Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston

Thursday, February 20, 2025


"What do our founding documents say we're supposed to do with someone who declares themselves king of the United States?"


On Feb. 19, 2025, Trump reposted this on his social media. Patriots kicked out a king once before. We can do it again. There are no kings in America .

PS. Can you imagine if former Presidents Barack Obama or Joe Biden EVER posted ANYTHING like this?

The present Trumpublican Party has not condemned this insult to America by its Mad King Donald because they are disgusting cowards, traitors to our founding documents, and just plain sniviling, spineless idiots.


Anonymous said...

In reality what we know for certain is that they are authoritarian minded sheeple that thirst for someone to tell them exactly what to think and what to do. They react to circumstance either out of ignorance, delusion, or fear. Without ever looking beyond that which confirms their biases.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Jürgen Nauditt 🇩🇪🇺🇦
USA, once the land of democracy and freedom - today the home of dictators and blackmailers.

US Treasury Gives Ukraine One Hour to Sign Rare Earth Deal - NBC.

Bessant handed Zelensky a document that would give the US ownership of half of Ukraine's rare earth minerals.

When Zelensky said he needed time to review the proposal, Bessant said he had one hour to sign or his upcoming meetings with Vance and Secretary of State Marco Rubio would be canceled, according to five US officials and another person familiar with the talks.

Anonymous said...

Zelensky hopefully tells the Fuhrer King's representative to tell his boss to shove it were the sun don't shine.

The mad "man" who thinks he's King needs to go. one way or another. For our safety and the rest of the free world. Before it is too f'ing late.

BB-Idaho said...

Like many, I sort of follow the growth of civilization and humanity from the first cave and fire through growing technology and discovery. Now a world instantly connected through chips and waves. And we end up like this? OMG!! It's a joke right? Gotta be. All the Gods of history roar in laughter.

Mike said...

I totally agree with your last paragraph.

Dave Miller said...

You're expecting intelligent from the "tariffs can fund the government" crowd?

I'm not sure what to think. After being mostly offline for a couple of weeks seeing an "I am the King" [my interpretation] statement, to more on Canada becoming state 51 to we're building a tourist resort on Gaza [the Pearl of the Middle East?] to the US and Russia "negotiating" a deal on stopping the aggressive "dictatorship" Ukraine?

Then today, for US Department of Justice destroyed years of records and history of police malfeasance, brutality and unlawful use of force reports that had been tracked to identify problems in US policing.

What could go wrong?

Those that revel in the chaos are idiots, pure and simple.

Dave Miller said...

I get people can be frustrated with how government works, doesn't work, or spends our money. Everyone has a right to expect efficiency, cost effectiveness and transparency from our elected leaders. But pure and simple, good government costs money.

The current admin has their minions out front and center in the media saying "Tariffs" can fund our government. Current cost of government is running at 6.5 trillion bucks.

Name me one independent reputable economist who thinks we can raise those $$$ on tariffs, and not see prices skyrocket?

The current admin is also moving to lay off or otherwise terminate thousands of IRS employees. How is that efficient? Data shows that when the IRS is funded, the US takes in substantially more tax money than the cost of those new agents. In other words, more agents is a good investment and more than pays for itself.

Isn't this efficient?

Of course it is.

Except efficiency is not the point of what DOGE and the Trump Admin want.

They, and their supporters, despite the claims of some, have no desire to make government more efficient. They want to burn it all down and eliminate it, so Americans can be free of government intrusion and meddling in our lives.

Throw off the "yoke of oppression" if you will.

And the only way to do that is to make government as inefficient as possible, and then claim they final solution is to start over.

Again... what could go wrong?

Just ask the red state Trump supporters and elected leaders now starting to see the reality of his presidency and budget decisions on their lives and communities.

Anonymous said...

Fascists, White Supremacists, Christian Nationalists, and tRump's uneducated base make up the the heart of the idiots doing the reveling over the chaotic destruction of our democratic republic.

It makes sane, thoughtful, and compassionate people absolutely sick to their stomachs.

America is RAPIDLY morphing into Amerika, thanks to the ignorance and apathy enveloping the country.

BB-Idaho said...

We ponder famous Royal statements - like "Apres moi le deluge" from Louis XV and Madame Pompadour. Update that to the current King and his current Slovak wife may whisper "Po nme prichasda potopa". Just a guess, my English isn't that great either!

skudrunner said...

What is happening is to be expected when you elect a narcissistic bully who thinks they are the smartest person in the room. You can blame the republicans who voted for him but they were looking for a change from the lunacy of the biden administration. The DNC pulled the plug on his running when it was confirmed to everyone that he was incapable of being the stooge for the democrats.
The problem was they again picked one of the worst picks possible candidates just so they could elect the first women. Now we have four more years of the best of the two bad choices to vote for.
He is doing what he said he would do and people are surprised.

Dave Dubya said...

Well, we finally have the answer to the famous question in the song "Where have all the flowers gone".
"When will they ever learn?"
The answer is never.

Anonymous said...

Through their delusional ignorance they opened the doors to the authoritarian fascist leadership the Christian Nationalists, White Supremacists, Oligarchs, andbBillion Dollar Corporations have wanted since at least the mid 1940's.

That primarily is the republican party.

Your BS skud is just that, BS.

Anonymous said...

And YES, America is RAPIDLY morphing into Amerika, thanks to the ignorance and apathy enveloping the country by those Trans Queens that Joey ByDumb put into his administration, and helped to destroy us with their Ineptness like Kamala and Timmmy . .

Dave Dubya said...

"Now we have four more years of the best of the two bad choices."

I've been telling you all along Skud is a Trump voter.
Just sayin' it for the last time.

Craig said...

he was incapable of being the stooge for the democrats

He and his Democratic puppet masters bumbled us to an economy that was the envy of the world.

Now, we've got a president who's a stooge for Putin and a GOP congress who's bending over for the Stooge. Enjoy the conflagration.

As for your irrational hatred for Vice President Harris, it says more about you than her.

Dave Miller said...

Skud correctly states... "What is happening is to be expected when you elect a narcissistic bully who thinks they are the smartest person in the room."

Sadly, he follows it up with a typical "The problem is..." and then focuses not on the narcissistic bully Trump, or conservatives who would approvingly vote for someone like that, but rather his perceived weakness of the DNC candidate.

Skud, I'll play your game today because I'm feeling charitable...

Let's say the Dems had that primary you've often criticized them for not having.

The leading candidates would most likely have included...

Sen Booker, Sen Warnock, Gov Whitmer, Gov Pritzer, Sen Warren, Gov Shapiro, Gov Newsom, VP Harris, Mayor Pete and maybe Sen Murphy.

Since I know you didn't vote for Harris, who IMHO even with flaws, would have been 10 times than the "narcissistic bully" because she would have had good people around her, who on that list would you have supported?

I'll answer for you... NONE.

And while there are certainly ppl on that list who would have been better at campaigning, there simply is not that much policy difference between any of them, including Harris.

So it wasn't the Dems fault or problem at all.

The mess we are in now is solely the making of the RNC, their leaders, their voters as exemplified by -FJ, Conservative Joe, the sailors on the HMS Mothership and of course Donald Trump.

The sooner the somewhat decent conservative folks like yourself accept and own that reality, the better off our republic, or what's left of it, will be.

Anonymous said...

Row row your boat gently down the stream.

Merrily merrily merrily merrily life is but a dream.

Thanks to impermanence everything is possible.

Which of course means when the Felon Kng and his court of oligarchs and MAGA goons are finally exposed for what they are rebuilding from their destruction is possible.

However, it's likely to be a very long haul with much suffering before the opportunity presents itself.

Suffering is a great teacher. Perhaps following great suffering the deluded will realize what was lost so once rebuilding begins they will not be so duped again.

skudrunner said...

Well Rev unlike some I am an independent and support the best candidate. I was not nor am I a trump supporter. That being said there was no way I could vote for kamala because she is not qualified to run a sanitation department, IMO.
I would have supported Shapiro or Whitmer but most of the rest would not be a good selection. Newsom has shown he can ruin anything but he is a prince and entitled so he doesn't need competence.
IMO Trump was the best of the worst candidates but that is who the parties selected not who I voted for. Being an independent I cannot vote in the primaries.
Granted trumps actions are extreme but it has been decades of increasing a bloated bureaucracy that needs to be contained and that may take extreme measures. Harris was all about tax and spend government only she all in for tax the rich at least until she was elected then it would be debt as usual.

Anonymous said...

It is unlikely Dave that the "conservatives" who supported the Felon of the USA and his MAGA con in 2016, 2020, and 2024 will ever, in this lifetime, break from the reified and concrertized beliefs they've held their entire adult life. Unless they personally experience the pain and suffering their Fuhrer/King wishes to exact on his opposition.

Anonymous said...

skuds fallacious belief that both sides do it is but a cop out used to reinforce his reified beliefs that dems, or liberal/progressive are always the worse. This insures he always votes the conservative ideology. Regardless who or what the reality is.

Grey One talks sass said...

skud starts with an "I am not" statement and then proceeds to prove they are everything they deny.

Wait, what?? "Granted Trumps actions are extreme..."????

Tens of thousands of employees suddenly out of a job - where are they supposed to find a job equal to what they were doing for the Feds?

Over 60% of citizens live paycheck to paycheck, meaning they will soon be homeless - where are they supposed to live?

Added bonus to this storm of poop is if you don't have a fixed address you can't receive benefits like unemployment, SSI... so how are these displaced citizens to survive?

Not my job to provide answers to an issue created whole cloth from the minds of Project 2025. A topic by the way they didn't address either, then or now. Guess my only take is there is a better way but it doesn't involve hatred so yeah, how could anyone take that path???

If skud had taken the time to read VP Harris's policies or to listen to what she said in interviews and town halls they'd know the plan was to enact a tax on the billionaires (a burden they can afford while remaining a billionaire), to request legislation from Congress to penalize corporate profiteering, to fund and utilize existing programs for first time home buyers, and to regulate the housing industry to ensure hedge funds aren't allowed to collect mass amounts of inventory in order to control (inflate prices) the housing market.

I know all this because I listened to VP Harris when she spoke. Yeah, her voice grated and some days honestly I had to find and read the transcript but her ideas were sound and backed by the same economists who helped our economy achieve it's soft landing.

Today we face a thing called stagflation (HT Belle of the Ranch) which simply put is when high unemployment crashes into high inflation. Since Biden left the FOTUS low unemployment and low inflation numbers the spikes in both are the direct result of actions taken by the FOTUS admin.

It's bad. It's very bad because once stagflation takes hold it is almost impossible to escape. Tighten up your circles. Stock up on rice and beans because every wise voice I listen to is giving Americans an heads up.

First thing FOTUS erased transgendered people, second their DOJ published lists words the government cannot use including disabled, women, elderly, climate change, gender... See, once one is erased it is a simple task to escalate to killing. Or so history has taught me.

And for the record, those ICE raids aren't focused on "criminals" meaning those who violated criminal law (immigration violations are civil not criminal). As far as I can tell the only requirement to be deported is you speak Spanish/Mexican and your skin is brown.

So, not as advertised but then did anyone expect differently? Well, maybe some in the MAGA cult who are now in the throes of Finding Out, poor souls.

skudrunner said...

Grey, Your post is very comprehensive and shows a belief the supreme government not in the constitution and certainly not in capitalism.

Where are people suppose to find jobs if they are fired, look for them because the government and taxpayers don't owe you a living, at least not our form of government.
I didn't see a lot of outrage for the eight thousand military fired for not getting the covid vaccine. Where are they suppose to get jobs.

I have not idea what project 2025 is so I cannot comment

I took the time to read and listen to kamala. Her opinions changed with the wind so I have no idea what he plans were except to continue massive give-a-ways and get her billionaire donors to pay for it until she was elected and then back to status quo because she will need them for her next run. Her speeches were impossible to follow and if you understood what she meant than you are exceptional or just applaud because everyone else is.

If you entered the country illegally you are a criminal so I will disagree with you statement on ICE raids.

Maybe trump wants to crash the economy so he can rebuild it and look like a hero. It worked for biden where you increase inflation to double digits so when it comes down you can take credit for it's decline.

Anonymous said...

Gargle, rinse, repeat as needed.

It takes a lot of gargling, rinsing, and repeating when one's view is as skewed by such BS as skud proffers up daily.

Grey One talks sass said...

Again skud tries to tell me what I do or do not believe. Stop it skud. I do not consent. To correct the record I believe in and swore my own oath to the Constitution. In reading the documents from the founding fathers I compiled my view on government using the metaphor of a tomato cage keeping the unruly tomato plant upright, preventing rot by keeping it off the ground which allows the plant to produce more fruit.

Again for the reaches, in and of itself government is a tool and as the founders said, Democracy is a horrible way to govern except for all the others which are worse. Unregulated Capitalism gave WeThePeople the Depression, Robber Barons evicting widows from their farms. The melodramas of yore are today Tizzyent videos. Fairly certain I've said all this before though so back to the topic.

Not knowing about the Presidential Transition Plan aka Project 2025 is interesting skud. Either you are lying, a distinct possibility given the givens, or the media bubble in which you surround yourself is so opaque that you only see what your masters wish you to see.

As for the rest of skud's reply, Anon at 11:20 AM has the correct idea, rinse and repeat. It's all the sincerely held beliefs of one skudrunner in the propaganda presented to them as facts, again by their masters.

Last point - it is harder than one can imagine rebuilding an economy after it's been deliberately tanked. Weird idea - it would be cosmic irony that to save the nation the FOTUS has to implement Universal Basic Income for all citizens raising the admin to FDR levels of notoriety. I mean, UBI is the future, I can see it. Just weird that for the rest of my life I'll have to be grateful to the FOTUS because he's the one to make it happen. But that's an issue for another day.