Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston

Monday, February 10, 2025


Trump says no judge “should be allowed” to rule against his administration . 

Trump is telling us he is above the Constitution and that no law applies to him.

Trump said he'd be dictator, but only for one day. But, we know Trump is a lying liar. He meant for his entire presidency.

Trump has no intention of obeying the courts.

When you put a convicted felon -- a law breaker -- into office, expect him to break the law.

This is what authoritarianism looks like. It’s taken 249yrs to come to America. It’s up to the American people to resist it. To defeat it. I hope we do.

 Just In the last few hours, Trump has: 

 -Signed an executive order directing the DOJ to halt enforcement of anti-bribery laws for foreign officials. 

 -Pardoned ex-Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich, convicted on corruption charges. 

 -His DOJ ordered NY prosecutors to drop corruption charges against NYC Mayor Eric Adams. 

 Donald Trump IS the swamp.


Anonymous said...

You are Shaw, much to kind in your description of the POS FOTUS.

He is, the slime we and our allies stopped in WW II.

He is, the Anti-anti Christ.

He is, as authoritarian and unethical as the the assassin Putin.

He is, a pathetic narcissitic sociopath.

He is, a "man" deserving only disrespect and distrust.

He is, a human pig deserving of disdain and ridicule.

He Is, a corrupt self serving vindictive felon.

He is a god in his own diseased rotted mind.

And his self serving POS political party is as sick and putrid as he is.

As they stand by and applaud his destruction of our democracy, our Constitution, the rule of law, and our national self respect.

He deserves to be arrested, tried for treaon, found guilty of treason, and HANGED the public square.

It is time for America to say, fuck tRump, fuck the gop, fuck the scotus, and Start Actiing Like tRump Against tRump as We the People remove his fat ass from OUR >/b>White House.

Oh, and fuck the phoney MAGA bullshit.

Sorry about the nastiness and language. But isn't it about time someone called a spade a spade.

As no one else has I just did.

Mike said...

I think he should pardon the kid that shot him in the ear and give him another "chance".

Dave Miller said...

Questions for the class...

1. Does the POTUS and the Executive Branch have a duty to follow laws Constitutionally enacted by the elected Legislative Branch of the US Government and signed by the Executive Branch?

2. If the Judicial Branch rules against the constitutionality of a law what happens? Do we still follow and uphold that law?

3. If the Judicial Branch rules that a law is in fact constitutional, what happens, or should happen when we run afoul of those laws?

4. What branch is the final arbiter of the legality of our laws and how they are to interpreted? The Executive, Legislative or Judicial?


5. If there is a dispute or question about the constitutionality of laws enacted by the Legislative Branch of the US government, what is the process of resolution contained in our Constitution?

Anonymous said...

It no longer matters Dave.

America is now RULED by a narcissitic sociopath that views his AUTHORITY and POWER
over We the People and all branches of government as COMPLETE and TOTAL.

Standing in the way of this sociopathic human wrecking ball as it destroys decency and goodwill has its dangers. And I predict it will not be long before this POS rounds up all those who oppose him politically and have them thrown into the Gulag. Where they are beaten or killed and then forgotten.

America, In her ignorance, willingly put a fu**ing iTYRANT. Indeed power.

Anonymous said...

I continue to laugh mirthlessly at the fact that we've been around for 250 years, been through dozens of wars big and small, segregation, civil war, racism, women's suffrage. So many things. And what takes us out will be a spray tanned game show host and a South African shitposting videogamer.

skudrunner said...

Guess it was OK for some president to ignore a courts ruling and keep giving money to rich kids. Of course his name wasn't trump so it was OK to break the law. Guess it's OK for a president to pardon his son and family for any crime committed in the past or in the future as long as his name is not trump.

Anonymous said...

I hate how auto spell, or the f'ing AI make changes indiscriminately.

... in power.

Grey One talks sass said...

A couple of fine tunings on your comment Anon.

You said "And I predict it will not be long before this POS rounds up all those who oppose him politically and have them thrown into the Gulag. Where they are beaten or killed and then forgotten."

My reply is this is already happening. Supposedly the only humans sent to Gitmo are criminals but I've encountered story after story of humans who have been sent there based on the determination of criminality by an ICE or border agent. I guess we are beyond the concept of innocent until proven guilty in these fascist times.

You opened with this Anon (9:50 AM) "America is now RULED by a narcissitic sociopath that views his AUTHORITY and POWER over We the People and all branches of government as COMPLETE and TOTAL."

I concur with your statement and have only this to add - SCOTUS told the FOTUS that he was immune and then declined to define what is and is not an official act. How could events played out any other way?

Founding Fathers imagined balance in government to ensure one branch could/would never exert extreme rule. Nationalist Christians saw that balance and said hold my grape juice.

In case anyone has missed it (doubtful knowing most of the commentators as I do - know you too trolls but you'd miss your face if it wasn't glued on) everything unfolding here/now is according to the 900 page book colloquially known as Project 2025. It's also exactly as imagined by the authors of Seven Mountains Dominionism aka Christian Nationalism.

They told us for decades this was the plan, they enacted parts of the plan over the years, and then during the FOTUS first term hitched their wagon to his ample rear because the teachings of Christ focused on the acquisition of power.

Off topic but has anyone seen the goat at Mar A Lago covered in money festooned with pictures of FOTUS and bearing the phrase In Trump We Trust? I'm guessing someone forgot to read the pertinent passages where their Deity of Choice "rewarded" those who worshiped false idols. But what do I know, I'm just a Pagan with an extensive understanding of comparative religions.

Anonymous said...

Up pops skud, right on que.

The facist kool-aid of the FOTUS and MAGA delusions have started earing away his brain.

Shaw Kenawe said...

You're wrong again about former President Biden and student loan forgiveness:

From Newsweek: "It's true that the Biden administration has taken steps to reduce payments for citizens with student debt despite a Supreme Court ruling voting against a much wider plan in June 2023.

However, these new plans do not ignore the ruling by the Supreme Court as they are narrower in scope.


The Biden administration then moved forward with the Saving on a Valuable Education (SAVE) plan.

The SAVE plan does not provide immediate loan forgiveness but an income-driven repayment (IDR) that reduces monthly payments and the total years you have to pay before remaining balances are forgiven, most applicable to low to middle-income borrowers.

The White House has said that the plan would cut many borrowers' monthly payments to zero, saving others around $1,000 per year, estimating that over 20 million Americans could benefit.

Trump is shredding the Constitution, and threatening to IGNORE COURT ORDERS! and you're using puny examples to excuse what he and his fellow law-breakers are doing?

We'll remember how you stood by and watched the criminal, Trump, ignore the Constitution because he's one of yours.

When are you going to give up your allegiance to a political party/Trump and give that allegiance to the Constitution and the Rule of Law. No matter WHO the POTUS is and which party he/she is from?

skudrunner said...

So when biden ignores the law he just changes the wording and then it is OK.
What I have yet to understand is why people are so against uncovering government waste. I understand why politicians are against it because they benefit from it but why would a taxpayer be so against it. They are up in arms about musk because he is a consultant and has no power but is for making more efficient and cost effective government and get rid of some government waste.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Your naivete is shocking and your willful blindness to the dangers our country and its Constitution is facing is reckless. Sadly, there are millions of Americans like you whose allegiance is to an ideology and not the US Constitution and the Rule of Law.

Here you are again today complaining about former President Biden's efforts to give relief to Americans drowning in debt because of usurious interest rates on student loans, but you ignore this:

This is from Vox, which is behind a paywall: All the ways Elon Musk is breaking the law, explained by a law professor
There are a lot of them.

And you ignore this:

ABC: "As Musk works to slash federal spending, his own firms have received billions in government contracts
NASA is the single largest customer of Musk's company SpaceX.

If you bothered to dig deeper into what unvetted Musk and his unvetted teenagers are doing, you'd KNOW that this isn't about "uncovering government waste" project. That's what the Trump Regime wants you to think, and instead of opening your eyes to see what is in front of your nose, you obediently parrot their propaganda.

How can it possibly be legal for Musk who gets BILLIONS of US $$$ in subsidies to be looking into slashing programs he knows nothing about?

A normal informed person would see a SEVERE conflict of interest for the RICHEST MAN IN THE WORLD to be looking at slashing expenditures while taking BILLIONS from the government for his own companies.

But you continue to complain about helping American students get relief from predatory lenders.

Grey One talks sass said...

I'm not sure there is a mathematical, chemical, or physics equation to represent the denseness of one called skud. Again they miss what Shaw said in order to confirm their own bias. But that is what skud does so not sure why I'm so upset they are who they are - in bed with MAGA lock stock and barrel.

For the record: NO ONE on this site has said they are against eliminating waste in governmental spending. What I've read here and elsewhere is the way President Musk and the FOTUS are doing it is UNCONSTITUTIONAL. There are procedures in place for a reason, like FOTUS personnel releasing California water carefully saved up to use by farmers during the dry season which resulted in flooded fields and farms and ruined equipment. Expensive equipment. All could have been avoided by following the freaking the hell procedure.

But nope, skud is all laws are bad laws and all politicians are horrible (even those who genuinely work for their constituents) so Anarchy for everyone. Also, only the Democratic party must be held to a higher standard, all else just has to show up. Your idea of 'equality' skud is exactly why the USA is in trouble.

Can't speak for anyone but myself but I'm up in arms about President Musk because every agency he skuttled has either been investigating him for malfeasance or indicated they were about to launch said investigation. I'm beyond spitting because halting USAID not only harmed the standing of the USA on the global stage but also screwed over small farmers, my people.

I guess skud is all for crushing small business owners being they got theirs so pull up the ladder behind them. At least that's my impression based on the comments they post here, meaning they are one more citizen who votes against their best interests.

Shaw Kenawe said...

I'm pretty sure skud doesn't know that Musk has partnered with VISA to start his own payment app.

Sabotaging CFPB would shield him from having to follow financial laws to keep customers' money safe, and give him access to confidential records about his competitors. Follow the money.

Imagine getting rid of an organization, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, that safeguards the CONSUMER against predatory and felonious actions by big corporations and financial institutions.

This was a good thing for us, the little people, and THE RICHEST GUY IN THE WORLD got rid of it!

BB-Idaho said...

Pondering whether Skud will blame Biden when the Trumpmusk team privatiizes his social security - which at the rate brainspurs is going could be
oh, maybe Summer?

Shaw Kenawe said...

I wonder if our friend, Skud, thinks it’s a good idea to have the VP suggesting that the courts should have no say over what the Trump Regime is doing — that is, decide if what they’re doing is Constitutional.

As of now, the Trump Regime is disregarding court orders.

I remember a time in our history when Americans believed in the rule of law, even for their presidents.

skudrunner said...

Trump cannot run again and he doesn't give a hoot what people think which puts him in a league of his own. If he can eliminate some government waste I am for it. That goes for government limos for congressman, paying for walls on representative's property and "fact finding" trips to the Bahamas.
Maybe our elected elite will be exposed for the criminal's they are(IMO).

So musk is starting his own payment app. Is that for his private businesses. CFPB is a bloated government agency that does little for the American taxpayer. That money could be focused on local crime where it would be more efficient and cost effective. The department of education has done such a great job that for the last 10 years our students are getting less educated instead of more. During the "pandemic" they supported the unions who were all for teachers not going to class.

If the government wants to assist small businesses they need to cut BS regulations that just cost time and money to comply with and serve little purpose.

Shaw Kenawe said...

skud: "If he can eliminate some government waste I am for it."

Speaking of wasteful expenditures of taxpayers' money, how much do you think it cost the US taxpayers for Trump to attend the Super Bowl and leave at half time?

It costs millions. And do you know why Trump is the first president to attend a Super Bowl?

Because of the enormous expenditure in getting him there and securing the perimeters. Other presidents didn't attend BECAUSE OF THE ENORMOUS COST TO THE AMERICAN TAXPAYERS.

If you think that Trump and Musk are looking to save taxpayers' money, then I have a health care plan that'll be ready in 2 weeks that will be better and more beautiful than the ACA.

The Heritage Foundation's goal in Project 2025 is to take a sledgehammer to the federal government, disregarding the consequences of what that will mean to millions and millions of vulnerable Americans.

It's easy to deceive people when they know nothing about how their government works. Lots of Americans at this moment believe in what Trump and his co-president are doing because they know nothing about what that destruction involves for themselves.

PS. The Department of Education has nothing to do with educational outcomes for American students. Individual states, cities, and towns control curricula in their local schools.

The states with the highest test scores are blue states, with Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Jersey, Maryland, and Wisconsin the top five, and the bottom five are West Virginia, Louisiana, Arizona, Alaska, and Oklahoma (red states).

If you want to place blame on poor outcomes, ask the people in those bottom states why their students are doing so poorly.

Anonymous said...

The willful ignorance, or is ir stupidity, of the MAGAites is startling. To save a few billion in what they perceive as wasteful government spending they are readily willing to let a felon (criminal) destroy democracy and give techies and oligarchs free rein in running all three branches of government.

It is what it is. It is what sleepers and willfully ignorant people wanted. So, here we are.

Good luck people. Enough is enough. Time to drop out and go completely underground.

Anonymous said...

Does your friend shudder have anything to say about Trump pardoning two crooks Eric Adams and Pete Bogdanovich?

Anonymous said...

Couldn't agree with you more regarding the taylor bowl (AKA Super Bowl). Any time a president travels it disrupts the city he is going to and cost millions be it New Orleans or no where delaware, hawaii or martha's vineyard. Unfortunately the president has unrestrained use of AF1 and Marine 1 and is free to abuse that privilege at his whim. I guess biden saved the taxpayer millions because he didn't go many places except his beach front property.

If the department of education has nothing to do with education why does the taxpayer have to support them. If it is the states that control the education we don't need the federal department.

Can't wait to see your health care plan. It has to be better than what we have today.

Dave Miller said...

Here's part of the problem Skud... Biden, like Trump wanted to do affect a specific policy for a goal he wanted. the courts said no. So he stopped. He tried a different way, the courts said no, he stopped. Do you see a pattern here? It's called give it a try and see what the courts say. Then respect and live with their decision.

That's how our multi equal branch government system is supposed to work.

But some folks have a hard time understanding that.

Dave Miller said...

Skud opined that "Trump cannot run again..."

Really Skud? What makes you believe that a president who is already openly defying the Constitution will abide by the 22nd Amendment?

If you simply Google Trump running in 2028, there's a lot of ppl saying that Amendment does not prohibit from a third term. is it a novel theory? Certainly, but all he had after his 2020 election loss was a novel legal theory about elector vote certification and we all know Jan 6 turned out.

Tell me why, based on his ignoring the judicial branch already, you believe Trump would choose to abide by the 22nd amendment

Shaw Kenawe said...

"The Department of Education distributes over $18 billion under the Title I program to help support schools that educate high-poverty populations, providing benefits like extra staff to supplement reading instruction. The department also handles over $15 billion in Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) funding, which helps cover the costs of special education. These are the two biggest sources of federal funding for schools.

On the whole, dependence on federal funding is higher in states that went for Trump."

Those Red States will be hit the hardest and their students will suffer the most. (Mississippi takes the most from the DoE to help fund its schools,. Massachusetts and other Northeast states take the least.)

Instead of repeating unverified propaganda from dubious sources, try reading up on what the DoE actually does.


skudrunner said...

Anon 518 was me and I don't know why it posted under anon. You are the one who said the DoE doesn't do anything so I just went by your statements.

According to the DoE they have 4400 employees and a budget of 238 billion. You stated that they distribute 33 billon and their web site says they spend another $68 billion are dedicated to: "Establishing policies on federal financial aid for education, and distributing as well as monitoring those funds."
So according to their statistics they spend 137 BILLION on administrative expenses. Seems like there is a lot of waste or living large in the DoE when half their budget is not spent on education. You may call it money well managed but I see it as abuse by crooked politicians and poor use of taxpayer resources. Just look what they could do with an additional 100 BILLION spent on schools.

Anonymous said...

Ahh, Grey One talks sass, if I interpret the in parenthesis remark in your above comment correctly you consider me a troll?

Perhaps. It is possible to view it that way I suppose.

I can assure you that I am a troll on the correct side of history.

My place belongs in the dark alleyways and sewers of the rightwing fascists, X'tian Nationalists, Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, trumpublican authoritarians learning all I can about their unethical and un-Christ like behavoirs and plans to trash democracy and the rule of law.

Anyway, have a nice day and keep up the good fight. Your insights are a valuable contribution to the fight to defeat authoritarianism, fascism, White Supremacy, White X'tian Nationalism, bigotry, and racism.

Ultimately I believe the skuds, -fjs, joe cons, and tRumps et all of the nation will be soundly defeated. As the ethical and moral arch of history bends left.

So, if Ms. Shaw considers me a troll and would prefer I discontinue commenting in her space she knows how to reach me.

Grey One talks sass said...

My apologies Anon, I don't consider you a troll but sometimes I am not as clear as I'd like to be. OK - sometimes means usually as my family tells me (always) that they've gotten very good at translating Grey speak.

I'm Grey for a reason and it's not the color of my hair. Back in the day I was warned of the fight between those who view the world as only black and white vs those who understand that life in general is grey (just like the infinite number of theoretical divides between one and two there exists just as many shades of grey between black and white).

For the record, in my book all one must do to be considered a troll is repeat propaganda, discount other's point of view, dead name transgendered humans, and do the sea lion, seagull, strawman logic acrobatics in trying to defend the indefensible. You, Anon at 8:32 AM exhibited none of those traits. And as curious as I may be, I respect the boundaries of an individual. After all if I want my boundaries respected shouldn't I return the favor?

Good luck in your endeavors and may your comments continue to turn hearts and minds away from the authoritarian side of life.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Republicans Love Trump’s Spending Cuts. Just Not in Their States.

Even as they praise the president’s unilateral actions to slash federal spending, G.O.P. lawmakers have quietly moved to seek carve outs or exemptions for their own constituents.