Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston

Thursday, February 27, 2025


Lawmakers in 9 states propose measures to undermine same-sex marriage rights

Your neighbor's marital status does no harm to you.

This is another assault by religious fanatics and authorities to interfere with Americans' private lives.

What's next? Interracial marriages? Interdenominational marriages?

VIDEO: A visibly nervous Michigan State Rep. Josh Schriver (R-Oxford) introduces a resolution to condemn the Obergefell decision that legalized gay marriage nationwide. “If we cannot conserve the bedrock of our civilization, the family, then we cannot call ourselves conservative anymore … Now is the time to reassert Christ as our king.” Sen. Jeremy Moss (D-Southfield), who is openly gay, sat in the front row then immediately took to the podium to call it “buffoonish.”


Anonymous said...

Christian Nationalists, back in the bedroom fighting for the ignorance and bigotry that Jesus of Nazareth would rail against. Rather than expressing and living the love for all humanity that Jesus preached these ignorant unenlighted purveyors of hate are doing exactly as their pinched minds have salivated over doing since the SCOTUS did the right thing.

Christian supported religious bigotry and fascism now on full display. Again.

Grey One talks sass said...

But but but the Log Cabin Republicans told anyone who would listen (not many) that Marriage Equality was the law of the land so hey, nothing to worry about with their support of MAGA.


The commentators over at JoeMyGod saw this coming last year. They are ready, not exactly thrilled but this isn't new, it's just completely exhausting. I've said it elsewhere but when religion is banned completely from the public square it will be entirely due to the actions of the Nationalist Christians and their cohort. Good job you intelligence deficient bigots. You took yourselves out.

No really, glad you are imploding by following your sincerely held beliefs to the bottom of a very deep hole you dug yourself. Next time you poke your head out of your hole perhaps include the rules governing the country in which you reside to your eschatology.

Mike said...

Another liar republican. "The American Psychological Association (APA) and other major health organizations firmly state that a child's development is not negatively impacted by their parents' sexual orientation."

Dave Miller said...

So... I've got lots of friends on both sides of the political divide and in the middle too. Here's what I hear from them. Mind you, I'm just sharing their words, thoughts, worries, etc.

That's the best I can do for a disclaimer... like the words and opinons expressed in those words are not necessarily my words.

As I have listened to folks, I keep hearing a few themes coming through as it relates to Trump's election. One of those themes from many, yes religious folks on the right, is that they voted for Trump to stand up to the "radical left wing agenda" allowing "the gays" to be open and push "their sinful views and actions" on others.

When pushed on how we live together in a pluralistic multicultural society, then they pull out the God card.

I doubt there are many on the right feeling "buyer's remorse" at least regarding this part of the GOP/Trump?MAGA agenda. It's baked in. This is not a bug of the Trump agenda, it's a feature.

And make no mistake, absent a full throated denunciation of these state legislative agendas, Trump stands in support and is the chief enabler.

Dave Miller said...

Continuing on the You were warned" theme...

Today the anti vax group RFK Jr. used to head put out a statement on the measles outbreak in Texas. In it they claimed the outbreak was, wait for it, because of the measles vaccine.

And of course, RFK has not repudiated that view.

Your Administration and HHS Secretary working for America.

Dave Dubya said...

Christian nationalist bigots, fascists, and other authoritarians don't want to mind their own business. They want to see people they hate suffer.

skudrunner said...

It is disappointing that the republican party has to preach individual rights and then feels they feel they should control same sex marriage. Most people just don't care if joe marries joe or jane marries jane but it is the lifeblood of some.

I can understand people objecting to the covid vaccine because it was not proven. I have a difficult time with someone objecting to the measles and polio vaccine which has been around for decades and have proven to be effective. I grew up where MMR, and polio vaccine were given at a very young age and if you didn't get them you didn't get into school. The madness needs to be contained.

BB-Idaho said...

I heard that the CDC was told to halt work on the annual flu shot, which updates with the latest viral mutations. Push the experts aside, replace them with clueless idiots. What a bizarre, yet apparently popular nightmare of
hopeless stupidity.

Anonymous said...

It's simple. Nobody forces vaccination on people. So, make vaccines available based on current medical science and recommendations and let people decide for themselves. The intelligent will act wisely and the ignorant will continue to believe idiots like RFK Jr.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Conservative David Frum:

Egg shortages.
Fatal measles outbreaks.
Airplane crashes.
Crypto scams.
Betrayal of allies.
Pardons and special favors for insurrectionists, crooked mayors, and online pimps.
The American people voted for change!

Dave Miller said...

So Skud has brought up the MMR vaccines I believe most of us got at a young age. And they were mandatory. As a result of these mandatory rules, diseases such as polio, small pox and largely measles, mumps and rubella were largely eradicated here in the US and in many areas of the world.

But now the anti vax crowd and the folks like Anonwho want to let ppl decide, as anon has said, are leading us into dangerous territory. If enough ppl decide not get these vaccines, and they live near each other and then mingle in general society, it endangers small children who have not yet been vaxxed, immune compromised people who can't get vaxxed and more.

This was never a problem before because the unvaxxed was such a small part of civilized society. But everyday, because of nuts like JFK and enablers like Trump and his supporters, our risk grows.

Why should we have to put up with the return of such dangerous diseases when the battle had been largely won?

Because so many ppl don't believe in science or facts anymore, choosing instead a political tribe.

Grey One talks sass said...

I was taught that when someone trashes the science of a thing look to see who profits, aka follow the money. The whole point of vaccinations is everyone gets them so those who literally can't don't suffer. There are videos describing the effects better than I can here, but either we are all in to protect the "least" of us or we go back to anarchy and might makes right which will lead to the end of everything. Or at least as history tells us.

possumlady said...

Oh, it's okay to get the polio and measles vaccines as they have been around for decades. But, they had to start somewhere. Polio vaccine in 1955 and measles in 1963. What would the country look like today if so many ignorant people refused the vaccines in 1955 or 1963 "because they are not proven".