"Only White, straight culture clubs approved by Trump regime"
"West Point's decision to disband several cultural and affinity clubs due to Trump's anti-DEI executive order is a concerning step backward for diversity and inclusion. The banned clubs include the Asian-Pacific Forum, National Society of Black Engineers, Society of Women Engineers, Spectrum (LGBTQIA+ club), and Vietnamese-American Cadet Association.
Notably, European-focused clubs like the German Language Club, West Point French Forum, and West Point Polish Club remain operational.
This selective approach raises questions about equity and the academy's commitment to fostering a diverse, inclusive environment for all cadets."
Hmm, let me think.......
Got it.
That would be an honest statement.
Something the FOTUS, christian Nationalists, and the MAGA cult of morons are incapable of.
If you want inclusion then everyone should be included not include only those who are in a specific group which could be called excluded. The way forward is to accept that everyone is different and eliminate exclusion.
Talking about yourself again skud. But, we realize you and your MAGA beliefs are too ignorant to realizle that.
skud almost gets it when they say "If you want inclusion then everyone should be included ..."
and then they miss the point which is why I didn't include the rest.
skud, and for the bigots playing at home, if those who formed the specific group hadn't been shunned in the first place the special interest groups wouldn't have been necessary.
Really skud, the way forward is accept everyone is different? Really? Because the admin for which you carry water skud legally erased the existence of Transgendered people. So where/when is this Kumbaya moment going to happen? Once everyone who isn't White, Nationalist Christian, and heterosexual is purged?
Your attempt to 'extend a hand' was found to be holding a knife. Do better skud, do better.
For the record, purges have occurred throughout history and yet according to purists nothing is 'pure' enough. It's time to admit that purges never serve the one doing the purging and that it's time to really be inclusive. DEI wasn't enacted because those covered believe they can't get the job any other way. It was a Federal policy because White bosses wouldn't hire the best qualified person covered by DEI because they are DEI. So the Feds got involved. Or are you telling me that the best educated person covered by DEI is equal to the CEO's nephew who took a semester at Stanford but flunked out?
Are those the people from the Midway Freak Show?
No- it is the Trump Cabinet. Hand picked by the GOP.
So where was the Christian White Nationalism Club?
MAGA - Sanctioned discriminatory exclusion of non white beings.
skuds MO.
Shaw Your Bullshit is getting to be very Booooring. Ans so is the Garbage from your Posters.
You keep coming here, reading my blog, then complaining about it. Do you realize how stupid that makes you look? Or are you too stupid to understand that?
In Florida with your Felon Of the United States.
Weren't you there with them -fj?
A MAGA, yes?
Probably too stupid to understand that.
You are saying the way to include everyone is to form a group that only includes some which make zero sense. As long as some people are given advantages over others we will continue to segregate by class which is what you are proposing.
skud, again you read to fit your bias, not for comprehension.
"As long as some people are given advantages over others" you wrote.
So, what advantages are you talking about skud? Be specific because, and correct me if I get this wrong, it sounds like you believe "special interest" groups have more advantages. In what reality? I repeat, what advantages are you talking about?
For the record, White Nationalist Christian males have cornered the market on jobs, housing, and benefits of society for centuries. They wrote laws to ensure no one except them had Rights, and when society decided Rights meant everyone, not just White Nationalist Christian men, suddenly those who had nothing had something which was an offense these fragile men could not let stand.
See skud, White Nationalist Christian men are so used to privilege that equality feels like oppression.
Are you feeling oppressed skud? Good. Welcome to the rest of us. Learn to share or... well, I won't do anything because I have no power. But society as a whole is moving towards inclusion rather than exclusion. Learn to share or you will find yourself in the dustbin of history.
In others words in your "Imaginationland". Thought so.
Who knew that
Burning America to the Ground
Trump would excel at
Those of us paying attention DID.
Now it is too f'ing late. The authoritarian FOTUS, Project 2025, and the white supremacist X'tian Nationalists and oligarchs are running the nation.
White nationalist and self-identified "Christian" Trump has declared war on "anti-Christian bias", and has accused Jews for voting to "destroy America".
"Just a quick reminder for liberal Jews who voted to destroy America and Israel because you believed false narratives! Let's hope you learned from your mistake and make better choices moving forward! Any Jewish person that votes for Democrats hates their religion."
Who could nazi that coming?
Christian nationalism runs through several organizations working to convert the US into a Christian theocracy, which was 100% opposed by the founders.
Here is just one such organization.
Opus Dei, the far Right political arm of the Catholic Church has its tentacle wrapped around the Supreme Court.
Leonard Leo, architect of conservative Supreme Court, takes on wider culture
In October 2022, the Opus Dei-affiliated Catholic Information Center in Washington, D.C., bestowed its highest honor, the John Paul II New Evangelization Award, on the conservative legal activist Leonard Leo.
We Don’t Talk About Leonard: The Man Behind the Right’s Supreme Court Supermajority
Opus Dei member/Knight of Malta and Federalist Society leader Leonard Leo drew up the lists of potential justices that Donald Trump released during the 2016 campaign. He advised Trump on the nominations of Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett. Before that, he’d helped pick or confirm the court’s three other conservative justices — Clarence Thomas, John Roberts and Samuel Alito.
Kevin Roberts, architect of Project 2025, has close ties to radical Catholic group Opus Dei
Heritage Foundation leader has long received spiritual guidance from group and his policy goals align with its teachings
What is Project 2025 and what is Trump’s involvement?
Kevin Roberts, the Heritage Foundation president and the architect of Project 2025, the conservative thinktank’s road map for a second Trump presidency, has close ties and receives regular spiritual guidance from an Opus Dei-led center in Washington DC, a hub of activity for the radical and secretive Catholic group.
In March, 2001, Newsweek reported that the wife of Justice Scalia, "attended Opus Dei's spiritual functions." Justice Scalia's son, Father Paul Scalia, personally mediated the conversion of Justice Clarence Thomas to Roman Catholicism following his confirmation to the Supreme Court.
Opus Dei
Gareth Gore
-FJ will need to ignore all of this, of course. Christian nationalism is just fine until they decide to act against Jews. IF -FJ is actually a Jew...
Then there's the Christian nationalist cult NAR that has practically moved into the White House and Supreme Court. (Their "appeal to heaven" pine tree flag was flown by the Alitos.)
The New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) is a Christian supremacist theological belief and controversial movement associated with the far-right that combines elements of Pentecostalism, evangelicalism, and the Seven Mountain Mandate to advocate for spiritual warfare to bring about Christian dominion over all aspects of society, and end or weaken the separation of church and state. NAR leaders often call themselves apostles and prophets. The movement was founded by and is heavily associated with C. Peter Wagner. (Wiki)
I was asked to identify which NAR or NAR-affiliated people I see in this pic of religious leaders from the White House today.
There is only one way all this Progressive Nazi insanity ends....and when it does it won't be in a way that you all like.it.
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