Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston

Monday, February 3, 2025



Trump promised to lower the price of eggs as soon as he was elected. Didn't happen. (Did you forget he's a lying liar of a con man?)

But here's what he's done: Increased the price of the following by putting 25% tariffs on our neighbors to the north and south -- OUR ALLIES.

Here's a bit of advice: NEVER TRUST A LYING LIAR CON MAN. 

(We knew this. You MAGAs still believe him, and he knows that you're his marks. He'll tell you any lie, and you'll slavishly believe his bullpuckey.) 

Now we'll all suffer because you MAGAs lost your critical thinking skills -- or never had them.

Trump's tariffs and the price increases:


Anonymous said...

Now, like the good raging MAGA sheeple that you are cultists, hurrry and bend over even further and kiss your Fuhrer's ring and behind. Thank him for increasing your cost of living. Making your lives more uncertain, more unstable. More costly. All while f___king our allies and closest trading partners.

Your Furher is on a roll. A roll to destroy this nation in one four years term. And being the ignorant loyal cultists that you are you'll simply blow him kisses and ask for more.

The absolute ignorance and stupidity of your Fuhrer's agenda is biting you in the ass and your so stupid you'll ask for more.

Delusional fools acting as delusional fools do.

Anonymous said...

The seething hatred and ignorance of the fascist MAGA Felon prez for everthing ethical, good, and decent is bringing this nation to the level of every other tyrannical filthy political and governmental shothole on the planet.

Good Job Cultists. Now, FO.

Anonymous said...

Trump's Amerika: Simply living on a plot of land controlled by a deranged raving lunatic.

Anonymous said...

Our Felon Fuhrer has authorized the closing of the USAID. Taking us one leap further into isolation and further setting the stage for total and complete political and economic realignment away from the DSA (divided states of Amerika).

Good job MAGA sheeple.

Dave Miller said...

I'm not even sure the MAGA Chattering classes know tariffs have been levied. This crowd, if they even consume television, print or online news, only get it from FOX and the RT, NewsMax, OANN, Epoch Times, Gateway Pundit types.

And those outlets are mostly in the tank 100%.

They're not just unaware of the tariff mess, they have no idea how USAID works, how Treasury checks are cut, and more. They have no respect for Congress, have never watched School House Rock to know how a bill becomes law and care not for three equal branches of government.

This crew has decided Nixon's words that if the president does it, it's legal are correct, honorable and will lead America back from somewhere.

The MAGA folks want to lead us back from somewhere where the US economy is the envy of the world. A place where inflation is low [finally], unemployment is low, gas prices are low, we're exporting energy, drilling for more oil than any country on the planet ever, wages are up, and the stock market, IRA's etc. are at record highs.

Because that's what we had on Jan 20, 2025.

Bookmark it.

Joe Conservative said...

Eggs aren't on your tariff list... where do THEY come from?

Joe Conservative said...

My bad. Eggs ARE on the list. Did all of America's chickens get put down over bird flu scares?

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Okay, America exported $77m worth of eggs to Canada and imported $8m from Canada. Something tells me that we don't need Canadian eggs...

Dave Miller said...

Speaking of tariffs...

Incoming Trump Treasury Secretary Scott Bessent, speaking to investors in his investment firm said "tariffs are immediately inflationary" and "it would not be a way to kick off an industrial revolution" in this country.

Former GOP Senate Leader Mitch McConnell on 60 Minutes said "It [tariffs] will drive the cost of everything up. In other words, it will be paid for by American consumers. I mean, why would you want to get into a fight with your allies over this?”

Director of Fresh Produce Assoc of America Allison Moore said this... "“As providers of essential commodities like fresh fruits and vegetables, our members [American Farmers] are concerned about how tariffs would impact their ability to serve customers, and in turn what this would mean for food prices and the health of America.”

You're right Shaw... we did warn them. But here we are.

Thanks President Musk.

Dave Miller said...

Joe and -FJ... I think it is incumbent on youse guys to explain how Trump's tariffs are going to lower prices for the American consumer and allow Trump to keep his promises to lower prices "almost immediately" upon taking office.

I mean, instead of the usual snark and video links.

Mike said...

I think it would be worth it to buy some eggs to throw at Joe's and FJ's houses.

BB-Idaho said...

Is America Great Again yet? Please advise

BB-Idaho said...

U graduates, Trump University (f)Art of the Deal) etc.

Shaw Kenawe said...

America is a Great Embarrassment.

Anonymous said...

Ya think?

skudrunner said...

It took four years to reach the cost level we have achieved and dems didn't blame biden but blamed everything but him. I don't expect prices to come down because they seldom do, except gas. Once a price goes up like they have for four years all we can reasonably expect is for the increases to slow.

Lets put the blame on eggs where it belongs, the damn chicken. Lets put the four year rise in costs where it belongs, bidens decision to shut the country down based on bad advise from falsi. That is the great American Embarrassment.

Anonymous said...

Bla, bla, bla, and the ignorance and hate of truth continues.

Amerika is infested with great ignorance, stupidity, indecency, apathy, and intellectual blindness.

Thanks facist Felon vice president and fascist oligarch president multi billionaire rancid Musk.

Anonymous said...

Gotta laugh at the glaring ignorance of the dude who bitches about special interests and willingly supports the very special interests that will ultimately bury him in special interests in support of corporations and billionaires.

Supporting the interests of those stripping him of his.

Ya can't make this stuff up.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Jim Sciutto:

Explain the logic of roiling markets, antagonizing allies and turning the Canadian and Mexican public against the U.S. in exchange for border security commitments that were already on the table?"

Shaw Kenawe said...

Well played, President Claudia Sheinbaum, for committing troops already at the border since 2021, knowing perfectly well President Man Baby would have no idea and take it as a win.

Anonymous said...

Ya really, really, really can't make this stupid shit up. It takes the Bone Spur Narcissist Felon prez to put it in place.

As the morons of MAGA eat it up sucking the teat of their benighted savior.

Craig said...

Skud, show us where Biden gave a shutdown order. I'm not saying he didn't but I can't find one. In fact, he was criticized for his vaccine only strategy and not ordering a shutdown. Please enlighten me.

Dave Miller said...

Skud... when was that shutdown/lockdown order issued by President Biden?

skudrunner said...

January 22, 2021|Jeff Davis
Yesterday, President Biden signed a new executive order directing federal agencies to “require masks to be worn in compliance with CDC guidelines” in various modes of transportation.
Jul 6, 2021 — When schools closed their doors in March 2020 in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
I know kids don't matter because it is all about the teachers unions but if you believe in education it does matter.

What did the Mexican troops do who were stationed at the border serve lunch because they were not a deterrent to sex trafficking and drugs. This does disrupt the flow of potential democrat voters but some believe the government should protect its citizens.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for continuing support of ignorance, delusion, blindness and deafness, and their supporting cast of King Felon's fascists.

You are, skud, one deluded putz.

Dave Miller said...

Skud... that's it? An article from Jan 22, 2021 that says Biden ordered masks to be worn? That's your lockdown? Even your second reference says schools closed their doors, or as some would say, locked down, in March of 2020.

You said, again I quote... "bidens decision to shut the country down based on bad advise from falsi."

I asked, along with Craig for you to show us where Biden issued the shut down order you referenced.

You responded with a mask order and and a statement that schools locked down in 2020 when Trump was president.

Look Skud, everyone here has been fairly tolerant of you and your snarky posts, most of which are devoid of facts and heavy on your opinion.

But this takes the take. Either you have some real critical reasoning skills, are being willfully ignorant, or know exactly what you are doing and are choosing to lie or post stuff that is untrue.

You made a mistake in your post above. You went too far. I get it. We all do. So when you find that out, do what us crazy libs do, instead of Trump. Admit the error and move on.

Don't post more BS as "evidence". You're better than that. Heck, you've already stated, many times that Trump is a bad guy, narcissistic and problematic, so it's clear you can learn.

C'mon man, do better. We don't expect agreement. Just honesty.

Anonymous said...

There is no cure for wilfull ignorance or its suport system, wilfull stupidity.

skudrunner said...

Dave, Just ignore the last four years and focus on the rising price of Corona beer and avocados like chuckie did. What an embarrassment his speech was. Oh and as far a trump being a bad guy, narcissistic and problematic I still stand by that. I also stand by the fact he was the better of the two.

Dave Miller said...

No Skud... do you not value the truth? You were wrong when you attributed the pandemic shutdown to Biden. Many of us here knew it and a couple of us called on you to prove your statement.

Which you could not because it was not true.

Why should we take anything you say or write seriously? You were wrong, we've proved that and like Trump the narcissist, you are functionally unable or unwilling to acknowledge truth.

Why are you willing to cling to a lie rather than admit you were wrong?

That's the same narcissistic quality you abhor in Trump. And yet, there you go...

Craig said...

Skud, Just ignore that you come here and level phony accusations at Biden and can't admit it. Trump is better than Biden is a "fact"? By what metric? You're welcome to your own opinion but your track record on facts is pitiful.

Anonymous said...

A narcissist rarely or never admits to being wrong.

Which begs the question... is skud a narcissist?

Who knows? Who cares?

False reified beliefs are limiting, and, can be dangerous.