Trumper.
...and you seem to believe that the American Republic can sustain Forever Wars against every evil-doer on the planet.
The Unitary Executive of a Constitutional Republic is very "King-Like". Biden could have exercised the same power, but possessed no leadership qualities. *tsk-tsk*
I never expressed that ever on this blog. You must be hallucinating again.
Trump is a weak, petty little tyrant who just said MSNBC is a threat to democracy after siccing his DoJ on the governor of Maine because she said she’d see him in court. That’s what a fascist does, not the president of a democracy. Mills, unlike Trump, did not break any laws by saying what she said.
That’s because you don’t understand many things.
C-PAC is a cult gathering, not a convention!
The “Third Term Project” poster at CPAC is straight out of the authoritarian playbook. The same people who were screaming about “the deep state” are now openly fantasizing about a dictator-for-life.
Biden, unlike the petty tyrant, Trump, believed in democracy. Our democracy allies detest the convicted felon and his ketamine addict, Musk. The ends will be spectacular.
The ignorance and stupiduty of the Felon of the USA and his MAGA con is as glaring as the noonday sun on a 90 degree day. And yet his groveling sheeple, blind to realty bend their knee in fealty to the deranged narcissist.
FIT - Fashion Institute of Technology? Fits In There? Foods Intentionally Thick?
And there goes ralph with their cognitive dissonance ideas wherein if the poors have their needs met they won't want to work but the rich who have all their needs met are the hardest working individuals in the world. Tell me you've never been stuck in survival mode without saying the words.
For the record, WeThePeople are already spending millions to house and feed criminals whether through governmentally or privately run prisons. Oh, that's not the point you were making? You were referencing the already debunked for the millionth time meme that government bodies all across this nation are housing immigrants in luxury hotels with turndown maids and room service? Huh, and I thought you presented yourself as a "fact" teller.
If immigrants and the homeless were temporarily housed in hotel rooms it was due to some catastrophic event headed their way and it was better to house them there than let them die. You don't? Well now you do.
By the by ralph, are you aware too many of our homeless are veterans? I ask because the FOTUS admin cut much of the funding and staff helping our Veterans and yet NOT ONE OR TWO OR THREE words of condemnation have you EVER uttered against the FOTUS. Shame on you for using those who gave their all as a political football. Shame. Taking care of those who served our country should NEVER be a partisan issue and yet every year I listen to the MAGA-sphere tell me that some program can't be funded because "Veterans" and yet when it comes time to step up? Yeah, they suddenly have 'reasons' as to why Veteran assistance is left on the cutting room floor.
WeThePeople know better now and We need to DO better. Mental Health mandate for doing the work to improve our lives.
The Unitary Executive of a Constitutional Republic is very "King-Like"
Really, Joe? You think the Framers gave the Executive "king-like" powers? Read the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution to see what they thought of kings.
Your link to justify a Unitary Executive leads to a Stephen Miller (baby Geobbles) video. You might want to expand your research or maybe you enjoy the taste of bullshit. Again, Unitary Executive ain't a thang till the Supremes say it's a thang.
Craig, is THAT where the link went? Thank you for your bravery. I clicked the link and it froze my phone. Took clearing the cache and a reboot before it started working correctly again.
LOL - so the point of the link was to say the Founding Fathers supported any type of monarchy? Someone is a fan of David Barton's alternative universe of historical facts and forgot to reference the source material (I believe the Founding Fathers and their friends were not shy in denouncing the "Divine Right of Kings").
I wonder if this is how the Supremes' thought things would go down. Fairly certain the MAGA's on the court thought they'd be co-rulers in the regime and now Trumps latest EO has him consolidating all power to just the presidency and the AG with no mention of the Supremes at all. Huh. Wonder how the Robber Barons backing SCOTUS feels about their access being blocked. Well, no I really don't care about the fate of Robber Barons but when giants do battle it's the little people who pay the price so there is that.
The Felon "King" not only has no clothes, it also has no integrity or core values beyond what serves and is good for it.
We now have a government whose leader is a lying narcissistic sociopath.
Brace for much pain and suffering.
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