Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston

Wednesday, February 5, 2025



The world does NOT respect Trump.


Anonymous said...

Now THAT is a genuine Who Ahh moment of crystal clear sterling truth that will continue to echoed across the globe incessantly. Day after day after day after day.

The fascist FOTUS in his self serving, unethical, immoral, and illegal pursuits of ignorance and greed will ultimately backfire.

He is a POS and the entire sane world world knows it. Our national stupidity in putting this Orc POS back in office has severely tarnished our international reputation as a global leader and decent nation.

This inhuman sack if caca is indeed a threat to the whole of humanity as well as every other creature on the planet.

Anonymous said...

Every damn ignorant EO the fascist FOTUS is signing is out of the White Christian Nationalist Project 2025. America is officially, through government edict, returning to government sanctioned bigotry, racism, abd hate.

This filthy bastard must e removed from office!

Anonymous said...

America, collapsing from enimes DOMESTIC. Musk and the facist FOTUS and their fascist lackeys. In congress, the corrupt scotus, the complicit media, and MAGA morons

skudrunner said...

I do have a question. Why do you not want to reduce government waste and needless bureaucracy. Why do you support wasting taxpayer money on spent needlessly with USAID. The 8 million they gave to politico was chump change conpared to all of the other wastefull spending.
Here is the list of USAID expenses:
$50 million to fund condoms in Gaza
$1.5 million to advance DEI in Serbia's workplaces
$70,000 for the production of a DEI musical in Ireland
$47,000 on a transgender opera in Colombia
$32,000 for a transgender comic in Peru
$37 million to the World Health Organization
$16 million in funding for institutional contractors in gender development offices
$4 million of funding for the Center for Climate-Positive Development
$12 million in support services to the Bureau for Resilience, Environment, and Food Security
$6 million in non-emergency funding for redundant administrative supports for the Center of Excellence
$3 million in non-emergency funding to provide evaluation services for planning and learning programs
$600,000 to fund technical assistance for family planning in Latin America

Trump is accused of hating women but today he signed a EO protecting them.
He is accused of being anti Palestinian yet he is trying to provide for them with peace in GAZA and get surrounding countries to help.
He got Mexico and Canada to step up with enforcement and several central American countries to take back their criminals.
He is trying to protect Americans by deporting criminals in the country illegally and all the left is trying to do is prevent him from doing anything. Is it because biden didn't accomplish anything in four years but to make the middle class suffer and you can't give trump any credit.

Mike said...

Right on point!

Shaw Kenawe said...

I have a question for you, skud. Why do you always set up strawman arguments? I have NEVER claimed on my blog that I am against getting rid of waste in government. So you're wrong there.

Here's another question: Why do you copy and paste from biased, MAGA sites that publish incorrect information? Why do you NEVER check to see if what you put in the comments is true or false?

To begin with, the first item on your list is a lie.

From CNN fact checking:

"The White House offered no evidence for the story: Leavitt provided no proof for her claim that there was ever a federal plan to spend $50 million on condoms in Gaza. And when CNN asked Leavitt and her colleagues for any evidence, another White House official instead pointed us to comments from the State Department — comments that, as we’ll discuss below, did not even repeat Leavitt’s claim of a planned $50 million Gaza condom expenditure, let alone prove the claim.

In three previous years under Biden, USAID spent no money on condoms in the entire Middle East: A detailed federal report published last year said USAID did not provide or fund any condoms in the Middle East in the 2021, 2022 and 2023 fiscal years."

Why should I or anyone else believe what you posted when we know the very first item is FALSE! It's propaganda put out by a rogue administration.

And you, skud, sadly fall for the Trump administration's lies. When are you going to learn that Trump and his people are NOT TO BE TRUSTED?


Shaw Kenawe said...

The one about the transgender opera in Colombia? Did you bother to check on that? OF COURSE NOT. You just copied and pasted without verifying if it was accurate:

The Trump Administration Is Targeting ‘Waste at USAID.’ At Least One Example Wasn’t USAID.

The “transgender opera” that the White House is using as a beacon for wasteful spending at USAID wasn’t funded by USAID at all.

When the Trump administration wanted to call attention to wasteful spending at the U.S. Agency for International Development on Monday, White House press secretary Karoline Leavitt singled out a $47,000 line item for a “transgender opera in Colombia.” The only problem? USAID didn’t fund the production.

The opera Leavitt pointed to was instead funded through the Department of State in 2021. The Universidad De Los Andes in Bogotá received $25,000 under a State Department’s public diplomacy program, allocated for “expanding and strengthening the relationship between the people and government of the United States and citizens of the rest of the world.”

Shaw Kenawe said...

skud: "Trump is accused of hating women but today he signed a EO protecting them."

So the guy who is an adjudicated sexual assaulter, who's been credibly accused of sexual assault by 20+, who publicly admitted to going into teenage girl beauty contestants' dressing room to ogled them while they were undressing, who publicly denigrates women for their looks, who called Nikki Haley (an accomplished woman and someone you admire) "Birdbrain," who publicly said he'd like to date Ivanka if she wasn't his daughter, and who allowed a radio shock jock to call Ivanka "a great piece of ass" because Trump's daughter's beauty and sexuality reflected positively on HIM!

That's just a few horrid examples of Trump "protecting" girls and women. Another disgusting lie to gloss over his miserable attitude toward females.

The rest of that list is not worth mentioning, since the example I've given show that they are laughable.

Trump and his rogue administration has YOU bamboozled, like the rest of MAGA world.

But the rest of the civilized world is NOT as gullible. Trump is hated and not respected there.

Shaw Kenawe said...

skud: "He is accused of being anti Palestinian yet he is trying to provide for them with peace in GAZA and get surrounding countries to help."

You're joking, right? Trump publicly stated he wants to cleanse Gaza of Palestinians, send them to other Middle East countries, and make Gaze the "Middle East Riviera," his words.

skud: "He got Mexico and Canada to step up with enforcement and several central American countries to take back their criminals."

Trump got those countries to continue to do what they've been doing since Joe Biden was in office.

skud: "He is trying to protect Americans by deporting criminals in the country illegally and all the left is trying to do is prevent him from doing anything."

The left is asking that Trump follow THE LAWS of this land.

skud: "Is it because biden didn't accomplish anything in four years but to make the middle class suffer and you can't give trump any credit."

You have NEVER produced an iota of evidence for that claim. So, it's your OPINION, not a fact, and you know what they say about opinions? "They're like a-holes, everyone's got one."


Anonymous said...

I got the information from a CBS news outlet so it is probably incorrect because CBS is such a conservative network. Out of all the waste identified you pointed out one small item that shouldn't have been funded.

Regarding women, the other side is fine with destroying women's sports and allowing men to complete against women making women's sports non competitive.

The efforts in GAZA has been so successful that the people have no where to live so lets just continue to do the same thing and expect a different outcome.
Why not get the region to support the region.

Check you facts on Mexico and Canada. They both diverted troops to the border and will now do something so your statement is false.

You supported a president who pardoned people who had never been accused of a crime. Why do you pardon someone who is innocent unless you believe they are guilty.

Anonymous said...

It is foolish to suffer abject fools like skud and et all.

Let em drown in their willful ignorance and accompanying stupidity.

When it's too godamm late we'll be there to remind them what fascism and oligarchy brought us to.

Why suffer fools gladly Shaw? They are so invested in reified bullshit beliefs they will never ever move beyond them.

Shaw Kenawe said...

"Out of all the waste identified you pointed out one small item that shouldn't have been funded."

That was $50 MILLION for supposed condoms for Gaza. $50 million is "one small item?"

" ...allowing men to complete against women making women's sports non competitive."

Are you now an expert on what happens to males when they transition to females and are on female hormones?

"The efforts in GAZA has been so successful that the people have no where to live so lets just continue to do the same thing and expect a different outcome.
Why not get the region to support the region."

Trump's solution is to occupy Gaza, get rid of the people who've lived there for generations, and turn it into a Middle East Riviera, so he and his son-in-law can make billions more dollars.

"You supported a president who pardoned people who had never been accused of a crime. Why do you pardon someone who is innocent unless you believe they are guilty."

You obviously don't understand why Biden did what he did, and I haven't got the time to explain something you should already know.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Anonymous @10:01AM: "The efforts in GAZA has been so successful that the people have no where to live so lets just continue to do the same thing and expect a different outcome.
Why not get the region to support the region."

"President Trump defended his widely criticized proposal for the U.S. to take over and redevelop Gaza, saying in a post on Truth Social that Israel would turn Gaza over to the U.S. “at the conclusion of fighting.” The proposal was not vetted by the president’s own top advisers before he announced it yesterday, and members of his administration soon attempted to walk it back.

Trump’s post did not resolve some of the biggest questions raised by his proposal. Much of the international community considers Gaza to be an integral part of a future Palestinian state, and any attempt by Israel to “turn over” the enclave to the U.S. without the consent of its residents would be challenged. And there are many logistical problems: Who will govern and secure Gaza? What if Palestinian militant groups mount the same dogged insurgency against U.S. control as they did against Israel? How long would the U.S. be willing to remain in charge?"

Grey One talks sass said...

Gotta be skud, the first anon at 10:01 AM. Good replies Shaw, all factual which means skud will most definitely move the goal posts, misunderstand what you wrote, or ignore it altogether. Is it sad that I know them so well?

So, something near and dear to my heart, here are some facts.

Of the population of the USA (334.9 million humans) about 1.6 million people ages 13 and older identify as transgender, which is about 0.6% of the population. This includes about 1.3 million adults and 300,000 youth. That's 300,00 kids across the country. A drop in the bucket. And that doesn't take into account who is FtM or MtF (why isn't MAGA/skudsy all bent out of shape for FtM transitions playing in sports?). So really, MAGA spent an enormous amount of money to scapegoat a few kids who can't even play sports because mediocre Nationalist Christians can't accept diversity exists in nature? As far as I can tell the EO is explicit in naming female sports. Sooo, females who've started transitioning to men can still play sports? So many questions unanswered, so many assumptions from the FOTUS admin.

skud claims FOTUS protects women. Yeah, that's why he rolled back our job protections. That's why his crew are on air saying the 19th Amendment should be repealed. Please, protect me from your idea of 'protection'. I've lived the Handmaidens tale and I don't want to ever have to do it again.

For the second Anon at 10:01 AM - why suffer fools like skud? Can't speak for Shaw but I suffer them because somewhere in the universe someone has a skud or many faced troll in their life. Somewhere they have to listen to their garbage because contrary opinions are not allowed. I can hear the replies - no one can control what one thinks and yeah, in theory that is correct. But until you've experienced the crushing presence of a dominating person who you can't escape who squeezes the air out of every bit of existence you know nothing of which you speak.

I challenge the skuds of the world for those who are trapped, for those who think their existence is the only thing they will ever know because all their media and social outlets say the same thing. Maybe due to the fact the skuds of the world post here someone might get to take a peek. Maybe that's the butterfly flapping it's wings to give someone somewhere the courage to say nope to the power of nope. That's why I engage with our trolls and will continue to do so. Nope to the power of nope. It's a beautiful thing.

skudrunner said...

Sorry but anon you responded to was me. I thought I checked to make sure I was logged in but must have logged out.
How many world class female athletes have beaten men. Even Sarina Williams said she would lose to to a mid level man. I would think you would support women sports but I was wrong.
No I don't understand why biden pardoned his innocent family unless he doesn't believe in the fairness of our judicial system.

You still haven't answered why the left is for government waste and corruption and doesn't want wasteful spending cut.

Shaw Kenawe said...

skud: "Even Sarina Williams said she would lose to to a mid level man. I would think you would support women sports but I was wrong."

Where exactly did I ever write that I didn't support women's sports? Just because I'm against the demonization of trans people, it doesn't mean I don't support women's sports.

skud: "No I don't understand why biden pardoned his innocent family unless he doesn't believe in the fairness of our judicial system."

Trump and his thugs in the House made it very clear that they were going to open more hearings against Hunter and even Biden. It would have been nothing more than revenge hearings to placate the Felon-in-Chief's fragile ego. I, too, would have protected any child of mine from Trump's vengance, as would any normal parent.

The threat of hearings was NOT from our judicial branch of government, it was from the Tyrant-in-Chief, Trump.

Anonymous said...

I do know enough, experienced a bit. But thank you for your observations.

Anonymous said...

Jesus H. Christ skud. Are you really that dense?

Grey One talks sass said...

Enter skud, stage right (totally completely really real right) who asks:

1. "No I don't understand why biden pardoned his innocent family unless he doesn't believe in the fairness of our judicial system."

2. "You still haven't answered why the left is for government waste and corruption and doesn't want wasteful spending cut."

Question one, President Biden totally trusts the judicial system which in an of itself is a tool, a series of laws and procedures which are wielded by humans who are by their nature imperfect. He didn't plan on the pardons until Gomer Comer started talking about the enhanced investigations that he'd get to perform under the incoming FOTUS. Of course you don't understand skud. You are you and I'm not entirely certain you understand decency, compassion, or logic. In light of the shock and awe unleashed by the FOTUS former Pres Biden did exactly the correct thing in my opinion.

Second question is a straw man, an argument you make against an opponent you call 'the left or Democrats' comprised of your own biases and bigotry but is removed from anything resembling reality. Honestly it looks like you are battling a plastic bag and losing but to your question.

If DOGE REALLY wanted to target waste they'd have infiltrated the Military Industrial Complex but since most of FOTUS are card carrying members I guess that was never going to happen. Every line item skud cited as waste was in the millions - pennies compared to the Defense budget, and an organization that has failed FIVE audits and has a budget in the hundreds of billions. Five audits and they haven't been able to pass one yet.

If you are not an accountant or accountancy adjacent you don't know how bad this is. I'll tell you. For an organization to not pass an audit means there are missing monies, equipment, or personnel. If we were talking about a bakery or grocery store I'd be less concerned. Because the USA Military is the best funded organization in the world (USA Defense budget is equal to Russia and China's defense budget combined) with some of the most lethal weaponry that has ever existed I'm terrified.

Five audits. I'm telling you, getting a job to be head auditor for something like that would inspire me to push through all this crap I'm going through just to see the ones and zeros finally add up. There will be scandal but until every line item is reconciled, meaning we know where it is, when it was lost, who took it, who sold it, etc, I would not rest. I'd live at the Pentagon if necessary because I'm rather fond of our Military force (late husband being an old Marine and all) and I want what is best for them. Also want to just meditate in the center garden. Not sure why but it's on my bucket list.

So, does that qualify as I'm concerned about waste skud? Do you understand you demonize others for your own ego? Stop it. It's just, petty, you know? Yeah, it may be your opinion but like everyone else who has the same parts, it stinks.

Grey One talks sass said...

Found on the interwebz:
Billie Jean King
Jackie Tonawanda
Danica Patrick
Katie Hnida
Julie Krone
Carissa Moore
Ellen MacArthur

This may be just an urban legend but back in the day women tried out for baseball and were really good. So good they outperformed some of their male counterparts who were not impressed with their athletic prowess. It seems to me that all sports should be reorganized so that those humans who are good at it get to play that sport no matter the gender.

This attempt by the FOTUS to roll back DEI, to tell female military personnel who have trained just as hard as their male counterparts, who passed every metric just as their male counterparts they can only play badminton or soft ball due to their 'delicate' nature... I know lots of warriors who happen to be female who are not taking this crap lying down.

skud seems to be on board with the squashing of females in the name of protection. Not sure protection is correct word but skud will get their feels in a bunch if I use what is accurate.

skudrunner said...

Grey, When did he say he wanted to repeal the 19th Amendment . Even he could not get away with taking voting rights from women and they voted for him so why would he.
I guess if you support males competing with females than sports should be opened up and everyone should be able to compete in the special Olympics.

skudrunner said...

CNN anchor stunned by claim that US spent ‘$15 million for condoms for the Taliban’Source CNN
That is money well spent

If you support men competing against women you do not support women's sports. Ask Riley Gaines how she feels about being beaten by a trans male and ask Sarina Williams if she could compete with the to 20 males in tennis.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Less than 10 trans athletes out of 510,000 NCAA athletes nationwide.

Why is even an issue?

Anonymous said...

Yes I did. Perhaps the proprietor did post. In a nutshell... just what she said

Last time i will respondto you. I do not suffer fools gladly..

Anonymous said...

It is the Christian Nationalist's bible thumping fear agenda. Sponsored by the ignorant among us and used by a FOTUS who is void if intelligence, compassion, decency.

And the nation's organizations are tucking tail and complying. Gutless Wonders.

skudrunner said...

Grey, How is it I demonize others just because I disagree with their opinion or that I would like to see a responsible government in actions and spending. The military is a sacred cow to politicians and as soon as you mention cuts they scream and use the national defense as an excuse. All of our elected elite have military bases and ties in their district and if the vote to close one they may have to get a job at the next election.
"skud seems to be on board with the squashing of females in the name of protection."
That is truly a strange statement because it is just the opposite. Women want to be recognized as the best in the sport and if they are forced to compete with a male they will not achieve their goal. Can you name one female athlete who beat a to male. As much as you want to deny women are different then men no matter what they identify as me are stronger and even Serena Williams, who is the greatest female tennis player ever, said she can't compete with a top seeded male. Every athletes wants to be the best and we need to give them the opportunity.
DEI is just the opposite of what it says because it excludes not includes.

Craig said...

CNN anchor stunned by claim that US spent ‘$15 million for condoms for the Taliban’Source CNN

Anchor Boris Sanchez was stunned by guest Buddy Carters claim about $15M for Taliban condoms because it is false. Self own Skud.

Ask Riley Gaines how she feels about being beaten by a trans male

Riley tied for FIFTH PLACE with Lia Thomas, a trans woman, and threw a tantrum because she didn't get a trophy. She parlayed that into a lucrative career pedaling hate. Boo hoo Riley.

I'm all for rooting out waste and fraud but I prefer it be done legally and constitutionally. Trump fired at least 18 IG's whose job it is to do that and replaced them with Musk's team of kids barely out of high school. You come here with a phony list (USAID giving $8M to Politico is a lie too) of expenditures and ignore the fact that the Muskateer Kids now have access to your personal data, have rewritten code into formerly secure systems and copying to personal servers. I guess you're ok with that, I'm not.

At what point will you realize your sources are demonstrably unreliable. Your credulity is stunning. Just tickle your amygdala and you go running to Daddy Trump. Take back your life, Skud. Ask yourself if what your about to post is true. It's easy to check before you come here and embarrass yourself. That is if you're capable of shame.

skudrunner said...

Most sources are unreliable and I own up to the fact that multiple sources said the same thing but they were mistaken. Just like multiple sources said biden was competent and hunters laptop was russian collusion and they were mistaken also. I guess to way forward is to only give IMO and not state what is reported.
As to your Gaines losing to ia thomas, a biological male, I don't blame her. It is like Mike Tyson going against Sugar Ray, not the same abilities and pre determined results. I support womens sports where everyone stands a chance.

Anonymous said...

Yippee! skud returns with rationalization for his lack of curiosity leading faiure of ACTUAL verification of the true facts.

Give up FAUX, OAN, ect. But ya won't, will ya skud? Too steeped in the MAGA con.

Craig said...

As to your Gaines losing to ia thomas,

Oh Skud. If you read closely, Riley tied Lia. She didn't lose to her. Even I can figure out that 4 women swimmers beat them both. As far as I know, the swimmers who finished 7th, 8th, 9th, or 10th aren't making a public stink. Riley found a lucrative grift.

Most sources are unreliable

No, they're not. That's you trying to absolve yourself from your lack of curiosity.
If you limit yourself to cable and politically slanted sites all you get is lazy reporting and propaganda. It's obvious those are the sources of your false comments. There's lots of good reporting being done. All you need is a little discernment.

skudrunner said...

IMO, If you support men competing with women in a women's event then you don't support women's sports. Title nine was created to give females more chance to compete in sports and allowing biological men to compete in women's sports creates an advantage for the biological male.

IMO if biden's were innocent then pardoning them for things they have done or may do in the future was not necessary. I can't argue that trump may go after them but he doesn't have the eight years it took the dems to find something on him.

Anonymous said...

“Why is even an issue?”
The ISSUE IS. That even one is too many!

Anonymous said...

“The world does NOT respect Trump.”!

That is Totally BS.
The entire world Respects Trumy Now!