Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston

Tuesday, February 4, 2025



You shouldn't be! 

Imagine if former President Biden had given George Soros the power to allow a group of young, unvetted techies to do what Musk is doing:


A 25-Year-Old With Elon Musk Ties Has Direct Access to the Federal Payment System 

"The Bureau of the Fiscal Service is a sleepy part of the Treasury Department. It’s also where, sources say, a 25-year-old engineer tied to Elon Musk has admin privileges over the code that controls Social Security payments, tax returns, and more. 

 A 25-year-old engineer named Marko Elez, who previously worked for two Elon Musk companies, has direct access to Treasury Department systems responsible for nearly all payments made by the US government, three sources tell WIRED. 

 Two of those sources say that Elez’s privileges include the ability not just to read but to write code on two of the most sensitive systems in the US government: The Payment Automation Manager (PAM) and Secure Payment System (SPS) at the Bureau of the Fiscal Service (BFS). Housed on a top-secret mainframe, these systems control, on a granular level, government payments that in their totality amount to more than a fifth of the US economy." 


 “You could do anything with these privileges,” says one source with knowledge of the system, who adds that they cannot conceive of a reason that anyone would need them for purposes of simply hunting down fraudulent payments or analyzing disbursement flow. 

 "Technically I don't see why this couldn't happen," a federal IT worker tells WIRED in a phone call late on Monday night, referring to the possibility of a DOGE employee being granted elevated access to a government server. "If you would have asked me a week ago, I'd have told you that this kind of thing would never in a million years happen. But now, who the f**k knows."


The White House confirmed that Elon Musk has been hired as a special government employee — a technical status for a staffer who is expected to serve on a temporary basis.

"Many are describing Musk’s assault on the federal bureaucracy as a coup, which isn’t quite right. Trump was, alas, elected, and delegated outsize power to Musk voluntarily. But the reason it feels like a coup is that we have no precedent for an administration treating its own government like a hostile territory to be conquered and exploited. In his memoir of America’s war on Iraq and its aftermath, Ghaith Abdul-Ahad described being ruled by “young, naïve zealots who held unchallenged powers to reshape Iraq the way their masters wanted. 

They represented the worst combination of colonial hubris, racist arrogance and criminal incompetence.” We’re now getting a taste of that experience." --Michelle Goldberg, NYTimes

Meet Akash Bobba. The 22 year old Musk cultist who now has access 
to your social security number.


Grey One talks sass said...

I do have to wonder what is going on in the Alphabet soup crew. I mean, enemies domestic defined, or am I missing something? And for the record, I'm gobsmacked by how normal traditional media is painting this. I mean, they had nonstop kittens over emails on a private server.

Bear with me please as I walk through what I see. And we're walking...
Late seventies/early eighties there was a magazine called Omni. Didn't last long. I tried to hold onto as many copies as I could but the paper was just so heavy and well, I've been through a lot so possessions were just like an extra leg - you drop it so those who chase you stop to look at the stuff instead of you.

Anyway, one of the articles covered a series of studies about humanity, how we are living and specifically, if our way of life was sustainable. The doom and gloom boys were in full throttle about food riots and shortages of goods and land going sterile, you know, like we have now. They were being responsible by alerting those in power so they could make corrections and explore alternative food options to ensure no one starved. Doom and gloom may have been accurate but the slur was not deserved.

To be honest I feel a bit like Gandalf telling everyone panicking in the USA here/now that the warning signs have been around for decades. Those who had the knowledge and power to make things better did nothing except line their pockets at the expense of the public. It is going to get rough. Beginnings and endings are never smooth no matter how much one prepares.

Look, the USA is at a crossroads. One way is a representation of Escape from L.A.; the other is Star Trek, in all it's flavors and universes. I prefer Star Trek as a model for reality if votes are being tallied.

Heard out and about: And the trick is to keep going when traversing Hell.

Anonymous said...

Honestly Grey, I remember marching in anti war protests in "69" and "70". I am now ready to go to war to fight fascism at home.

Middle years things were good for me and the fam. So, l allowed myself to be hoodwinked by Ronnie the Movie Star prez into believing the rising tide raises all boats bullshit. What an ignorant and delusional putz I was then.

But then along came the not so bright GWB and TSA and "homeland security". I felt a stirring then that fascism was beginning to rear its dehumanizing head. And I begin to recognize the growing dangers if We the People didn't start to wake up. Become WOKE so to speak.

This diarrhea flood of stink and ill is NOT going to stop unless We the People rise up and stop it. By guerilla fighting in the streets all Across Amerika if neccessary.

As for the milque toast compliant media... well, they're basically useless frightened whittle sheeple afraid to call a monster out for exactly what it is..

Dave Miller said...

Your premise doesn't work Shaw because Biden, nor Obama, Clinton or any other Dem president would ever do this. So it's unimaginable.

Up until Trump I'd have thought the idea of unelected, unappointed, unvetted, inexperienced children moving about, without security clearances, within previously secure US systems, databases and payment centers would have been beyond the pale.

Sadly though, this crazy system is exactly what the MAGA world wanted and expected from Trump. Equally crazy though is it is not a governing philosophy they have and support.

They only want a system like this if the person at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave has an R after his or her name.

Believe it... once Trump is gone, the GOP will return to laws, norms and love of systems right away. So they can stifle any aganda different from theirs.

Anonymous said...

I seriously doubt it. The naivette is beyond the pale.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Has anyone realized that any of those unvetted 20-something and teenage techies with no security clearance and who have complete access to the Treasury payment source code are now #1 espionage recruitment targets for Russia and China?

Has anyone in the Trump administration thought of that?

Dave Miller said...

Why is anyone surprised?

On Jan 6, 2021, Trump supporters, unhappy with a free, fair and per the Trump Administration, fraud free election in 2020, stormed the US Capitol to overturn the election.

Rather than peacefully protest, or better yet, reorganize to win the next election, MAGA partisans broke into the capitol, ransacked the building causing millions of dollars of damage and brutally beat over 120 US police officers who were defending the capitol and protecting the Vice President and members of Congress and the Senate.

It didn't work and our governmental institutions held.

So they regrouped and came with a different plan. This time they just peacefully walked in, took over and have said, we dare you to challenge us.

They did so because, like in 2020, they refuse to work within the Constitutional system to achieve their goals. Because if they followed the Constitution they would quickly learn that the majority of Americans do not support their plans.

Just as they did not approve on Jan 6.

Anonymous said...

Likely yes. They want to bring down America in pursuit of their own fascist Self Interests.

Anonymous said...

Response to Dave's iabove comment that when Trump is gone all wil be well.

It won't. The system will be so corrupted and controlled by fascists slime it won't just fall in line and return to democracy giving up power.

Power corrupts... Absolute power corrupts absolutely... They have the first a b d absolutely ARE working on the second.

BB-Idaho said...

The US was constructed over the course of about 250 years. In "Making America Great Again" the world's greatest democracy is being torn to pieces by by the hour. They boast and bellow while the Statue of Liberty weeps.
Our long time allies fear and loathe us - our worst national enemies chortle with glee. Who could even imagine such an outrageous scenario?

skudrunner said...

Your right Biden just gave anti American soros a medal of freedom award for all his contributions to the democrat candidates and his hard work to help elect incompetent DA's. Fraud free election in 2020 should be limited fraud election because no election is fraud free. Now we have LA devoting funds to shield illegals while defunding the fire department. Somehow that seems like a broken policy. Oh well the hollywood elite will raise money and honor first responders while gomez cries her eyes out because of those poor criminal illegals and being deported. Why doesn't she spend a few million to help them out.

Anonymous said...

Hitler, Mussolini, Orban, et all...

Those who support the Felon prez and his fascist agend know EXACTLY what they are doing. They're following Hitler's playbook.

Mike said...

I wonder if the Democrats decided to impeach tRUMP now if they would get any republicans to support them?

Anonymous said...

All it takes for evil to thrive is for good people to do nothing.

Anonymous said...

If there are any ethical republicans left they have likely left the building.

The very few that may remain will, ultimately go along. So as not to get primaried.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Where's your link that proves George Soros is "anti-American?" Or is that just you parroting more far-right lies? There's nothing wrong with Soros giving $$$ to candidates and causes he choses. Elon "Nazi Salute" Musk gave Trump's campaign $270 Million. Where's your pearl-clutching on that strategic buying of a presidency?

Anonymous said...

The mimic skud returns. Parroting his fascist proclivities.

Anonymous said...

OT: Check out right wing facist Mark Levin's FAUX Snooze article on how the Felon prez has the opportunity to "Save Medicare" from President Biden's malfeasance.

The bullshit propaganda us just beginning.

Anonymous said...

And soon the legitimate news media will fall in line. The all powerful $$$ and market share.

Who Ahh!

BB-Idaho said...

Der Fuhrer's arc of power ended in a bunker, Mussolini hung dead by his feet
What a pitifully small price to pay for the death of millions. Even Dante can't find a pit low enough for them. Their loyal followers lied dead across Europe's terrain, fighting for incredibly stupid leaders. And so it goes....
Oh, when will we ever learn?

skudrunner said...

Dave, Do you have proof that it caused millions of dollars damage and over 120 US Police Officers were brutally beaten. Assaulted I will agree with but the 120 brutally beaten sounds like extreme eve for you.
How about the millions of dollars in damage done by the BLM fleece. Or the people killed and businesses and federal facilities burned so the leader of that group can buy a mansion . From the new yorker "Apr. 4, 2022
Black Lives Matter Secretly Bought a $6 Million House"
The few protesters that attacked the capital should be locked up for a long time. Trump kept his promise and let them walk which was the wrong move. Joe biden said he wouldn't pardon his son and his crime family but he did yet you seem to be fine with that.

Anonymous said...

OT but: Heroine addict RFK and nut job Gabbard with loose lips got key votes moving closer to confirmation.

As the media meows and bows.

Shaw Kenawe said...

So, just to recap, the FOTUS threatened Canada and Mexico with tariffs, but he never expected Canada and Mexico to retaliate in a big way, so he folded under pressure and agreed to deals with them that President Biden had already put into place last year.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Updated: 6:10 PM EDT July 25, 2023

WASHINGTON — After more than two and a half years, the true cost of the January 6 Capitol riot is coming into sharper focus.

"The attack -- carried out by supporters of former President Donald Trump who were dissatisfied with the 2020 election results -- caused about $2.7 billion in estimated costs, according to an updated report from the Government Accountability Office."

"Additionally, the report noted that 2,000 to 2,500 people entered the Capitol and the attack resulted in assaults on at least 174 police officers and the deaths of seven people.

"The event also cost lives. And I don't want the loss of life to be lost either," said McNeil."

You're wrong, again, skud. Dave said at the time of Biden pardoning his son that HE DID NOT LIKE IT. I published his comment where he stated that.

The people who were involved in the BLM protests who broke the laws and caused damage were put on trial and sentenced to prison. Biden did not pardon any of them.

Trump was lazy and did not take the time to review all of the sentences imposed on the J6 insurrectionists, so he gave them all a blanket pardon.

Criminal records of Jan. 6 rioters pardoned by Trump include rape, domestic violence, in addition to breaking and entering, threatening members of Congress, and looking to kill the VP of the U.S.

I don't want to hear anymore complaining about Biden's pardoning his son.

Anonymous said...

So now, his fascist jello mind has decided it is the US job to take over Gaza, boot out the Palestinians, clean it up and create a bustling economic zone for the white billionaires to flourish in Zionist Israel and the US.

Of course mellon head has NO personal interest inncreating greater family wealth. As he uses the presidency to do so.

Who Ahh!

Shaw Kenawe said...

His son-in-law, Jared, wants to build hotels on the prime beachfront property. During his presser and after his joint meeting with Netanyahu, Trump called is a potential Middle East Riviera.

So we know why he wants to relocate the Palestinians to other countries so that he and his family can build hotels on the Palestinians' homeland.

And nothing will happen, since he's doing this as FOTUS, and the SCOTUS has given him carte blanche to commit all the crimes his greedy, grifting heart wants, as long as he's doing those crimes in his capacity as the president.

Isn't that special?

Dave Miller said...

Remember Colin Powell's words about the Pottery Barn syndrome... "You break it, you own it."

Anonymous said...

Methinks the bone spurs punctured his brain and now reside there full time.

Dave Miller said...

Skud asked "Dave, Do you have proof that it caused millions of dollars damage and over 120 US Police Officers were brutally beaten. Assaulted I will agree with but the 120 brutally beaten sounds like extreme eve for you."

Oh Skud... tell me why i should even bother with you. you lie more than a rug, claiming something is true, like "Biden ordered the Covid lockdown", and then when called on it, go on as if it never happened.

Brutally, savagely beaten? I didn't say it, the GOP leader Senate Committee investigating J6 said it. You can find the report online and read it, unless the Trump Admin has already removed it from public eyes.

As for the cost, if you Google it, you'll see we are upwards of 2.5 million $$$. It's a pretty easy find.

As for BLM, I've stated plenty of times that I believe ALL political violence is wrong and plenty of BLM protestors are in jail under state charges for their crimes. No pardons for those freedom fighters apparently.

And as Shaw mentioned, I'm on record not liking the Biden pardons.

So tell me... why did you bother with your comments? You got nothing. I quoted the GOP, the Congressional record, cited public cost numbers, once again stated my disgust for political violence, something you and your president have never done and have stated multiple times Biden made a listake in pardoning his son.

Are you off your meds?

Grey One talks sass said...

I'm tired; have been for days. Finally some Democrats are stepping up to the challenge and I'm immensely happy Rep Jasmine Crockett is on the side of Democracy (did you see where Elon Musk accused Rep Jamie Raskin of taking kickbacks and bribes??? Seriously!!).

What sent me into a tailspin was the news that SoS Little Marco Rubio had inked a deal with El Salvador to not only take El Salvadoran deported immigrants, but anyone from a country which refuses delivery and, AND US Citizens. For a fee of course. I do wonder what happens when FOTUS does what they do - stiff the contractor, or in this case a ruthless despot who is comfortable with unaliving their own citizens.

All this is illegal of course. FOTUS could have really screwed WeThePeople to the chair had they gone through due process via Congress but impatient people are impatient. They're going to 'rule' it all anyway, amirite?

Only hope I hold near and dear is FOTUS's lack of understanding, Project 2025's disdain, and the Musk crew's attitude of "if I don't know a thing no one knows a thing" about the processes and procedures which keep our government moving gives them all enough rope to hang themselves. Preferably in a ball for the cats in the world to bap about - probably not going to happen but it's a great visual. See? I don't know about you but I'm happier already.

Anonymous said...

The only way to get rid of slime FOTUS is for enough "decent" cons in congress and the senate to join with democrats and impeach, convict, and forcibly remove the fascist SOB from office.

Before the military under the drunken sexual assaulter secretary has them in the FOTUS's back pocket.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Remind me, skud, when George Soros or his son Alexander Soros shut down government agencies, hijacked the Treasury Department, and stole our social security numbers.

skudrunner said...

Ms. Shaw, "Trump who were dissatisfied with the 2020 election results -- caused about $2.7 billion" 2.7 billion seems excessive even by the government who overpays for everything.

Shaw Kenawe said...

I got that figure from the report by the GAO, which was published in PDF form on line.

"February 28, 2023
Congressional Requesters
In the months leading up to the attack on the U.S. Capitol on January 6,
2021, there were reported efforts to organize large groups of protesters to
travel to Washington, D.C. to dispute the outcome of the 2020
presidential election. Over the course of about 7 hours, more than 2,000
protesters entered the U.S. Capitol on January 6, disrupting the peaceful
transfer of power and threatening the safety of the Vice President and
members of Congress.1 The attack resulted in assaults on at least 174
police officers, including 114 Capitol Police and 60 D.C. Metropolitan
Police Department officers. These events led to at least seven deaths and
caused about $2.7 billion in estimated costs.2 As of September 2022,
more than 870 individuals have been arrested on charges including
entering a restricted federal building, assaulting officers with a deadly
weapon, and seditious conspiracy.3

In the weeks preceding January 6, several federal, state, and local
entities were responsible for identifying and sharing information or
coordinating security measures to protect the U.S. Capitol.4 Entities such
as the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Department of Homeland
Security (DHS) Office of Intelligence and Analysis (I&A), and Capitol"

Anonymous said...

Up pops the gurgling MAGA sheeple skud for his daily regurgitation of con blather and burp.