Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston

Wednesday, February 26, 2025



It shows his fevered dream of ridding Gaza of Palestinians and building his Middle East Riviera with his disgraced name on all the high rise buildings. He's always been a greedy hustler only interested in exploiting the vulnerable and marginalized in order to make himself richer.

This is beneath an American president. Trump demeans America and all her ideals.


Anonymous said...

A felon, a narcissist, a real POS.

Despised by decent people the world over his legacy will be most accurately and truthfully depicted by a pile of dog crap.

Dave Dubya said...

It's called "ethnic cleansing", and it is what tyrants do.

skudrunner said...

The country faces a difficult decision. We have a president who has followed through with what he said he would do even if some don't like it. Now he is negotiating a peace deal with Ukraine and the US will receive some payment for what we supply. He has said he doesn't want people to live in a non-livable area with no water, no electricity and no housing. He would rather have their neighbors help them out.

Now the same person is going after government waste, corruption and non-productive employees. There was no outcry about the previous administration laying off 12000 workers or from the pipeline shutdown or firing of 8000 soldiers who wouldn't get vaccinated (

The news media is doing everything they can to trash the president. Fortunately the media is ridding themselves of some lying talking heads, maybe madcow will be next. This may be the "democrat cleansing" because they have no ideas or plans, just attacks against something that seems to be working.
Why are the democrats feeling threatened by trimming the corruption and waste? Could it be they may be found out as the crooks they are.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Of all the excuse-making, political hackery, and naivete contained in that comment, the one about Gaza is the most stomach-turning. That you assign any human caring or decency to Trump's motives for cleansing the Gaza of its inhabitants shows us that you're willfully blind to Trump and his history of screwing over anyone who gets in his way of making money. You astound me.

Calling Rachel Maddow a liar is rich when you come here and legitimize the biggest liar in America, Trump. You fail to provide any evidence for that accusation against Maddow, so, again, you've left a silly opinion, nothing else.

Just the other day the President of France had to correct Trump's statement that the European countries are getting repaid for what they've given Ukraine but not the U.S. Trump had to be corrected by one of his betters, Macron, who knows what he's talking about, unlike the lying liar and dimwitted, Trump.

Today at Trump's cabinet meeting, he repeated the lie that Macron corrected.

Perhaps you're proud of the fact that America has been debased by Trump who fancies himself as America's king, but a majority of Americans and our allies think he's a raging idiot, and America is degraded by the unfortunate fact that he exists.

This will not end well. People who have seen the likes of Trump and his doppelganger, Musk, before in history know what an unhappy ending we will witness and endure.

Anonymous said...

The absolute ignorance being shown by the MAGAts is astounding. But ignorance and delusions is what drives their alternative facts and reality.

Yup, there is waste in government, just as there is in private industry. Yup, we should identify both tasteful effort and duplicity in government and private business. And it should be done with thoughtful analysis a n d in a methodical and compassionate way. Not with a Chainsaw, email firings, and without empathy.

Chainsaw Elon and Fuhrer tRump the Felon are authoritarian fascists who are fundamentally ignoring our founding documents and methodically and fundamentally changing our democratic republic into a vehicle of facist authoritarianism.

The aligning our country with Russia, North Korea, and Belarus should be sending shock waves through every true American Patriot. But no, skud likes that realignment with dictators and brutal murderous scum I guess.

And the Fuhrer essentially threatening state run media stands against everything this country has always stood for.

In short skud, you and many other MAGAts make me sick to my stomach. For it is those supporting the fascist MAGA & Project 2025 that are truly the Enemy of the People.

Dave Dubya said...

Skud is so full of bullshit he packs multiple lies in one sentence:
"There was no outcry about the previous administration laying off 12000 workers or from the pipeline shutdown or firing of 8000 soldiers who wouldn't get vaccinated ("

What 12,000 workers?

The howled incessantly about the pipeline workers (About 1,000 temporary workers) and the stupid soldiers who refused a covid vax. (They all get multiple vaccinations upon joining. Screw 'em for refusing one more. That was entirely their CHOICE.)

Trump is a CRIMINAL and convicted FELON!! But Skud is upset the media "trashes" him.

He LIED when he distanced himself from Project 2025. He LIED about the 2020 election, but Skud BELEIVES every word from Trump. Skud probably supports the release of the cop beaters too. His messiah can do no wrong and speak no lie.

Musk's wild claims of finding over $50 billion in waste have been debunked. He hasn't even proven there WAS waste, fraud and abuse. He just mindlessly and dangerously slashed vital workers.

I suppose Skud praises Trump for his promise to weaponize the DOJ and FBI against political opponents and punish those for doing their jobs properly by investigating HIS CRIMES. Only those loyal to Trump are allowed to remain. This is Skud's idea of good governing.

Dave Dubya said...

The Trump administration has quietly deleted much of their "wall of receipts" claiming to show how much money DOGE was saving after it was revealed that their numbers were false.

skudrunner said...

Ms. Shaw, I am surprised you would support making people live in tents without water, electricity, a dwelling and sanitation. Those are what was supported for the illegal's entering this country yet should be denied to bombed out people in Gaza.

According to Politifact madcow said the following false statements
"While he was president, President Trump never encouraged Americans to get vaccinated."
Under Scott Walker, "the Wisconsin middle class is shrinking at a faster rate than any other state in the country."
"Oklahoma’s Republican Gov. Mary Fallin signed a new law which makes you pay a special fee. It will essentially fine people for the crime of using solar power."
Says Ohio budget item later signed into law by Gov. John Kasich requires women seeking an abortion to undergo a "mandatory vaginal probe."

That's just a few and of course she stated joey b was "Rachel Maddow suggested that President Biden isn't too old for the presidency, citing as evidence the fact that “he rides a bike.”

Dube, According to first coast news "The company estimated about 10,400 U.S. jobs and 2,800 Canadian jobs would be created throughout the pipeline's construction, according to the company's project overview of the project."

At least you shared your contempt for the rights of our military personal. According to you they have no rights. BTW I never said trump doesn't lie, I have said just the opposite. He is a politician and therefore doesn't know what truth is just like all of the politiscum.

Now why are you against eliminating people who don't produce, curtailing fraud and corruption and saving taxpayers money.

Mike said...

tRUMP is a POS.

Anonymous said...

And skud, regardless his denials is a full on Felon of the USA ass kissing supporter. Regardless of the fact the FotUSA is a narcissistic lying POS and an authoritarian fascist.

Bilbo said...

Just when you think the Orange Airhorn can't get any more disgusting, the bar drops another hundred yards.

Bilbo said...

Skudrunner: as a retired military officer (Lt Col, USAF) and government contractor, I have nothing against "eliminating" people who don't produce (I've done it), saving taxpayers money, and curtailing "fraud and corruption." I'd just feel a lot better about the "fraud and corruption" part if there was even a half-hearted attempt to provide some evidence for it that justifies the enormous scale of the assault on our government. Is there "fraud and corruption?" Sure. Does its scale justify the current dismantling of our government? Not in a million years.

Craig said...

Skud, No one is making Palestinians live in tents, they are choosing to stay on their land. You want to deny them self determination. Maybe Israel could learn from the Marshall Plan. How do you like Trump's Golden Idol?

Unlike Trump and RW media, Maddow makes corrections to reporting errors.

The company estimated about 10,400 U.S. jobs and 2,800 Canadian jobs

Politfact says, A 2014 State Department report, which provides the most comprehensive estimate of jobs tied to the Keystone XL pipeline project, found that it would support 3,900 direct construction jobs in the United States over one year of construction, or 1,950 per year if construction took two years. Once construction was complete and the pipeline was operational, about 50 total employees were required in the United States: 35 permanent employees and 15 temporary contractors. Your trusted source.

The XL pipeline was being built to carry Alberta tar sands, the dirtiest oil extracted anywhere, to gulf refineries and shipped abroad. It wouldn't contribute one barrel to our oil and gas supply. This is an example of Canada actually ripping us off.

why are you against eliminating people who don't produce, curtailing fraud and corruption and saving taxpayers money.

Indiscriminate firings aren't weeding out those who don't produce. They haven't made any effort to determine who is or who isn't producing. Can't do that with a chainsaw. Doge hasn't identified any fraud or corruption, just spending approved by congress for things they don't like.

Grey One talks sass said...

Left out of the Keystone pipeline discussion is the absolute fact that it crossed territory lines into First Nations land WHO DID NOT WANT IT CROSSING INTO THEIR LAND AND THROUGH NEEDED WATERWAYS. The pipeline had already sprung several leaks but I guess we are the USA, ecoterrorists to the world.

The lack of cooperation from First Nations should have been the only reason anyone heard of the Keystone pipeline. Either First Nations are autonomous or not. The USA hasn't been shy about ignoring almost all the treaties signed over the years. Guess the FOTUS is just going down a path well marked by history.

I read all of skuds comments. For all their previous bluster over the years that they support the wimmenz and independent thinking and how dare we say they are MAGA no siree even though every name they call women and Democrats is directly from the MAGA playbook. No one else (aside from the rest of the trolls) calls those people those names but hey, skud's an independent bigot who somehow manages to parrot every MAGA talking point on very MAGA topic.

So if I understand what skud is saying they don't have a problem with nations arranging the fates of other nations without the direct participation of the affected nations? Right, because that has gone so well in the past.

So skud, you don't have an issue with Israel making the lives of Palestinians absolute hell for decades? I mean, skud and the MAGA crew act as if the situation in Gaza was the total responsibility of the Palestinian people and not a complex situation made worse by the genocidal ways of the Israeli leader. Note - not all Israeli people support their current leader. In fact many have said their wouldn't have been such a dire situation with Hamas and Gaza if their leader hadn't been indicted for fraud and a host of other claims and faced a tribunal. Politicians (men specifically) and their egos may be the death of us all.

As for the clearing out of personnel from the government, was waste an issue? I don't know for certain because there hasn't been one lick of proof provided. Even Musk quietly deleted five of their most egregious claims.

Are their redundancies? Of course, this is a government not a business. The job of government is to take care of it's people. The job of a business is to make a profit and as far as I can tell there isn't a column on a business sheet that says "take care of the people". At least I haven't found one yet but your milage may vary.

I've said it before and I'm saying it again, this many people suddenly out of a job without any sort of plan of how to take care of everything downstream isn't new or ground breaking. It's criminal and been done before with disastrous results.

It is telling that the first agencies attacked all had been investigating Musk companies for multiple violations. Suddenly all those investigations are gone, weird innit. Also weird is how no one has gone after the DOD as they've yet to pass an audit but hey, Musk has contracts there, billion dollar contracts so I'm sure it's all fine, no fraud to see! Move along.

skudrunner said...

Bilbo, It would be good for everyone for the administration to be specific about who and why people are let go. They are attempting to identify the waste but are not going doing a good job of communicating what they find.

I back the buffett plan because we have a congress that doesn't work for us because it is not their money so they will spend what they want to buy votes and increase they fortune. The buffett plan "You just pass a law that says that any time there's a deficit of more than 3% of GDP, all sitting members of Congress are ineligible for re-election,"

Trump has never been into details he just comes up with something and lets someone else handle the details, musk for example. Unlike his predecessor he is to open about what he thinks. Joey b would have a press conference and only call on reporters who had the pre selected question so he could read the answer. trump is like a wildfire and takes any question from anyone. Is his approach the best depends on you own opinion. I am not one who believes they can cut 2 trillion from the budget but do believe that every billion counts and if they only stop the waste and corruption from growing that would be a big thing.

Craig, direct construction jobs are just a small part of any project. If GM closes a factory and lays off 2000 people that will result in 8000 being laid off because of the ancillary employment to support the factory.
Regardless of what the pipeline was going to carry it was still good jobs lost. I do agree that indiscriminate firings is not the way to go and the chainsaw approach is not the answer. It is a different approach than hiring 85k IRS employees to go after the middle class tax evader trump is taking a different approach. He won't succeed because our elected elite on both sides like to have all that money to waste because, it is not their money.

Dave Miller said...

Actually Anon... Skud has said multiple times he did not vote for Trump and did not want him as a candidate.

However, like may, while he may not like Trump at all, he continues to vote for ppl who favor the policies and approach.

Maybe it's a distinction without a difference.

Dave Miller said...

Yeah Craig... as it relates to Maddow and mostly left leaning and centrist media, when a mistake is made, they own it, apologize and try to make it right.

Because it was not a lie, it was a mistake. Excepting maybe the Dan Rather kerfuffle. By and large, for the Trump favoring media, just covering him is broadcasting lies, especially since there is never much pushback from his news org enablers.

Then, when there is, on the rare occasion he gets corrected or fact checked, the fact checkers or ppl who correct him, get blackballed or called nasty by him and his fans.

That does not happen nearly as much on the left.

Anonymous said...

Yup Dave. It's exactly that methinks

Dave Miller said...

And yes, Skud is correct with this point...

"Bilbo, It would be good for everyone for the administration to be specific about who and why people are let go. They are attempting to identify the waste but are not going doing a good job of communicating what they find."

The problem Skud is this would take planning, and the Trump Admin has shown a desire to act first, think and clean it up later.

Never an effective, nor efficient way to do business or run a government.

Craig said...

Skud, Do you know the difference between jobs lost by a GM plant closing and temporary jobs "lost" from a pipeline project that was never built? A project that is no benefit to us? A project that threatened the Ogallala Aquifer.

The job numbers the company originally gave were bogus. You repeated them without question. You stated, confidently, that Doge was firing non productive workers and rooting out fraud, waste and corruption without a shred of evidence.

You're stuck in a fact free bubble and it's a shame. I don't think you're stupid but you're being lied to and are having trouble admitting it without some both sides crap.

85k IRS employees to go after the middle class tax evader trump is taking a different approach

That's 85K IRS hires by 2031. They are understaffed and auditing middle class tax returns is less complicated than auditing million and billionaires. Staffing and resources had been steadily eroded by congress over the years and Biden wanted to correct that. A fraction of the 85K proposed hires are for agents. Most are for tax filing support, tech upgrades (free online filing), etc. The results so far are less wait time for help lines. Recovering taxes from higher income cheaters. $1B in 2023 from wealthy tax cheats. The truth is the complete opposite to what you stated.

Trumps' new approach is to slash spending that will hurt middle and lower class Americans, lie about revenue from tariffs and give more tax cuts to the wealthy. Real novel idea.

skudrunner said...

Craig, It's OK to fire workers who you state do not benefit us and the total affected was close to 8000 according to multiple sources which includes pipeline workers, suppliers and support personnel. The fact that the pipeline invades native land shows you have no idea where pipelines run.

The way to run the IRS is not hire 85,000 new employees but to make the code easier to understand and comply with then you wouldn't need all the help to fill out a form. The form should be a post card. Income investment income = total income x graduated percent is what you pay in taxes.
The rich hire more accountants to reduce what they pay. Eliminate the need for that by simplifying how we pay, eliminate all deductions which will punish the rich, make everyone pay their fair share or go with The Fair Tax system.

Your for going after taxpayers but no government fraud and waste.

Anonymous said...

skud loves his fact free bubble Craig, as well as the chattering noise in his head that most likely runs on a continuous loop reinforcing the fact free bubble.

skud will watch the country dissinagrete before his very eyes, the result of the narcissistic Felon's idiocy while blaming it on Presdent Biden and democrats.

Ignorance runs deep in the MAGA cult of willfully ignorant sheeple.