NEW: Edward Coristine, the 19-year-old employee of Elon Musk’s DOGE, known online as “Big Balls,” has been appointed senior adviser at the State Department, The Washington Post reports.
Some U.S. officials expressed alarm about Coristine’s new perch at the bureau, which serves as the IT department for Washington’s diplomatic apparatus.
All of the department’s IT and data management functions were centralized at the bureau during an overhaul before President Donald Trump returned to office, making it a treasure trove of information.
“This is dangerous,” said one of the U.S. officials, noting Coristine’s age and a report by Bloomberg that he was fired for leaking a data security firm’s information to a competitor.
WIRED investigative reporters have confirmed that Elon Musk's 19-year-old staffer is deeply involved in an online community of cybercriminals who steal state and corporate secrets and trade them on the dark net to terrorists and foreign operatives.
This is who Elon gave your Social Security information to and now just handed the keys to the State Department: a cybercriminal teenage punk who sells classified material to our enemies.
It's time for a national rebellion.
Heard one of President Musk's boys was appointed a high level position so they can have 'legal' access to all our data. And I thought it was the email lady who was going to cause us harm?
Caveat: no matter the situation I frame all my actions so that no one is harmed and all rules of consent are upheld. Added note - hurt and harm are not the same thing. I don't mind causing hurt especially if it's consensual in nature.
So, I'm going to start with the word private which to me means there are things in my life I do not wish to share with all of humanity so I slap a label of private on them. As an example my sex life is private while my life on social media is not.
Secrets... that's a very loaded word as every abuser in my life insisted what occurred between us remained "our secret". I know humans, having encountered them through group, who cannot hear the word secret without having to engage mass coping skills. In my world secrets destroy, secrets do not let in cleansing light in which results in corruption, disease, and decay.
At least that's my take on the two words. That said with all the shenanigans perpetrated by the boys o' President Musk get ready for all of the secrets (and I expect them to be as toxic as anything prevented from bobbing to the top can be) covetously guarded by the alphabet named agencies to be let free into the wind. It is what happens when a thing is dismantled - all the bits and pieces safely tucked away are suddenly out in the open. I expect someone will be making quite a bit of money, because of course, that would be the point. After reading more than I'd like about Incels President Musk's inclusion of them on his team makes sense. They've been talking about burning down the house for at least a decade or two.
I hope beyond all hope anyone under deep cover has enough sense to either find their own personal (not government provided) safe house and burn anything linking them to the good old USA. Honestly I'm beyond tired of being the baddy in the equation. Either we have someone's back or we don't - this yo-yoing based on who is in power is expected I guess. The USA ignored how many treaties with the First Nations?
Since those who could have stopped all this did not, WeThePeople are in for one bumpy ride and yep, secrets will be leaking all the way.
Perhaps in the future WeThePeople will have a private vs secret conversation where things that protect our national security and assets are labeled private and secrets becomes a dirty word. The more I see how inadequate our Constitution and metric ton of laws are incapable of stopping those who would do us harm the more I think WeThePeople need to... well, I was going to say get to work but I don't really believe WeThePeople want to do work. If a little task such as voting was too hard, how in the world can I expect them to do the work to rebuild what was torn down?
This has to be all hands on deck and not left to those who always show up because those who show up are getting tired. That pathway leads to a nasty thing called a death spiral (I may have based my logic on watching more than a few congregations rely exclusively on the Church Lady Brigade only for the organization to fall apart when the Brigade disbands because the members are too old or dead).
This is the Trump Regime now:
"Edward Coristine, a 19-year-old member of Elon Musk’s Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE), launched an image-sharing website in 2021 that featured custom “shitposting” web addresses that redirected to content hosted on his site. URLs that redirected to Coristine’s site referenced the sale of child sexual abuse material, racial slurs, and rape. Among the links were “” and “,” according to web traffic tracked by BuiltWith.
The White House and Coristine did not respond to requests for comment.
A former intern at Musk’s brain-computer interface company Neuralink, Coristine was named senior adviser to the State Department’s Bureau of Diplomatic Technology on Monday, the Washington Post reported. He is also listed as an “expert” at the Office of Personnel Management.
In early 2021, Corisitine, then 16, activated the website. He described it as an image-sharing site that would prioritize the confidentiality of its users. “Why are we the sexiest? Privacy… When you use, all your images are encrypted. We do not log IP addresses, device agents or anything else,” the site’s homepage stated in March 2021, according to archives from the Wayback Machine. “If you like features like we do, you'll love… Fake links, lots of cool domains and effects to put on your images for ultimate shitposting.”
This is the kid looking Americans' private information
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