("...who they consider..." Not who has been adjudicated by a court of law as an enemy of the U.S.! Just anyone "they consider" the enemy.
Are you people paying attention to those words? Do you think they're joking?
Do you even care?)
“We will go out and find the conspirators... Yes, we are going to come after the people in the media”
Are you paying attention? Why aren't Americans marching in the streets over this? Liz Cheney was right. It appears the American people are sleep-walking into fascism.)
And this:
This is who Trump just appointed as FBI Deputy Director.
“The only thing that matters is power... A system of checks and balances? Haha. That’s a good one.”
— No Lie with Brian Tyler Cohen (@NoLieWithBTC) February 24, 2025
“The only thing that matters is power... A system of checks and balances? Haha. That’s a good one.”pic.twitter.com/SEtlhz8cfT
The Bongino Principle
The absurdity. It burns. When Bongino was bounced from his Fox News show back in 2023, I observed: “Our collective IQs just edged a bit higher with the news that we will be hearing less from Bongo.”
Indeed, Bongino’s appointment to the FBI is so fatuously ridiculous that it deserves to be known henceforth as the Bongino Principle.
Some of you are old enough to remember the “Peter Principle” which posited that employees tend to be promoted until they reach the level of their incompetence.
The Bongino Principle posits that competence, character, and qualifications are irrelevant in organizations cults that value only loyalty — and that no promotion is ever too imbecilic.
Here’s a small taste of the online persona of the man who will be the FBI’s new #2:
One third of the voting public elected the Convicted Felon who appointed the above low-life political hacks.
When a country elects a criminal to lead it, expect that criminal to surround himself with other felons, sexual assaulters, drunks, serial adulterers, former heroine addicts, liars, cheats, frauds, and imbecilic thugs, like Patel and Bongino.
Nothing to see here. Right? Just taking care of business. Time to use law enforcement to eliminate opposition to tyranny and eliminate truth that inconveniences the Fuher Felon and his brigade of White Supremacists and Christian Nationalists. All patriots showing proper fealty the the Fuhrer Felon and his Fascist Project 2025 agenda.
Nothing to see as the rightwing fascists take America down the road first paved by Hitler. The Fuhrer Felon's inspiration
Are you saying that trump should dismantle the Government-Media Censorship Industrial Complex that the Twitter-files exposed?
I''m saying President Felon was wrong to put in two unqualified hacks in the position of FBI director and FBI deputy director. Neither of them believe in the US Constitution nor democratic norms. They're thinly disguised brown-shirted thugs.
Amazing what our troll considers censorship. They've even used the label on Shaw, on her very own blog where comment moderation is practiced (and you know comment moderation is enacted because there are notices) forgetting anything about how the Constitution works.
The FOTUS admin is filled with unqualified hacks not only at the FBI but in the military as well. The latest 'bro' hires major qualification is a willingness to fire on citizens if the FOTUS gives the order.
So we have the FBI telling us they will prosecute thought crimes, the military telling us they will fire upon citizens exercising their First Amendment rights, all the programs contributing to the public safety net are under the ax, the stock market is tanking....
And the price of groceries have yet to come down.
Panic in the streets? check
High unemployment numbers - check - since the FOTUS fired most of the Federal work force. Oh wait, that's Musk, err, no he's just doing what the FOTUS tells him to do except that's not what Trump says during press conferences and rallies.
I really hope that the consequences from the actions of FOTUS and their minions come home to roost sooner rather than later and may the results be for the good of all and may it harm none.
This is exhausting!
Dan Bongino is a loud mouth turd.
No -FJ... no one here is saying anything like what you intimate. Why do you do that? Are you trying to be obtuse? Maybe make some stupid point?
You on the other hand are actually standing shoulder to shoulder with an administration that has people running government departments who take an oath to defend the Constitution then walk all over it. Worse yet, you defend nominations as if it's a game, of unqualified ppl like Dan Bongino.
What qualifications does he have to even be part of the FBI, let alone be part of the management of it?
Then, like Skud, you have the audacity to criticize the qualifications to be president of someone like Kamala Harris, a former DA, a former State AG, a former Senator, a former Vice President.
Worse, you defend a party and an administration that racists, Nazis and white supremacists believe love and accept them. Because maybe they do.
Maybe you do exist, as you've actually said on other blogs, just to trigger libs and ppl like me who actually love America. I hope that's true. Because if not and you really are as you appear, you're about as worthless a person as I've ever come across.
And don't deserve to call yourself an American.
George Orwell's '1984' in a month. Absolutely disgusting
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