The media better stop calling the Zelenskyy press conference a “heated exchange”.
Call it what it was, a crazy, inappropriate, unhinged, shakedown, by a madman and his lapdog.
No,the meeting did not go badly for Ukraine. It exposed in the most undeniable, unequivocal way possible the pro-Putin commitments of the president and vice president. That was information Americans and allies needed to have clear before them.
Time for impeachment and removal. Lacking that violence may be just around the corner in various forms.
Wajahat Ali:
There was a President in the Oval Office today. His name is Zelensky. He had to fend off two impotent barking dogs sent by Putin. They are named Trump and Vance.
The two fascist buffoons in the Oval Office continue their embarrassment tour. Reinforcing the justifiable belief that America has indeed lost its mind.
Zelenskyy should have worn a suit. When in Rome...
Oh try to be consistent. The South African Nat-C has been in the Oval Office and at Trump's Cabinet meeting dressed in a T-shirt and cap! You're very silly.
Musk was working. Zelenskyy was a supplicant.
Leave it to a MAGA goon to make a stupid irrelevant comment about two buffonish American assholes who are about as bright as a 2 watt bulb.
Bu considering the source it's far from surprising.
-FJ, you meant Musk was WRECKING, not working. Anyway, weak excuse. Musk is rich enough to have proper clothing available for when he’s summoned to the Oval Office. You’d find an excuse for him if he were an ax murderer. You’re in a cult.
The ambassador from Ukraine to the US was there. I think she should have gotten up and stood by Zelenskyy.
Rick Wilson: “Trump would never in a million years address the murderous war criminal Putin like that.
He's the weakest President in our history, an impotent, gibbering fool rooked, hooked, and compromised by Putin.
Trump is Putin's sniveling, whinging bitch.”
Putin's most valuable asset. As he and the world of authoritarian dictators continue their efforts and plan to bring down America and her democracy.
It is despicable and without precedent that we expect something for the billions given to another country. All biden asked for was, nothing.
Billions will be given because we don't want the Ukrain as another state.
You've accepted the Russian propaganda parroted by the anti-democracy idiot in the White House, skud.
Zelensky was ready to hand over rights to Ukraine's minerals, as Trump had extorted him to when the anti-democracy idiot president humiliated him yesterday. No American I know of saw that display of obsequity from Trump to please his Putin -- the former Communist head of the KGB. And the Trumpublicans favor that bastard over a freedom-fighting, democracy defending Zelensky? Disgusted is too mild a word for how real Americans feel about what happened yesterday.
Putin's Russians are quite pleased with how his puppet, Trump, is trampling on every American ideal in order to appease him and his murderous thugs.
You've expressed your admiration for Reagan many times on this blog.
Reagan would have vomited after reading what you wrote.
My daughter called in tears yesterday she was so mortified by the Felon of the USA's behavior and glaringly obvious pro Putin anti democractic agenda.
My daughter makes me proud. skud disgusts me.
Hefty disadvantage - Zelensky speaking in English. Imagine Trump going to
Kiev and speaking in Ukrainian while being badgered on TV. Surely the self
appointed genius would have comported himself with dignity - being unfamilar with the complications of Ukrainian cussing. Although Muskmellon and Jaydee V could have helped.
Shaw... many like Skud trumpet the line "It is despicable and without precedent that we expect something for the billions given to another country."
But is it true? Let's take a look.
"Despicable and without precedent" he says. Skud, we've done that all through our post 19th century history. What did we expect from Europe after WW I where we sent our most treasured resource, soldiers. Over 100K died from battle, disease and accidents during that war.
In WW II we offered up 400K lives, expecting nothing in return. And then, after the war was over, US taxpayers literally rebuilt Europe. And asked for nothing except a continued alliance in return.
So to say, as Skud did that our aid to Ukraine is unprecedented, is simply wrong on the facts.
But let's look deeper, at some of the results of our aid to Ukraine. The Russian military has been decimated, losing close to 250K soldiers. Without the loss of one American soldier. Isn't it a good thing that one of our strongest enemies has lost thousands of troops?
And yet there's more.
We're not sending tons of money to Ukraine, despite what ppl may hear on FOX News. We're sending weapons. Weapons that are built in the good ole US of A. That has added tons of benefit to the US economy. Because every rifle, cannon, missile and air defense system we send, gets rebuilt right here, benefitting all of us, including Skud as our economy grows.
And you know what? We should do more. Because if and when the war ends, Ukraine will need to be rebuilt. And we, along with our European Allies, should help make that happen too. Because doing so will better connect Ukraine to the US and further our economy.
Skud can object as a matter of principle or politics. That's fine. But unless I missed something as it relates to our previous World Wars, and BTW I've left out how we helped rebuild Japan, the evidence is the US has frequently helped democratic countries and those that oppose our enemies around the world many times.
Despicable and without precedent is, as usual with Skud's bromides, wrong on the facts.
The Marshall Plan (officially the European Recovery Program, ERP) was an American initiative enacted in 1948 to provide foreign aid to Western Europe. The United States transferred $13.3 billion (equivalent to $173.8 billion in 2024) in economic recovery programs to Western European economies after the end of World War II in Europe. My guess is that skud thinks that was despicable and without precedent also, since the U.S. did not expect anything in return.
You know Skud, if you are so obsessed with the American taxpayer not getting fleeced, perhaps you can explain why Trump and the GOP you support is offering citizenship to anyone willing to "invest" 5 million bucks here. Because that citizenship comes with a 100% guarantee of never having to pay taxes on money earned internationally. A first in American history.
Pure and simple, it's a lifetime tax free gift to international oligarchs.
Here's another tidbit we can add about the subject of weapons and aid to Ukraine. We gave our old and aging weapons out of our stockpile to Ukraine. One study values those weapons currently at 18 million, though the cost for new ones is around 250-300 million.
So essentially, this was an upgrading of US weapons systems as the old ones were valued at the current replacement cost. Again, Americans got jobs to make those, our economy was helped and Ukraine killed a bunch of Russians.
Here's another BTW... when the US went into Afghanistan after 9/11 to avenge American deaths and kills international terrorists, Ukranian soldiers fought and died along us. They never asked for anything in return.
One more BTW... When the USSR broke up, the US urged Ukraine to give up the nuclear weapons that were in their country. They did so when they received a promise from then US President Clinton that the US would guarantee their safety.
Donald Trump, the GOP and their supporters, yes, like Skud, are continuing a long US tradition of refusing to honor our promises and treaties abroad.
And we wonder why other countries loathe us.
Think I'm wrong? Here's Trump's statement on the agreement between Mexico, the US and Canada that his Admin negotiated in his first term and which he himself signed...
"The USMCA is the largest, most significant, modern, and balanced trade agreement in history. All of our countries will benefit greatly..."
Sounds great, right?
But that was in 2020. Here he was just a few weeks ago speaking of the same treaty...
"I mean, you know, who can blame them [Mexico and Canada] if they made these great deals with the United States, took advantage of United States manufacturing, on just about everything, every aspect you can imagine, they took advantage of. I look at some of these agreements, I'd read them at night and say, 'Who would ever sign a thing like this?"
Yes President Trump... who would ever sign such a thing?
The US canceling another signed treaty.
When does it end? When will his followers figure it out?
Here's Trump defending the former Communist head of the KGB and murderous dictator, Putin, against the man fighting for democracy and his country, Zelensky:
Trump says President Zelensky should be nicer to Vladimir Putin:
“He doesn’t have to stand there and say ‘Putin this, Putin that,’ all negative things. He’s got to say, ‘I want to make peace, I don’t want to fight any longer.’”
(It’s clear that Trump wants Ukraine to surrender.)
Somehow I struggle mightily to< b>get my head around just how and why it is a good thing that a loss 250,00 lives is a good thing.
Life is precious but ignorance and bigotry lead humans to other those not exactly like themselves and view it as when the others are lost.
So we keep building more effective and lethal killing machines to decimate the other so our own can flourish.
How many years has this planet not been involved in war and destruction somewhere on the planet since the end of WW II? Not many.
Much of the world's population is ignorant. As witnessed by humankind's brutal murderous activities that seemingly never cease today.
Of course this will continue on and on and on. Because people are built to distrust those not looking like themselves, not talking like themselves, and not thinking like themselves. That and there is money to be made when there is crises and war.
Egoism that creates the sense of seperateness and a strong sense of the non existing self, (the I, me, and mine) is the culprit in this age old malady.
Someday, maybe when pigs fly, humans will wake up and begin to understand the path to ending confusin, suffering, and unethical behaviors that harm and kill beings.
A decision made by very wise people who realized the treatment of a defeated Germany following WW I was the direct reason Hitler rose to power and they realized extending the needed helping hand was good for the world and as an offshoot good for America as well.
We’re in this mess in large part because the average American is uninformed about fundamentals of civics, history, basic biology, economics, etc, and media and the internet are not meeting the moment.
Based on this, I'm wondering how Trump would have handled the invasion of Kuwait by Iraq back in the day. Would he have blamed Kuwait for the attack?
It's almost like a guy who sees a woman walking the street, or in a department store, rapes her and then says "Well look what she's wearing!"
Victim blaming.
So your belief is we should unconditionally fund the ongoing war. We made a good look effort with what we supplied Ukraine. Give them outdated weapons, do not supply aircraft, do not supply missiles and then tell them where they can attack and where the can't. Tell me Dave did we want Ukraine to win or did we just want to look like we did something. Is supply another few billion in weapons going to win the war or just prolong it.
Getting putin to the table is the only way to put an end to this. Out mistake is in not giving Ukraine what they need to win three years ago but as with most things our fearless leaders are specialists at kicking cans down the road.
If Putin attacked us we would use whatever destructive weapons to defeat him. Saving our nation from falling to an invading orce.
In Ukraine we were and should continue to train, supply weapons and systems, supply intelligence, and support DEMOCRACY whole keeping a dictator wanting to reasssemble the Evil Empire, putting all of Europe at risk.
Use your head for christ sake skud. Isolationism and turning our backs on our allies is stupid and dangerous. For Europe as well as the USA.
The Felon of the USA is a very dangerous, confused, and highly ignorant narcissistic moron.
Coward 1218, I repeat either give Ukraine the latest weapons and let them use them or work toward a peaceful resolution. Who said anything about isolationism but the way we have "supported" the war has been very short sighted. They are bringing a knife to a gun fight and that doesn't work well in the end.
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